Stepan Stulginsky
Traveller, the friend!
You begin to discover the paths to Cosmos, to the Infinity.
You are going to come into spaciousness of Cosmic distances.
Maybe you will try to master cosmic heights.
All of that is destined for you and you will be faced with that.
Let's recall the precepts of the ancient ones:
having prepared for a long journey let's sit in silence.
Before stepping into the great future let's recall our past and comprehend the present.
Let's think together about those things which were spoken about by the wisdom of
nations on the language of the legends.
May be this knowledge will be useful on the Path.
Created by the Wisdom of the Great Souls through Innumerable Epochs.
The knowledge about Cosmos is slowly accumulated by humanity. Through many centuries man discovers the laws of nature, the cosmic laws.
Even when a man did not yet know anything about these laws, they had been existing. And now there are laws which are not discovered yet. The things that we already know are our knowledge.
The things that we do not know yet are the mystery for us. But what is still a mystery for us is the knowledge for somebody else. There are Beings who know more than us. And to know something means to think about it.
Thus the thoughts are created and they independently live in the space. The space is filled with the images of Truth. People call them the ideas. The invaluable treasures of the spirit soar high in the space.
Only few people will understand the miraculous significance of a living spatial thought. But each Spatial thought can be man's possession. The sparks of knowledge can reveal all the mysteries of existence. Those, who can strain one's psychic energy in the rhythm of the spatial energies, will accept treasures into consciousness. Thus the spatial thought becomes the Voice of Silence for such people. A scientist calls it the intuition, a poet calls it the inspiration, an anchorite calls it the illumination.
Concealed manifestations of Cosmos shine to the eye of the searching one. The one, who managed to tune oneself to the cosmic note, could listen to the Voice of Silence. Amid the monotony of conventionalities only a few sense the reality of Cosmos. Only in the Nature one can contemplate the Infinity where everything is possible.
That is why throughout the history of humanity, anchorites, the Saint ones, devotees went away to the mountains, deserts woods…
Amid the glimmer of stars they have been listening to the mysteries of the cosmic thought.
For many centuries keen people listened to the Voice of Silence. Thus they got to know many cosmic mysteries.
Some of them wrote down those mysteries in the sacred books, others passed them orally as a Revelation. The things heard from them were passed to people on the world language of symbols. Thus the legends were created.
Seven Great Mysteries of Cosmos
The First Mystery Days and Nights of Brahma
If you like to look at the starry sky,
If it attracts you with its harmony
And amazes you with its immensity.
It means that the living heart is beating in your chest.
It means that it will be able to respond.
To the sacred words about the life of Cosmos
Listen to what the legend says about the.
Infinity, Eternity and Rythmicity of
The Great Being of the Universe.
Since times immemorial people have looked at the starry sky reverentially, admiring the glimmer of innumerable worlds. Man was amazed by the grandeur of Cosmos since the very beginning of his presence on the Earth. Especially in solitude of the immense desert or amid the conglomeration of gigantic mountains man unintentionally plunges into the thoughts of immensibility of the Universe, infinity of the Cosmic space.
Human mind has been astonished by that Infinity. But also it could not imagine Cosmos being limited. Assuming the existence of the limit of space somewhere, another question arises immediately: what is beyond that limit? If it is not the space then what is it? Every time the human mind has to admit that Cosmos cannot have any limits. Cosmic space infinitely stretches on all sides.
Man's limited mind is not able to comprehend the infinity fully. Thus the cosmic Infinity stays as inconceivable, a fearful concept which makes the mind of a man dumb.
The thought of Infinity of Cosmos in space involuntarily evokes the thought of its Eternity in time. Thus the most ancient of the ancient questions arose: was there a beginning of the Universe sometime ago? Will there ever be an end of it some day? Or does all of that exist from Eternity? And will it stay the same forever?
The man agonizingly wanted to know something about that. He wanted to discover the mystery of the origin of the worlds, the mystery of cosmic eternity.
And people went away to the deserts and mountains. They became the anchorites, so nobody could prevent them from concentration over the questions of Being. And they were thinking and thinking. Cosmic mysteries started to reveal themselves before them. Strained, concentrated, constant thinking of those, who renounced the enjoyments of ordinary life for the sake of cognition of Cosmic mysteries, attracted the spatial thought They started to hear the Voice of Silence: "... there was the time when Nought was."
The hymns of Rig-Veda, one of the most ancient literary monuments, narrates about that time:
Nor Ought nor Nought existed; yon bright sky
Was not, nor heaven's broad roof outstretched above.
What covered all? What sheltered? What concealed?
Was it the water's fathomless abyss?
There was not death—yet there was nought immortal,
There was no confine betwixt day and night;
The only One breathed breathless by itself,
Other than It there nothing since has been.
Darkness there was, and all at first was veiled.
In gloom profound — an ocean without light
A fragment from a more ancient source tells us about the same thing:
Nought was. Darkness alone filled the boundless all. Time was not, for it lay asleep in the infinite bosom of duration. Universal mind was not, for there were no beings to contain it. There was neither silence nor sound; for there were not ears to sense it. Nought was save ceaseless eternal breath, which knows itself not. Alone the one form of existence stretched boundless, infinite, causeless, in dreamless sleep; and life pulsated unconscious in universal space.
These two fragments of the most ancient imprinted thought speak about the same time when Cosmos did not exist yet, when "Nor Ought nor Nought existed". It means that time ago there was the beginning of the Universe. And if there was the beginning then the end must be too. Everything that is born must die. And if there was the time when there was no Cosmos, then the time will come when Cosmos will not be again.
Legends assert that Cosmos is born into being, exists for a definite limited period and then again dissolves into Non-existence.
In narration's of ancient India the period of existence of Cosmos is called the Age of Brahma or the Great Manvantara. This is a period which in our years requires fifteen figures to express it. And though Cosmos exists for a period of so unimaginably long time that it seems never-ending, nevertheless this time is limited. Our Universe is not eternal.
“'The Great Eternity of Non-existence”, “Maha (Great) Pralaya”, that is the world dissolution, lasts for the same period of time. Then Universe springs into new Cosmic life, new age of Brahma. Thus continues the interchange of great periods of Life and Death of Cosmos, with no beginning and end. The Universe is eternal in the alternating cycles of Being and Non-existence! It is periodical in unceasing manifestation and disappearance of the Worlds—it is eternal in a whole. The number of Manvantaras is infinite—there has never been a first Manvantara nor will there ever be a last Manvantara.
The Great Cosmos manifests to life and dissolves into non-existence quite in the same way as a human being, the microcosm, who is born and dies. The analogy is complete here and it applies further. As man experiences "small death'' falling asleep in the evening and awakening in the morning, there are also "the Nights'' of the Universe when all the living beings die. But the world does not disappear, it stays dormant. And in the "morning" everything returns to life again. This recurrence of periods of sleep and awakening in Cosmos can be compared with the change of winter and summer in nature.
In terminology of the ancient Hindu philosophy the period of Cosmic activity of the Universe, when Cosmos is "awake", when all the existing is living, is called the Day of Brahma or Small Manvantara. And the time when Cosmos is "asleep", when everything in the Universe is "resting" is called "the Night of Brahma" or Small Pralaya. It is said that the duration of the Day of Brahma is more than four milliards of years. The Night of Brahma lasts for the same period of time. 360 Days of Brahma and 360 Nights of Brahma constitute one year of Brahma. And hundred years of Brahma make the Age of Brahma already known to us. Such is the calculation of the cosmic calendar!
The alteration of activity and passivity in Cosmos is reflected in periodicity of all manifestations of Nature. One can discriminate Manvantaras and Pralayas in everything. From the smallest phenomena up to the change of the worlds one can see this majestic law. It operates in the beating of a heart, in the rhythm of breathing. Sleep and awakening, change of day and night as well as the phases of the Moon and season change are subject to that law as well.
Birth, life and death of all the living eternally repeats. Nature as well as the whole Cosmos manifests itself in the eternal change, eternal rhythm, Man and the Universe as a whole—everything in Cosmos has its periods of activity and rest, or life and death.
Amid the milky way of the stars birth and death of the worlds eternally follow each other in regular succession of the solemn procession of the Cosmic Law.
Thus narrates the legend of the First Mystery of Cosmos—the great cosmic rhythm of Being and Non-existence.
Beyond the Cosmos
You've cognized the mystery of the great Cosmic rhythm.
Now you know about the eternal change of the Universal Cycles.
You want to know more about that.
Precisely what fixes the duration of those periods?
What gives the impulse to the recurring births of Cosmos out?
Of Non-existence? Listen to what the legend will tell you about that.
In the ancient Hindu book "Vishnu-Purana" there is such a fragment:
"...there was neither day nor night, neither heaven nor earth, neither darkness nor light. There was nought except for One, unapprehensible by the mental faculties, or That, who is Parabrahman."
Let's also recall the fragments from the first legend that say about "The only One breathed breathless by itself and about "Ceaseless eternal breath, which knows itself not."
These fragments say that during Mahapralaya when all the existing dissolves into Non-existence, nevertheless something indissoluble continues to exist. This is the Great Cosmic Principle, Causeless Cause of Being. After Mahapralaya it will evoke new manifestation of the Universe. It reminds the process when the fire dies out or dissolves into Non-existence though there stays the "principle of fire". This principle makes possible the repeating manifestation of fire, provoking it out into being. This great Divine Principle or the Law is called "Parabrahman" in the legends: That which lies beyond Brahman or Cosmos.
This One and Infinite Principle exists from all eternity, and in regular and harmonious successions, is either passive or active. Upon inaugurating an active period an expansion of this Divine Principle occurs. And the visible universe is the ultimate result of the long chain of cosmical forces thus progressively set in motion. In like manner; when the passive condition is resumed, a contraction of the Divine Principle takes place, and the previous work of creation is gradually and progressively undone.
Another ancient book thus say s about the same thing: "An outbreathing of the 'unknown essence' produces the world, and an inhalation causes it to disappear. This process has been going on from all eternity, and our present universe is but one of an infinite series, which had no beginning and will have no end."
That majestic Cause of all the existing was taken as a principle of the Universe by the legends of antiquity. All ancient peoples worshipped that One Divine Principle under different names corresponding to each nation and country. This is how one of the hymns to the Absolute — Parabrahman — glorifies this great concept:
Thou art one, the beginning of all numbers, and the foundation of all edifices;
Thou art One and in the secret of Thy unity the wisest of men are lost, because they know it not.
Thou art one and Thy Unity is never diminished, never extended, and cannot be changed.
Thou art one but not as an element of numeration; for Thy Unity admits not of multiplication, change or form.
Thou art existent; but the understanding and vision of mortals cannot attain to Thy existence, nor determine for Thee the.
Where, the How and the Why.
Thou art existent, but in Thyself alone, there being none other that can exist with Thee.
Thou art existent, before all time and without place.
Thou art existent, and Thy existence is so profound and secret that none can penetrate and discover Thy secrecy.
Thou art living, but within no time that can be fixed or known;
Thou art living, but not by a spirit or a soul, for Thou art thyself, the Soul of all Souls!
In all legends and hymns it is pointed that an Omnipresent, Eternal, Boundless, and Immutable Principle transcends the power of human conception and could only be dwarfed by any human expression or similitude. Therefore it is considered that any reasoning about That is impossible. Thus Socrates invariably refused to argue upon the mystery of universal being.
The Absolute is the Infinity; therefore any judgements about That will inevitably be but a limitation of It. Grandeur and beauty of Infinity do not fit in our limited imagination or terms. They must stay in the limits of the Ineffable. The Cause of Cosmos stays the Greatest Mystery forever inconceivable. We can conceive but different aspects and manifestations of the Absolute, this eternally invisible Soul of Cosmos.
Through all the legends Parabrahman or the Absolute is pure philosophical concept—the principle, the law upon which Being and Non-existence of Cosmos are based.
But servants of religions personified that philosophical concept, having transformed it into the idea of "One God", "the Creator of earth and heaven." Through such belittling this great concept was reduced to god—the personality, to the "Lord of the Universe". And this personal god has a certain character: He gets angry, punishes, rewards. But he can be propitiated especially if certain sacrifices are made to his servants.... Yes, such a "god" is not known by the ancient legends.
Thus narrates the legend about the Second Mystery of Cosmos— Eternal and Immutable Principle of the Universe.
The Third Mystery
The Builder of the Universe
You already have a notion of Parabrahman. You know what gives an impulse to the beginning of each new Manvantara.
But how Cosmos is born after Mahapralaya?
Whether it arises all by itself without any outside assistance. Or somebody creates it, builds it? Listen to what the legends say about it.
...Cosmic night is ending. Eternal and Inviolable law which produces the interchange of great periods of Activity and Rest of the Universe, gives an impulse to awakening of Cosmos into life. The day of new Manvantara is breaking.
How does the Great generation of Life start? When the time came the First Cause of Cosmos arises out of the Unknown and Inconceivable Absolute—Parabrahman. Causeless Cause of Cosmos. That First Cause is the Divine Being called Logos. It first arises to being.
The word Logos is taken from the ancient Greek philosophy. It expresses the idea of the ancient legend: Logos is the first word resounding from the Silence. This first sound by which the whole Universe is created. This Vibration or motion of the Divine Energy is simultaneously the light, for Light is the motion of Matter. It means also the Divine Thought that imitates the longest process of creation of the Universe.
Then other Great Beings appear—those who completed their human evolution in last Manvantara on some planet in some solar system. Those Beings are the so called Planetary Spirits, the Creators of Worlds. With the beginning of new Manvantara these powerful spirits become the closest collaborators of the Cosmic Logos.
Thus, manifested Logos starts to lead the whole Hierarchy of conscious Divine Forces—spiritual, reasonable beings. In this hierarchy every Being has its distinct task in the ruling of the visible Cosmos during its existence.
The hierarchical Principle is a cosmic law. It is the leading principle in Cosmos because each Universe, World or Planet has its own Hierarch. There is always a Higher Spiritual Being taking upon himself the responsibility for a planet for the whole Manvantara. And he stays at the head of his high Brothers.
Before working over its Universe, Logos creates a project of the whole system of the Universe, the way it must be from the very beginning to its end. He creates it on the plan of the Divine Thought. He creates all "prototypes" of forces and forms, emotions and intuition. He determines how and through what stages each of those should be realized in the evolutionary scheme of His system. Thus before the origin of the Universe all its wholeness is contained in the Universal Mind of Logos. It exists in Him as an idea—everything that shapes into objective life during all the following process of construction. All these prototypes, being the fruits of the preceding worlds serve, as crops for the future world.
Among numerous Hierarchies of the Creative Forces subordinated to Logos there are great assemblies of Builders. They build all forms according to the ideas staying in the treasury of Logos—the Universal Mind. Thus, these builders build or rather rebuild even "system" after the "Night".
Logos is a "creator" of the Universe in the sense implied when one speaks of an "Architect" as the "Creator" of an edifice, whereas that Architect has never touched one stone of it, but while furnishing the plan, left all the manual labour for the masons.
Ancient cosmogonical narrations of the East say that after Pralaya the Universe is built very slowly, gradually, for many hundreds of millions of years. Crowds of reasonable beings, from the great Divine Architects to ordinary masons, are working over the creation of Cosmos. Who can calculate how many periods of time took the formation of our small Earth alone? Wouldn't that "creation" last for hundreds of millions of years for our planet only?
Thus narrates the legend of the Third Mystery of Cosmos—about the Great Hierarchy of the Creative Forces of the Universe.
The Fourth Mystery
The Creation of Cosmic Matter
You already know that with the dawn of Manvantara begins the creation of Cosmos.
You already know that the Universe is built upon the plan of Logos. You've even known something about the Hierarchy of Cosmic.
Builders And now listen to what the legend says about Cosmic Matter. The worlds are created of it.
With the dawn of new Manvantara starts the first stage of the activity of Logos and Hierarchy of Builders guided by Him. It is the creation of materials which then will be used for construction of the Universe.
Primary material or "raw" material for Cosmic Matter is the Pracosmic Substance—unmanifested virgin matter. In the Eastern legends it is called Mula-Prakriti which means the Root of Matter. Mula-Prakriti, being the aspect of Parabrahman, is eternal and exists also during Pralaya. This "dissolved" matter is the unimaginably subtle substance. All kinds of Cosmic Matter, from the most subtle one to the roughest, are created of that substance.
The legends distinguish seven states of Cosmic Matter—seven degrees of its subtlety.
As steam, water and ice are the three states of one and the same substance of our physical world there also exist seven states of Cosmic Spirit-Matter. Of them only the seventh state—the lowest and the roughest—is visible by the physical eye. This is the matter of our physical world. Six higher states are invisible and unattainable for our physical sensations.
Each of the seven gradations of Cosmic Matter consist of atoms, different for each gradation Atoms of the first, the most subtle state of the Spirit-Matter are created in such a way:
The energy of Logos (called Fohat in the legends) by vertical movement of the unimaginable speed "pierces the holes" within the Precosmic Substance. Those vortices covered by the subtlest envelope of the Precosmic Substance are the primeval Atoms Such atoms represent hollow s in the substance which are filled with the energy of Logos.
Each of the seven states of Cosmic Matter forms its own special Cosmic sphere, its own special plan or the world Innumerable myriads of the primeval atoms and their combinations form the Spirit-Matter of the highest or the first sphere, called "the Divine World".
Then Logos builds atoms of the next, second sphere around some atoms of the first sphere. He forms spiral vortices of the roughest combinations of matter of the same sphere, called "the Monadic World". Atoms of all the following states of the Spirit-Matter are created analogically to the atoms of the second sphere.
The legend says that these two highest Cosmic Spheres are unattainable for our understanding, therefore we know nothing about them. Something is known about the next two spheres, the third one is called "the World of the Spirit" or "the World of Nirvana" and the fourth one is called "the World of Bliss" of the World of Intuition".
Considerable more is known about the fifth and the sixth spheres, these are the spheres or plans attainable for man. The fifth sphere is called "the Fiery World" and also "the World of Thought" or "the World of Mind". And the sixth sphere is called "the Subtle World" or the "World of feelings, emotions, desires".
The names of these Worlds show that they are human. It will be told about them in other legends. The last sphere is our physical world where we live now. In cosmological legends it is called "the Dense World".
Each world is a sphere of the Spirit-Matter, all combinations of which have at their base certain atoms. These atoms are homogeneous units animated by Logos. They arc concealed under greater or smaller number of covers, depending on the sphere where they belong.
Those powers are concealed in the Spirit-Mattel of the physical world, as if they were wrapped in it The possibility of evolution roots in the internal powers All the process of evolution's nothing else but expansion of those powers.
Actually the idea of evolution can be expressed in one phrase the evolution is the thing w hen the concealed potentialities become active forces.
The word "Spirit-Matter" points that there is no such thing in the world as the "dead matter". All matter is living. The subtlest pieces of it are the lives. There is no spirit without the matter and there is no matter without the spirit. Both of them are joined together through all the life Matter is a form. And there is no form that wouldn't serve as an expression for life Spirit is the life and there is no life that wouldn't be limited by a form. Even Logos, the Supreme Lord of Life, manifests into the Universe, which served and still serves Him as a form. And the same thing repeats everywhere down to the smallest atom.
When atoms of each Cosmic sphere are built. Logos creates seven subdivisions (subplans) in each sphere. For that purpose atoms are drawn into groups of two, three, four, etc.
The first or the subtlest subdivision of each sphere consists of the simple atoms (the basic ones) while all the rest subdivisions consist of the combinations of those atoms. Thus, in the physical world the first subdivision consists of the simple atoms. The second one is formed by the simple combinations of those atoms, this is the electromagnetic state of the physical matter. The third subdivision is formed by more complex combinations of atoms this is light state of matter or the ether. The fourth subdivision consists of more complex combinations. This is the thermal state of matter or "the fire" The fifth subdivision consists of the combinations of greater complexity. They are considered by the chemists as gaseous atoms of the chemical elements that have certain names in this subdivision. This is the gaseous state of matter, or "the air". The sixth subdivision is the liquid state of matter or "water". And the seventh subdivision consists of solid substances—"the ground".
Life or consciousness of Logos manifests as a kind of energy or vibration. Everything is based upon the vibrations The Universe consists of vibrations of the emanating Divine Life. They clothe in the basic forms of matter and all the multiformity develops from those forms.
Matter that forms the objective world is the emanation of Logos power and energy of matter are the currents of His Life. He is in even atom Logos penetrates everything, contains and develops even thing. He is the Source and the End of the Universe its cause and purpose. He is in everything and everything is in Him. Thus narrates the legend of the Fourth Mystery of Cosmos—about the construction of the seven spheres of Cosmic Matter.
The Fifth Mystery
The Birth of the Planets
You know about the builders of Cosmos,
You know about the materials, the Cosmos is built of.
Probably you will want to know how the solar systems are created.
So listen to the ancient narration.
As in Heaven, so on Earth One foundation of Being verily permeates all existence Precisely this foundation should help humanity to understand the Hierarchy of Infinity and the creation of worlds Who then will doubt that in even earthly object is expressed someone's will? Without will no earthly object can be created, nor set into motion. Thus it is upon Earth, and it is the same in the Higher World. Since the existence of the planet as an earthly stronghold requires an impulse of will, it is just as comprehensible that whole systems of heavenly bodies require the same.
Such will is comprehensible But even the average human will can serve as an example of a microcosm If we take as a unit the human will at its highest tension, then it is possible to estimate the force of the impulse of the planetary will One may be involved in innumerable ciphers, in calculating the will-impulse of a whole system the Grandeur of the Ineffable.
Every housewife understands the generation of the heavenly bodies. Churning the butter the housewife has already cognized the mystery of worlds. But before beginning her churning the housewife thinks about it. She also knows that churning the water she will not get butter She will say that one can chum egg or butter, by that she already knows about the matter, containing life energy Thus the housewife knows how useful is the spiral movement.
Thus only from a combination of thought and churning is the useful matter produced Subsequently cheese may be produced, already with the embryos of a population Let us not smile at such a microcosm, the same energy evolves also the systems of Worlds. It is necessary only steadfastly to realise the significance of thought, the significance of great energy. Thus the same energy glows in the heart of each man.
On the analogy of churning from milk a morsel of butter the Cosmogony is cognized Thought—the energy of Logos—pierces the radiant substance and by rotatory movement he creates the centres of Forces with Cosmic matter growing around them. Thus the primeval differentiation of matter is appearing in clusters and lumps, like curds in thin milk. Thus Logos creates worlds. Thus the churning of the Cosmic Milky Ocean is going on. The worlds are created of the "Star-Stuff' which curdles and spreads by the milky-white clusters in the depths of Space.
The energy of Logos gives to the vortexed Cosmic Matter the impulse to the form, and the initial motion, regulated and sustained by the never-resting Dhyan-Chohans. The "fiery Wind" of the incandescent cosmic dust which only follow s magnetically, as the iron filings follow the magnet, the directing thought of the "Creative Forces". Cosmic Matter goes through all the six stages of hardening, it becomes spheroidal and finishes its formation turning into balls.
Born in the unfathomable depths of Space, out of the homogeneous Element called the World-Soul, even nucleus of Cosmic matter, suddenly launched into being, begins life under the most hostile circumstances. Through a series of countless ages, it has to conquer for itself a place in the infinitudes. It rotates round and round, between denser and already fixed bodies, moving by jerks, and pulling towards some given points or center that attracts it, trying to avoid, like a ship drawn into a channel dotted with reefs and sunken rocks, other bodies that draw and repel it in turn; many perish, their mass disintegrating through stronger masses, and. when born within a system, chiefly within the insatiable stomachs of various Suns. Those which move slower and are propelled into an elliptic course are doomed to annihilation sooner or later. Others moving in parabolic curves generally escape destruction, owing to their velocity.
Having achieved its goal—a suitable place in the space—a Comet loses its velocity, and hence its fiery tail. Here the "Fiery Dragon" settles down into quiet and steady life as a regular respectable citizen of the sidereal family. Thus the clusters (World Stuff) become Comets, the strangers, at first; then those ones become the stars; the stars (the centres of rotation) become suns in order to cool down to the degree of the inhabited worlds—the planets.
The idea of Darwinian-like evolution, of struggle for life and supremacy, and of the "survival of the fittest" belongs to antiquity. The incessant battles fought between stars and constellations, between Moon and planets; the great "Wars in Heavens" in the Puranas; the wars of the Titans, in Hesiod and even those in the Scandinavian legends, all relate to Heaven and several to astronomical and theogonical struggles; to the adjustment orbs. The "Struggle for Existence'' and the "Survival of the Fittest" reigned supreme from the moment that Cosmos manifested into being. The ancient Sages speculated on the creation and development of the world quite in a Darwinian way, both anticipating him and his school in the natural selection of species, the survival of the fittest and transformation.
And as the ancient legends say it did not do without the struggle in our Solar system. There is a whole poem on the pregenetic battles fought by the growing planets before the final formation of Cosmos.
Here is one of such legends.
Eight sons were born from the body of Mother-Space. Eight houses were built by Mother for her Eight Divine sons; four large and four small ones, eight brilliant suns, according to their age and merits.
The Lord of Sun was not satisfied, though his house was the largest. He began to work as the huge elephants do. He breathed (drew in) into his stomach the vital airs of his brothers. He sought to devour them.
The larger four were far away: far, on the margin of their kingdom—the Planetary System They w ere not robbed (affected), and laughed. Do your worst. Sir, you cannot reach us, they said. But the small one wept. What could affect Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter but little, would have killed such comparatively small "Houses" as Mercury, Venus and Mars. They complained to the Mother.
She exiled the Sun to the centre other Kingdom, from w hence he could not move. Since then he only watches and threatens. He pursues them, turning slowly around himself, the Planets turning swiftly from him, and he following from afar the direction in which his brothers move on the path that encircles their houses.
According to the legend the first condensation of Cosmic matter took place about a central nucleus, its parent Sun—the Father. But our sun merely detached itself earlier than all the others, as the rotating mass contracted, and is therefore, their elder, bigger brother, not their father. Sun and the Planets are brothers who have the same nebulic origin.
Having evolved from Cosmic Space, and before the final formation of the primaries and the annihilation of the planetary nebula, the Sun drew into the depths of its mass all the Cosmic Vitality he could, threatening to engulf his weaker "brothers".
According to the legends, all worlds and planets are the individual beings. They must fulfil their duties. They have their periods of health and illness, birth and maturity, decline and death. They are the real dense houses of the Planetary Spirits who animate them with the Mind. Each heavenly body is a temple of one of the Divine Beings. Each star is a sacred Abode. They are called "the Heavenly Snails", on account of their formless intelligence inhabiting unseen their starry and planetary-homes, and, so to speak, carrying them as the snails do along with themselves in their revolution.
Thus narrates the ancient legend about the Fifth Mystery of Cosmos—the creation of the Solar system.
The Sixth Mystery
Cosmic Steps. Origin of Our Planet
You already know how the materials for Worlds construction are created.
You have found out how those Worlds are provoked out into Being.
Now let's take a look under the cover, concealing the mystery of life on those Worlds.
The process of creating of the Cosmic Matter is going on for innumerate centuries.
The process of creation of the Cosmic Matter goes on for infinite centuries. When the evolution of the materials is sufficiently advanced, the second great Cosmic wave starts to emanate from Logos. That wave gives an impulse to the evolution of Life.
What is life? It is the energy of Logos which builds forms for its own manifestation. It builds them of matter of all the seven spheres. This is the power which for some time joins chemical elements, forming the living organisms of them. These forms are built of various combinations of earlier created Cosmic Matter. Innumerable crowds of Beings, called the Builders, are participating in construction of those forms. The so called spirits of nature also take part in that process.
Each form exists only for a period until life of Logos keeps matter in this form. Now for the first time arise the phenomena of birth, growth, fading and death. The organism is born because life of Logos has a goal to make certain evolutionary work in it. It grows as the work is getting to its completion. It shows the signs of fading when Logos slowly extracts Life out of it. For Life has grown as much as it was possible is a given organism. The last one dies when Logos extracts all the Life out of it.
What seems the death of the organism to us is the extraction of Life out of it. For some time that Life will be existing beyond lower matter in combination with the superphysical subtler matter. When Life leaves the organism and it dies, the experience, obtained by Life and by means of the organism, stays. That experience in form of new skills is cast into new creative abilities. Those abilities will show up under following efforts of Life to create a new organism.
Though the plant dies, the Life, which has animated that plant and induced it to react upon the influence of the environment, does not die. When a rose fades we know that none of its matter will disappear. Each particle continues to exist. For matter cannot be destroyed. The same thing happens with the Life, which creates the rose out of the chemical elements. The Life temporarily steps back in order to appear again and build another rose. The experience that the Life has obtained relative to the sun rays, storms and struggle for existence in the first rose is used by it for building another rose. The new rose will be better fitted for life and for spread of its species.
There is no such thing called the death in nature, if death is understood as dissolution into non-existence. Life with draws into its superphysical environment for a while, preserving the results of the experience it has gone through in form of new creative abilities.
Forms that arise and die one after another are like doors. Through those doors the Life can appear and disappear from the scene of evolution. No part of the experience is lost as well as no particle of matter is lost. Moreover that Life evolves and its evolution is going on by means of forms. Life is subject to evolution. It means that it gradually becomes more complex in its manifestations.
As developing the Life goes through different steps. It forms successively seven kingdoms of nature: at first there are three elemental kingdoms, then goes the mineral, vegetable- animal and finally human kingdoms. These seven stages of evolution of the Life, starting from the first elemental kingdom up to the humanity, are called "the Living Wave". Thus Life exists not only in human, animal and vegetable kingdoms but also in the mineral matter, which seems dead, as well as in the organisms of invisible matter. Those organisms can be lower than minerals and higher than the human being. Humanity is not the last step of evolution of the Life. Its development goes further.
In the Fiery and Subtle Worlds the first steps of Life of Logos are called the Elemental Essence. For a long period of time, called the Chain, it manifests in the higher subplans of the Fiery World first of all. And it is called the First Elemental Essence. When it comes to the end of a Chain this Elemental Essence returns to its source—Logos. At the beginning of the new Chain the First Elemental Essence issues from Logos for animating the matter of the lowest subplans of the Fiery World. And then it begins the work of the Second Chain preserving in itself the experience of the first Chain in form of inclinations and abilities. In the next Chain it becomes the Third Elemental Essence. And it animates the matter of the Subtle World.
The combinations of Matter of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds have a goal—to evoke the plasticity and the ability to clothe into the organized form in Matter of those Worlds. They need it in order to act as units and gradually develop greater stability in the materials forming into certain organisms. The Elemental Essence is cast in various forms, the existence of which will last for some time. After that they split on the component parts.
Continuing "to descend into matter" the Life of Logos, which has been animating the subtle matter, after that animates the dense (physical) matter. The first action of that new animation is the ability of the chemical elements to join differently with each other. During the first great cosmic wave hydrogen and oxygen were created by the action of Logos. But only with appearance of the second Cosmic Wave can two atoms of hydrogen join with one atom of oxygen in order to form water.
Under the guidance of Logos the mineral kingdom appears ready to build dense earth. Having reached the physical world the poured-out Life of Logos starts to draw the ethereal particles and join them into the ethereal waves.
The constructions of denser materials enter into these forms. They serve as a basis for the first minerals. Following the laws of the rhythm and beauty the matter begins to crystallize with mathematical precision. The work of Life is going by means of physical forms according to the Great Plan. Logos is working all the time in that matter which seems immovable. The work of Life is going on in minerals though it is strained, squeezed and reserved. The first kingdoms of Life—three steps of the Elemental Essence manifesting in the Fiery and Subtle Worlds—are the involution of Life. It descends from subtler spheres of the Spirit-Matter to the denser ones. Mineral kingdom is the lowest turning step. Here the Life manifests minimally; it is almost invisible here. From this step begins the evolution of Life in the precise sense of this word.
The Life of Logos, after its deepest immersion into matter of the mineral kingdom, ascends to the next great kingdom of Life—the vegetable kingdom. At the beginning of this stage Earthly substances develop new ability for Life that our eyes can see. The chemical elements join into the groups. Amongst them appears the new step of Life, which builds protoplasm out of them. Under the guidance of Logos the protoplasm transforms and gradually becomes the vegetable kingdom.
When some of the representatives of the mineral kingdom reach the sufficient stability of forms, the developing Life starts to produce greater plasticity of forms in the vegetable kingdom. It joins this new feature of plasticity with earlier obtained stability. Both of these features receive more harmonious manifestation in the animal kingdom and reach their highest point of balance, that is, the harmony of the human being.
The Moon is the Mother of the Earth
Before entering our planet our living wave was the life of the preceding Moon that was in evolution for innumerable centuries. But on the Moon the living wave appeared one stage earlier than on Earth. It means that earthly humanity was the animal kingdom on the Moon. Our present animal kingdom of earthly evolution was the vegetable kingdom on the Moon. In the same way all the rest kingdoms of Moon were one step behind in evolution than those of earthly evolution.
How did that passage of the living wave from the Moon to Earth happen? When the Moon completed its living period, when all steps of cosmic life on the Moon reached their highest point of development and were ready to pass on the higher step to the other planet, a new center of planetary life was created. That was the center of the future planet Earth. Around that center the Fiery World of the new planet started to develop through transfer from the Moon. Then the Subtle World was passed to Earth. And finally all the ethereal, gaseous and liquid parts of the dense world of the Moon were transferred to the Earth. That is the way it all happened.
New nebula which originated the Earth was developing around the center which was located approximately at the same distance from the dying planet as the centres of Earth and the Moon are at the present time. But this accumulation of matter in the form of nebula had much greater volume than dense matter of the present Earth. It spread in all the directions so that it engulfed the old planet into its fiery arms. The temperature of the new nebula significantly exceeded the temperatures ever known to us. Because of that the surface of the old planet w armed to the degree that all the water and all the volatile substances were transformed into the gaseous state. In that state those substances were open to the influence of the new centre of gravity which formed at the centre of the new nebula. Thus, air and water of the old planet were drawn into the composition of a new planet.
That is why the Moon in its present state is the fruitless mass, void of air, clouds and water. uninhabited and not fitted for existence of any physical creatures.
Having passed all its life creating principles to the new planet the Moon became really a dead planet whose rotation has almost stopped since the origin of our planet. The Moon passed everything to the Earth except for its corpus.
The Moon is now the cold residual quantity, the shadow dragged after the new body into which her living powers are transfused. She now is doomed for long ages to be ever pursuing the Earth, to be attracted by and to attract her progeny. Constantly vampirised by her child, she revenges herself on it by soaking it through and through with the nefarious, invisible. and poisoned influence which emanates from the secret side of her nature. For she is a dead yet a living body. The particles of her decaying corpus are full of active and destructive life although the body which they had formed is soulless and lifeless. Therefore its emanations are at the same time beneficent and maleficence; this circumstance finds its parallel on earth in the fact that the grass and plants are nowhere more juicy and thriving than on the graves; while at the same time it is the graveyard or corpse emanation which kill.
Before Earth reaches the top of its evolution the decay of Moon's matter will be completed. That matter which keeps the Moon whole will turn to dust.
By that time the task of our planet will be fulfilled. And the present Earth will become a dead planet without developing life on it. It will decrease in scales because of loss of liquid and gases. Then a new planet will attract our Earth. And it will follow it as a Moon. Each kingdom of the developing life will rise on one step. Our present vegetable kingdom on the next planet will be its animal kingdom. Our animal kingdom will be new humanity. And our humanity will rise on the superhuman level.
There are other innumerable planets inhabited by conscious beings, both in our Solar System and beyond it. They also have dense physical plan, subtle and fiery spheres. The Subtle World of all planets is different from the Subtle World of our planet. There is no physical communication through interplanetary space between Earth and other planets as well as there is no communication between the Subtle Worlds of the planets. The same thing can be said about the Fiery Worlds.
Mercury and Venus have no satellite but they had "parents" just as the earth had Both are far older than the Earth.
The evolution of Venus is higher than that of the Earth for one step. One needs to consider that when there could not yet be any organic life on Venus as on Earth because of high temperature and pressure, however there are different kinds of non-physical evolution there. And they can make their work at the Subtle World of a planet.
Thanks to that fact that the evolution of Venus is one step ahead of the Earth the average humanity of Venus is getting closer to the level of Adepts of Earth in quality of Lords. Buddhas and other Leaders of evolution.
So the planet Earth is originated by the Moon. It is Moon's creation and incarnation. The Moon died having completed its living period. It entered its Pralaya. The planets are acting in the sky as a man on Earth. They generate off springs of their own kind. get old and die out. And only their spiritual principles are fixing in their off springs as the survivals of their own. The planet is a living being. For in Cosmos no atom is void of life or consciousness, or the spirit. In ancient legends one can find the comparison of Earth with a big animal. And that animal has its special life and correspondingly its consciousness or the manifestation of the spirit.
The law of birth, growth and destruction of all in Cosmos from the Sun down to the bug, creeping in grass, is one. There is the continuous move towards perfection with each new manifestation. But the Substance — Matterand Force — is one.
The origin of humanity on our planet is the beginning of the third stage of the Great Cosmic Life.
There are three evolutionary flows. The first flow is the evolution of Cosmic Spirit-Matter: this is the formation of materials. The second one is the evolution of Life and Form. It can be called the construction out of the earlier created materials. And the third flow is the evolution of humanity, the evolution of self-consciousness. It is the growth of the dwellers of the house built.
The development of the mineral into the plant and plant into the animal is the stage of the second evolutionary flow. The passage from the animal to the human being is the beginning of a new, the third evolutionary flow.
Humanity is the new flow of energy and consciousness of the Divine Life completely different from that flow of life which revives the kingdoms being lower than the human one. That is why the animal does not become the human being in the same way as the plant develops into the animal.
How did that passage occur? It lasted for many millions of years. Let's listen to a legend which says how the humanity of our planet had started and has been developing.
The Moon Peoples the Earth
...Seven planetary spirits — the rulers of seven main planets — were revolving, driving their chariots around their Lord i.e. the Sun.
The Spirit of the Earth, who rotates and guards our globe, said to the spirit of the Sun: "Lord of the Shining Face: my house is empty...send thy sons to people this wheel. Thou hast sent thy sons to the Lord of Wisdom i.e. the Mercury. Send now to thy servant the same."
Said the Lord of the Shining Face, the Lord of the Sun: "I shall send thee a fire when thy work is commenced. Raise thy voice to other planets. Apply to thy Father, the Lord of the Lotus, for his sons... Thy people shall under the rule of the Fathers — the Lords Pitris".
The Great Lords called the Lords of the Moon, of the airy bodies. "Bring forth men, men of your nature. Give them their forms within — the Monads. And Mother Earth or Nature will build coverings without...."
Moon Forefathers
The Moon has played the largest and most important part as well in the formation of the Earth itself as in making it livable for human beings. The Monads that went through the animal stage of evolution on the Moon upon the completion of their cycle must start a new step of life on the Earth. They must start human evolution here. They were those fruits that the Moon had to pass to Earth for further development.
The Great Lords of the Moon were of two distinct kinds: the Supreme Gods — Lords of the Flame, called Agnishwatta and the Moon Gods — Barhishad. Agnishwatta Pitris were one step higher than Barhishads; they were on the level of the Fiery World while Barhishads were only on the level of the Subtle World.
It happened that Barhishads or the Moon Gods obeyed to the order of Logos to create. They descended on Earth. Agnishwatta Pitris did not want to go They would not create.
The Agnishwatta Pitris were devoid of the grosser creative fire, hence unable to create physical man. They were too divine. Yet it is they alone who could complete the man, i.e. make him self-conscious, give him an embryo of mind, the embryo of the ability to think.
The Barhishad, being on a level with the Subtle World, could only give birth to the subtle body — the prototype of the physical body.
Origin of the First Race of Humanity
The evolution of humanity on our globe has a septenery subdivision. The life cycle of humanity is divided into seven human races called the Root Races. They appear successively one after another. Also seven sub-races successively appear in each Root Race.
The First Root Race, that is, the first "People" on Earth, were the descendants of the Moon forefathers or Pitris. Barhishads issued their subtle bodies out themselves and became the creators of the "Subtle'' forms of human beings. Nature built the ethereal forms around those subtle ones. Thus the Forefathers of the human being — Pitris or Fathers — are our primeval personalities. We are them.
The higher Pitris or Agnishwatta had no hand in that physical creation. The First Race did not receive that sacred spark which bums and expands into the flame of human reason and self-consciousness. Barhishad Pitris could only create, or rather clothe, the human Monads with their own astral Selves with its bestial instincts. They could give only what they had in their own nature, and no more. The Moon Gods could only project out of themselves shadowy men.
The primeval man, issued from the bodies of his Progenitors, has been described as airiform, devoid of compactness. The Monads which incarnated in those empty shells remained unconscious. The primeval man could stand, walk, run, fly. Yet he was still but a shadow with no sense.
The First creators were the Pygmalions of primeval man: they failed to animate the statue — intellectually. For in order to complete the septenery man, in order to add to his lower bodies and join them with the Spiritual Monad the connecting Principle is needed. Living Fire was needed, that fire which gives the human mind its self-perception and self-consciousness, or Manas, the body of thought.
The Evolution of the Second Race
The Second Race developed from the First one. It was formed from the First by budding and expansion.
The primeval way of reproduction by means of which the Second Race originated from the First One was going in the following way: The ethereal form clothing the Monad was surrounded, as it still is, by its egg-shaped sphere of aura. This germ grows and feeds on the aura till it becomes fully developed, when it gradually separates from its parent, carrying with it own sphere of aura.
The First Race became the Second Root Race without begetting or creating it. As the First Race was simply composed of the ethereal shadows of the creative progenitors, having of course neither astral nor physical bodies of their own, this Race never died. Instead of dying it disappeared in the Second Race just as some lower forms of life transform into their own progeny. Its "men" melted away gradually, becoming absorbed in the bodies of their own "sweat-born" progeny, more solid than their own. The material of the first forms — shadowy, ethereal — was drawn or absorbed into, and thus became the complement of the forms of the Second Race. The first, or parent material was used for the formation of the new being, to form the body of the progeny.
The first sub-races of the Second Race were born by the process described above; while the last began gradually with the evolution of the human body, to be formed otherwise. The later Second Root Race were the "Sweat-Born". The two and a half Races may have lived 300,000,000 years ago. The first Races has nothing to do with climate, nor were they subservient to any temperature or change therein. Such terrestrial conditions as were then operative had no touch with the plane on which the evolution of the ethereal astral races proceeded. The geological and physical difficulties could not exist for the primeval, ethereal man.
The being which became primitive Man could well remain impervious to any state of atmospheric conditions around him. The primitive ancestor could act and live with equal ease under ground and water as upon the Earth.
The Beginning of the Third Race
The First Race has created the Second by "budding"; the Second "Sweat-Born" Race gives birth to the Third Root Race by an analogous, but more complicated process. The Second evolved the Sweat-Born, the Third Race. The sweat grew, its drops grew, and the drops became hard and round like big eggs which served as an extraneous vehicle for the generation therein of a foetus and child. The small spheroidal nuclei developing into a large soft, egg-like vehicle, gradually hardened, when, after a period of gestation, it bore and the young human animal issued from it unaided, as the fowls do in our race. In this, human foetus gestated for several years. After a period of gestation, it broke and the young human animal issued from it unaided, as the fowls do in our race.
At the beginning of the Third Race the Sons of Wisdom, ready for re-birth as Egos of the human monads, came down on Earth. They saw the (intellectually) vile forms of the first people of the Third Race. They rejected the Sweat-Born. They spurned the First Sweat-Born. They are not ready. The Sons of Wisdom would not enter the First egg-born.
"We can choose," said the Lords of Wisdom. The incarnating powers chose the ripest fruits and spurned the rest. Some entered the Chhayas, some projected a spark, some deferred till the Fourth Race. Those who entered Chhayas became the Arhats with time. Those who received but a spark remained destitute of higher Knowledge. The spark burnt low. The third remained mindless. Their Monads were not ready They became the narrow-headed.
The Separation of Sexes
Before the middle of the Third Race the animals were also ethereal proto-organisms, just as man was.
As time passed the bodies of animals became denser. As well as the forms of the antediluvian animals evolved and propagated.
Dragons of the deep and flying serpents were added to the creeping things. They that crept on the ground got wings. They of the long necks in the water, became the progenitors of the fowls of the air. Thus the Pterodactyl and the Plesiosaurus were the contemporary of man till the end of the Third Race. The mammals were the hermaphrodites at first — all the living and creeping things, giant-fish, birds, and serpents with shell-heads. Then the separation of sexes occurred: animals separated into males and females. They began to breed.
After the animals got the bodies and separated, humanity began to separate too. Almost sexless, in its early beginnings, the Third Race became bisexual or androgynous; very gradually of course. Only after a long period of time did the Third Race separate into two distinct.
The passage from the former to the latter transformation required numberless generations, during which the simple cell that issued from the earliest parent (the two in one), first developed into a bisexual being; and then the cell, becoming a regular egg. (The man bearing) eggs began to give birth gradually and almost imperceptibly in their evolutionary development, first, to beings in which one sex predominated over the other, and, finally, to distinct men and women.
The units of the Third Race began to separate in their pre-natal shells, or eggs, and to issue out of them as distinct male and female babes. And as time rolled on its geological periods, the newly born sub-races began to lose their natal capacities. Toward the end of the fourth sub-race of the Third Race, the babe lost its faculty of walking as soon as liberated from its shell, and by the end of the fifth, mankind was born under the same conditions, and by the same identical process as our historical generations. This required, of course, millions of years.
After separation of sexes and establishment of reproduction through the sexual intercourse the Third Race cognized death. People of the first two Races did not die but dissolved and disappeared, being absorbed by their own progeny. Like phoenix the primeval man resurrected from his old body into the new one. With each new generation he became denser and physically more perfect. Death appeared only when the man became a physical creature. Death came with completion of the physical organism.
All those transformations — the separation of people into two different sexes and creation of the physical man ''with bones" — occurred in the middle of the Third Race 18 million years ago.
The First Fall
After separation of sexes the Third Race created no longer: it begot its progeny. Being still mindless at the period of separation it begot, moreover, anomalous off spring. Those which had no spark, the "narrow-brained", took huge she-animals unto them. Monsters they bred. A race of crooked, redhair-covered monsters, going on all fours.
At that period men were different, even physiologically, from what they are now. The "huge she-animals" were as different from any we know, as were the men. The "primeval man" was man only in external form. He was mindless and soulless as the time he begot, with a female animal monster, the forefather of a series of apes. The ancestors of the present anthropoid animal, the ape, is the direct production of the yet mindless Man who desecrated his human dignity by putting himself physically on the level of an animal. The "Sons of Wisdom" had warned them to leave alone the fruit forbidden by Nature. The kings and Lords of the Third and the Fourth Races placed the seal of prohibition upon the sinful intercourse. But the warning proved of no value. Men realise the unfitness of what they had done, only when it was too late: after the angelic monads from higher spheres had incarnated in, and endowed them with understanding.
Endowing of the Man with Mind
Every world has its Mother Star and a Sister Planet. Thus Earth is an adopted child and a little sister of Venus though its inhabitants belong to their own kind.
Since Venus has no satellites then it has adopted the Earth — an offspring of the Moon. The Ruler of Venus has loved his adopted child so much that He incarnated on Earth and gave it the perfect laws. In the latest centuries those laws were found in neglect and they even were rejected.
Planet Venus, the herald of the dawn and twilight, the most radiant, the most sacred, powerful and mysterious planet among all the planets Venus receives twice as more warm than light from the Sun than the Earth. It is a "little sun" where sunny warmth stores its Light. It gives one third of that store to Earth and leaves two thirds of it to itself.
The evolution of Venus is ahead of the earthly one for the whole step. "Humanity" of Venus is the next higher step comparatively to the Earthly humanity. "People" of Venus are the spiritual prototypes of ours and the Lord of Venus is a Spiritual Keeper of our planet.
The Third Race of our earthly humanity was under the direct influence of Venus. In the middle of the evolution of the Third Race the representatives of highly developed humanity of Venus came to our Earth. Those were "the Sons of Wisdom" (Manas-Putra), Light Beings who were mentioned as "the Sons of Fire" because of their sparkling appearance. They settled on Earth as the Divine Teachers of a young humanity. Some of the "Sons of Wisdom" acted as the carriers of the third wave of Life of Logos, bringing a spark of the monadic life into the bestial man. The Mind or Manas was formed out of that spark. The Ray of the Divine Mind illuminated the sphere of so far sleeping human mind. And the rudimental Manas was found impregnated. The result of that junction was the rudimental "fiery body" of a man. Thus the individualization of the spirit occurred, the involution of the spirit into a form. And that spirit, enclosed in the fiery body, is a soul, the individual, the true man. This is the hour of birth of the man. For though his essence is eternal, it is neither born nor it dies; his birth as an individual is quite fixed in time. Human soul, created "after the Divine Image", has started its evolution.
The Continent and People of the Third Race
At the time when the Third Race lived, that is 18 million years ago, the distribution of the land and sea on Earth was quite different from now. The most part of the present land was under water at that time. There was, nevertheless, neither Africa nor Americas, still less Europe in those days, all these slumbering yet on the Ocean floors. Nor was there much of present Asia; for the cis-Himalayan regions were covered with seas, and beyond this stretched the countries now called Greenland, Eastern and Western Siberia, etc., etc.
The giant mainland stretched along the equator covering the major part of the present Pacific and Indian oceans. This continent covered the whole area of space from the foot of the Himalayas, which separated it from the inland sea rolling its waves over what is now Tibet, Mongolia, and the great desert of Schamo (Gobi), from Chittagong, westward to Hardwar, and eastward to Assam. From thence, it stretched South, across what is known to us as Southern India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then embracing on its way, as we go south, Madagascar on its right hand and Australia and Tasmania on its left, it ran down to within a few degrees of the Antarctic Circle; when from Australia, an inland region on the Mother Continent in those ages, it extended far into the Pacific Ocean, not only beyond Rapa-nui (or Easter Island). Besides a part of the continent extended round "South Africa", through the Atlantic up to Norway.
This continent of the Third Race is called Lemuria now. The earliest humanity was the race of giants. The first Lemurians were 18 metres high. Men went on steadily decreasing in stature with each next subrace and finally, some millions of years after, they reached six metres.
Statues raised by the Lemurians in scales of their own stature are witness to their height. Most of the gigantic statues discovered on Easter Island, a portion of the submerged continent of Lemuria, are all between 6 and 9 metres high. The Easter Island relics are the most astounding and eloquent memorials of the primeval giants. They are as grand as they are mysterious; and one has but to examine the heads of the colossal statues, that have remained unbroken on that island, to recognize through them, at a glance, the features of the type and character attributed to the Fourth Race giants. They seem of one cast though different in features — that of a distinctly sensual type.
The Lemurians were of super-human tremendous physical power, which enabled them to defend themselves, and hold at bay the gigantic monsters of the Mesozoic and Cainozoic times. Weird and terrible animals were co-existent with man, most probably attacked man, as man attacked them
Being surrounded in Nature with such monstrous creatures man could survive only because he was a colossal giant himself.
The Civilization of the Lemurian
When the Third Race separated and fell into sin by breeding men-animals, these animals became ferocious, and men and they mutually destructive. Till then, there was no sin, no life taken.
After the separation the bliss of the first races came to its end. The eternal spring became constant change and seasons succeeded. Man could live no longer in the first land (the Eden of the First Races), which had turned into a white frozen corpus. Cold forced men to build shelters and devise clothing. Then men appealed to the superior Fathers (the higher gods). The wise serpents and Dragons of Light came, and so did the precursors of the Enlightened (Buddhas). They descended and taught men sciences and arts.
At the dawn of his consciousness, the man of the Third Root Race had thus no beliefs that could be called religion. That is to say, he was ignorant of any system of faith or outward worship.
But if the term is to be defined as the binding together of the masses in one form of reverence paid to those we feel higher than ourselves, of piety — as a feeling expressed by a child toward a loved parent — even the earliest Lemurians had a religion — and the most beautiful one — from the very beginning of their intellectual life. Were not their bright gods around them, and even within themselves? Was not their childhood passed with, nursed and tendered by those who had given them life and called them forth to intelligent, conscious life? It was the "Golden Age" in those days of old, the age when the "gods walked the earth, and mixed freely with the mortals" Since then, the gods departed (”. e., became invisible). The Gods, in the beginning of times, were the rulers of mankind. When incarnated as kings of the "Divine Dynasties", they gave the first impulse to civilizations, and directed the mind with which they had endowed men to the invention and perfection of all the arts and sciences. They have appeared as the benefactors of men.
Fire by friction was the first mystery of nature, the first and chief property of matter that was revealed to man Fruits and grain, unknown to Earth to that day were brought by the "Lords of Wisdom" for the benefit of those they ruled — from other Planets. Thus, wheat is not a product of the earth. It has never been found in the wild state.
It is with the advent of the Divine Dynasties that the first civilizations were started. And while, in some regions of the Earth, a portion of mankind preferred leading a nomadic and patriarchal life, and in others savage man was hardly learning to build a fire and to protect himself against the Elements, his brothers — helped by the divine intelligence which informed them — built cities, and cultivated arts and sciences. Nevertheless, and civilization notwithstanding, while their pastoral brethren enjoyed wondrous powers as their bright light, they, the builders, could now obtain theirs only gradually. Civilization has ever developed the physical and the intellectual at the cost of the psychic and spiritual. The command and the guidance over his own psychic nature were in case of early Humanity innate and congenital, and came to man as naturally as walking and thinking.
The civilized people of the Third Race, under the guidance of their divine Rulers, built large cities, cultivated arts and sciences, and knew astronomy, architecture and mathematics to perfection. The Lemurians were building their first rock-cities out of rare earths, metals, lava. white marble of the mountains and the black subterranean stone. The first large cities appeared on that region of the continent which is now known as the island of Madagascar.
The oldest remains of Cyclopean buildings were all the handiwork of the Lemurians of the last sub-races The relics found on the small piece of land called Easter Island were also in the Cyclopean style. That Isle belonged to the earliest civilization of the Third Race. Submerged with the rest, a volcanic and sudden uplifting of the Ocean floor, raised the small relic of the Archaic ages untouched, with its volcano and statues as a standing witness to the existence of Lemuria.
Wondrous gigantic statues were a speaking witness to a submerged continent with a civilized mankind on it.
The End of Lemuria
Global geological changes always accompany the birth and death of the Great Races. They are occasioned by the change in the inclination of the earth's axis. The old continents are sucked in by the oceans, other lands appear, and huge mountain chains arise where there had been none before. The face of the Globe is completely changed each time It is a law which acts at its appointed time. and in strict accordance and harmony with Karmic law. The survival of the fittest nations and races was secured through timely help; and the other ones — the failures — were disposed of by being swept off the earth.
After the time when the Third Race reached the culmination of its development, it started moving towards its decline. That process reflected on the main continent of the Race — Lemuria; it began to sink slowly. The immense continent, which had once reigned supreme over the Indian, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans, now consisted of huge islands which were gradually disappearing one after the other. The largest relic of the huge continent now is Australia. The small remnant now known as Ceylon is the Northern highland of the huge ancient Lanka island where the Third Race ended its career.
Lemuria was destroyed by the action of volcanoes. It was sunk under the waves, owing to earthquakes and subterranean fires. The cataclysm which destroyed the huge continent was due to a series of subterranean convulsions and the breaking asunder of the ocean floors. Lemuria has perished about 700,000 years ago before the commencement of what is now called the Tertian age (the Eocene).
The remains of the ancient Lemurians at the present time are represented by the black skinned peoples of the so called Ethiopian type: Negros, bushmen, Australians, etc.
The Narration of Atlantis
The Beginning of the Fourth Race
The Fourth Root Race — the Atlanteans — began its existence about 4-5 million years ago. At that epoch the Third Race was nearing its decline. The major part of Lemurian continent was still existing. The new Great Race was generated on a point of land in what is now the mid-Atlantic Ocean. That continent was formed by the coalescence of many islands and peninsulas which were upheaved in the ordinary course of time and became ultimately the true home of the great Race — the Atlantis.
The people of the Fourth Race originated from selection of the chosen ones from the seventh subrace of the Third Race. The first Atlanteans were smaller in height than the Lemurians but still were giants.
They were three and a half metres tall. Through millennia men went on steadily decreasing in stature. The colour of the skin of the first subrace was dark-red, and of the second subrace — red-brown.
The state of the first Atlanteans can be called the infantile. Their consciousness has not reached the level of consciousness of the last subrace of the Lemurians. Therefore their development was going under the direct guidance of the Great Instructors of humanity who have endowed the Third Race with mind. The Hierarchy of the Great Brotherhood incarnated amongst the first Atlanteans as their Rulers.
From those Divine Instructors the Atlanteans received the faith in existence of the Highest Cosmic Being penetrating all the existing. Thus the cult of the Sun has been established as a symbol of that highest concept. In order to glorify the Sun the Atlanteans ascended mountain summits. There they built some sort of stony circles representing annual Rotation of the Sun. Those stones were placed in such a way so that for the man, standing before altar in the middle of a circle during summer solstice, the Sun would appear behind a certain stone And during the spring equinox the Sun would appear behind another stone. The same circles of stones served for other astronomical observations regarding the far-off constellations.
The Golden Age of Atlantis
The third subrace of the Atlanteans — the Toltecs — has reached the top of development of the Fourth Race. They were very tall too — about two metres and a half. Through time their stature decreased having reached the height of the present man. The colour of the skin of that subrace was copper-red. Face features were right. The descendants of the Toltecs are the pure-blooded representatives of the Peruvians and Aztecs and also red-skinned Indians of North and South America.
About one million years ago, when the Atlanteans Race was at its most flourishing point the continent of Atlantis occupied the greater part of the Atlantic ocean. The Northern outskirts of Atlantis stretched some degrees east of Iceland, including Scotland, Ireland and North part of England. The Southern parts of Atlantis stretched to that place where now is Rio de Janeiro, including Texas, Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico and part of the USA and Labrador. Equatorial regions included Brazil and all the space of the ocean to the Golden coast of Africa.
Present Azores were the unattainable snowy summits of the highest mountain chain of the continent of Atlantis. There were also separate islands of different forms as they were the parts torn away from Atlantis. Those islands transformed later in continents of Europe, America and Africa.
The Toltecs created the most powerful empire amid the nations of Atlantis approximately one million years ago. After long internecine wars some tribes united into one big federation at the head of which was the emperor. The times of peace and flourishing of the whole Race had come. For millennia Toltecs ruled over the whole continent of Atlantis having achieved enormous might and wealth. "Golden Gate City" located in the Eastern part of Atlantis was the residence of the Emperors whose power spread not only over the whole continent but also over the islands.
During all the epoch the initiated leaders always supported the connection with the sacred Hierarchy submitting to its instructions. They acted according to its plans. As the consequence of that was the epoch of the Golden Age of Atlantis. Governing was just and salutary. Arts and sciences flourished. Leaders of the country, using the sacred knowledge, has achieved really extraordinary results. Culture and civilization of Atlantis have reached their culminating point at that epoch.
Under the influence of the emperors — the adepts — people have achieved true understanding of the Divine Idea at that epoch of flourishing. Symbol was the only form with whose help one could approach the idea of that essence of Cosmos which penetrates everything being inexpressible. Thus the symbol of the Sun was glorified in the marvelous temples mounting all over the continent of Atlanta s and especially in the Golden Gate City. At that time any images of a Deity were forbidden. A disk of the Sun was the only emblem worth to represent the head of a Deity. And that image was kept in even temple. That golden disk was usually placed in such a way that the first ray of the Sun lights it up at spring equinox and summer solstice.
Culture and Civilization of the Atlanteans
Arts and sciences reached their maximum point of development in the Toltecan subrace.
No other subrace of Atlantis could compare to the Toltecs.
Written language was the invention of the Atlanteans and it was used by them. They wrote on thin metallic plates, the surface of which reminded of white porcelain. They could reproduce and manifold the texts. Schools of the Golden Age were of two categories. The schools of the first category were the primary ones. In those schools children learned reading and writing. The schools of the second category were the special ones. Those children who showed special gifts were transferred there approximately at the age of twelve. At those schools they received extensive education. They studied botany. chemistry. mathematics, astronomy. Great attention was paid to the necessity of general knowledge of medicine for every educated man and the methods of healing with magnetism.
All sciences were studied differently m those schools than in ours The main task of teachers was the development of latent psychic forces of a pupil. They attained that through experimental acquaintance with sacred particularities of plants, minerals, jewels and also the chemical process of transmutations of metals. The majority of people possessed the abilities of governing the psychic forces at that time Especially outstanding people studied at the high schools or universities. There they specially developed latent individual forces.
The questions regarding one of the main fields of life of Toltecs — agriculture and farming — were studied minutely in the high schools. Pupils were taught to rear special breeds of animals, to cultivate special sorts of plants and cereals. Oats and some other sorts of cereals are the result of crossing of wheat with different plants naturally growing on our planet. The wheat is not a product of our world. It was brought from the other planet by the Masters of Wisdom. All experimental studies in that field were carried out in agronomic schools of Atlantis. One of the results of those studies was the amazing modification of banana. In its wild state the banana was almost void of pulp and full of seeds like a melon. And only after many centuries and may be millennia the enormous amount of inoculations and special conditions of cultivation resulted in that fruit with no seeds within — the way we know it now. In many experiments of crossing and rearing of the new breeds of animals and plants the Toltecs used artificial warmth and coloured light.
Amongst the domestic animals Toltecs reared a special breed of pigs that were like little tapirs, a breed of big animals, resembling cats, the ancestors of dogs with lupine appearance. In the quality of milk animals they had a special breed of cattle resembling camels but smaller in height. Lamas of Peru descended from such animals.
Wise guidance of the Hierarchy affected the design of the basic types of vegetable and animal kingdoms that go through their evolution of form and consciousness with help of a direct influence of a man. For instance, the development of form of such a noble animal as a horse was the result of many experiments. Those experiments have been carried out by people of that time according to the designs of the Hierarchy and thanks to its assistants, the initiated ones.
Great importance in farming was attached to astronomy which was not an abstract knowledge at that time. Sacred influences affecting the life of animals and plants were also the subject to study. And the Atlanteans could use that knowledge. The way to draw rain on one's wish was also known.
Not to talk of the development of arts, that of music even in the Golden Age epoch was very imperfect. The form of musical instruments was quite primitive. Life also never reached the high level of perfection. Each one, who had means or possibilities, considered it as his duty to put his wood or stony statue in a temple Wealthier citizens cast their images of gold, silver or bronze.
The main branch of art at that time was the architecture. Dwelling houses, even in the cities, were surrounded by gardens. The typical feature of the Toltecan constructions was a tower mounting at the centre of a building. The tower was topped by the pointed dome and usually served as an observatory The facades of buildings were decorated with frescos, sculpture or coloured ornaments. The Atlanteans liked bright colours and painted their houses both inside and outside. Special substances like glass, but less transparent, let the light inside the houses.
Public buildings and temples amazed with their massiveness and giant scales. The temples consisted of huge halls like the giant halls in Egypt. The temples were decorated with towers: ornaments and frescos of the rich corresponded to their wealth.
The towers served as observatories and for the cult of the Sun Temples and public buildings were decorated with artistic encrustations and golden plates Public constructions usually consisted of four buildings, surrounding the central yard in the middle of which there was a fountain.
The capital of Atlantis, the Golden Gate City, was situated by the sea shore on the hill slopes. The are a surrounding the city was covered by splendid woods. A mountain chain located not far from the city provided it water. On the top of the hill there was a palace of the emperor. It was surrounded by a garden. And the torrent ran through that garden. That torrent first of all provided the emperor's palace and garden fountains with water Then it rushed down by a cascade to a kind of moat, surrounding the area of the palace. So that moat separated the palace from the city, that was located lower than the plain. Four channels flowing out from the moat supplied the city with water. Three ring channels were located lower. Their external channel was located lower than the others, was still higher than the plain. The fourth channel was located on the plain itself and collected all the rushing down waters. And it precipitated them to the sea.
Thus, with help of the channels the city was divided on three concentric belts. At the top belt, bordering upon the palace area, there was a racing field and public gardens The major part of governmental establishments was at that belt too. Also the buildings for foreigners were there. In those buildings all the foreigners enjoyed the hospitality during their stay in the city.
Private households and temples occupied the next two belts. Everywhere on the vast plain there were villas — the residences of rich people. Comparatively poor part of population lived in the lower belt and also on the other side of the external channel, by the very sea. Their houses stood closer to one another than the rich ones did.
At the days when flourishing reached its highest point the Golden Gate City numbered more than two million inhabitants. And the general number of population of the w hole Atlantis at the epoch of flourishing of the Toltecan subrace has reached two milliard people.
The Atlanteans used highly developed techniques. They realized the idea of aircraft or the flying machine. Usually those machines accommodated not more than two people. But some of them could take up to six or eight people on board. The Atlanteans used special mixture of three metals for construction of such aircraft.
That white metallic mixture was very light. The surface of the aircraft was covered by the sheets of that metal. Aircrafts of the Atlanteans sparkled in the darkness. They had the appearance of a ship with covered deck. The impellent power was some sort of ether. In the centre of a craft there was a box serving as a generator of that power. From the generator the power was transmitted to the ends of a craft through two pipes. Eight additional pipes branched down from those two ones. Upon take-off the valves of those eight pipes opened. The current went through those pipes, stroke the ground with such strength that the aircraft took-off. And the further point of rest was the air density itself. The major part of the current was directed along the main pipe, the end of which was pointed downwards at the end of a craft making an angle of 45 degrees. The pipe served for a take-off of a craft and simultaneously it produced the motion of a craft.
The Atlanteans also had sea vessels set into motion by the power similar to one described above. In this case the motive power was of denser composition. Later when wars and civil dissentions put an end to the Golden Age, military aircraft replaced the sea vessels. And they were built as military transports so that they could accommodate up to 100 soldiers.
The Destruction of Atlantis
About one hundred thousand y ears after the Golden Age the decline of the Great Race of the Atlanteans had started.
At the times of the Third Race the bestiality of the "mindless" ones manifested through generation of big human-like monsters. Those were the descendants of human and bestial parents. As time passed the descendants of those creatures changed in consequence of external conditions. And finally those creatures decreased in scales and cultivated in monkeys of the Miocene period. The latest Atlanteans resumed the sin of the "mindless" ones with those monkeys. But at this time the monkeys, known now as the anthropoids, appeared.
After the moral fall the spiritual fall followed. People fell into madness instead of working for the general good under the guidance of the Great Instructors and in cooperation with the great cosmic forces of nature.
Taking the example from their masters the animals rushed to torment each other. This amoral influence of the man on the animals is lasting till our days. The breeds of big cats, trained by the Atlanteans and fitted for hunting, could be the example of those circumstances. With time those cats turned into the blood-thirsty leopards and jaguars.
Each man started to fight only for himself, using his knowledge in pure selfish purposes. He started to believe that there is nothing higher in the Universe than the man. Each one was one's own law for oneself and one's own god for oneself. At that time the cult glorified in temples did not refer to the invisible ideal any more, but it became the cult of a man the way he was and the way he was understood.
The Atlanteans began to cut their own images, in their size and likeness, and worshipped them. Those images were cut of vomited lava, white marble of the mountains, black subterranean stone and also were cast of silver and gold. Those statues were put in the bays which were cut of wood or stone and fixed into the walls of temples. These bays were pretty spacious, so that a procession of priests, during celebrations in honour of some person, could go around his statue. Thus people worshipped themselves. The richest ones maintained the whole staff of priests in order to serve this cult and take care of the altar where their statues were. People made sacrifices to those statues as to the gods. The apotheosis of worshipping oneself could not be greater. Kings, the majority of clergy and a considerable part of the nation started to use the sacred powers ignoring the Laws ordained by the Initiated Ones, lightmindednessly neglecting their advises and instructions. The connection with the Hierarchy of Light was broken, Personal interests, the thirst for wealth and power, destruction of gods with purpose of enrichment were capturing the consciousness of masses more and more.
Sacred knowledge, being directed against the purposes of evolution, turned into black magic and witchcraft. Luxury, brutality and barbarism had been increasing more and more until the bestial instincts started to act fully. Sorcerers and adepts of the dark forces disseminated black magic and increased the number of people who have cognized it and have been using it incessantly.
When perversion of evolutionary laws reached its apogee and the Golden Gate City became a real hell because of its brutality, the first terrible catastrophe shook the whole continent. The capital was wiped off by the ocean waves. Millions of people were destroyed. The emperor was repeatedly warned about that catastrophe as well as the priests who fell off from the Hierarchy of Light.
Under the influence of the Light Forces, who had foreseen the catastrophe, the best part of people emigrated from that area before the catastrophe. These were the most developed members of the Race, who had not given way to the general madness. They knew the law of the world and preserved the right understanding of the responsibility and control over the psychic powers.
This first catastrophe happened at the Miocene epoch approximately 800 thousand y ears ago. It significantly changed the distribution of land. Great Atlantic continent had lost its polar areas and the middle part of it decreased and got split. At that time American continent separated with a start from Atlantis which had generated it.
Atlantis had been still stretched upon the Atlantic Ocean, occupying the space from 50 degrees North to some degrees South wards from the equator. Also the considerable lowerings and risings of the mainland occurred in other parts of the world. Thus the separated North-Eastern part of Atlantis generated huge area: the British islands were the part of a big island, embracing Scandinavia. Northern France and the closest seas surrounding them. The remains of Lemuria decreased more, while future territories of America and Africa considerably widened. The second, less considerable catastrophe occurred about 200 thousand y ears ago. The continent of Atlantis split into two islands. The Northern big island is called Ruta and the Southern one is called Daitya, island of Scandinavia joint to the European continent at that time. Some changes occurred on the American continent too. Egypt submerged.
After the catastrophe the efforts of the Light Forces, acting under the guidance of the Hierarchy, had good results for some time after. They kept the saved population from black magic. But former brilliance could never be achieved again by the subrace of Toltecs.
Later the descendants of the Toltecs on Ruta island repeated the history of their ancestors in miniature. Rulers and their dynasties had achieved certain might again and ruled over the greater part of the island. Later that dynasty fell under the influence of black magic. The black magic had been spreading wider and wider. It led again to the comically inevitable catastrophe. That catastrophe purified the world for further evolutionary development.
About 80 thousand years ago the third catastrophe occurred. It exceeded the first two ones in its strength and brightness.
Daitya disappeared almost completely, while only a small part of Ruta island — Poseidonis island — remained.
In that epoch before the disappearance of Poseidonis there always ruled the emperor of the light dynasty in some part of the continent. He acted under the guidance of the Hierarchy. The emperor opposed the spread of the dark forces and led the majority of people to pursue a pure and lofty life.
Always the emigration of the best minority of people was organized before the catastrophe. Those emigrants were guided by the spiritual leaders who had foreseen the calamities threatening the country. The initiated kings and Teachers following the "good law" were warned about the approaching catastrophes beforehand. Those leaders were the centres of the oracular warnings and saved the faithful chosen tribes. Such emigrations occurred secretly, under the cover of night.
In 9564 BC powerful earthquakes destroyed Poseidonis. And the island submerged into the sea, having evoked the giant wave. That wave flooded the low-lying lands. That wave has left the memory of the great destructive "deluge" in human minds.
This is one of the narrations about the last days of Poseidonis.
And the "great King of the dazzling Face", the chief of all the Yellow-faced, was sad, seeing the sins of the Black-faced. He sent his air-vehicles (viman) to all his brother-chiefs (chiefs of other nations and tribes) with pious men within, saying: "Prepare. Arise ye men of the good law, and cross the land while yet dry. The Lords of the storm are approaching. Their chariots are nearing the land. One night and two days only shall the Lords of the Dark Face (the Sorcerers) live on this patient land. She is doomed, and they have to descend with her. The nether Lords of the Fires (the Gnomes and fire Elementals) are preparing their magic fire-weapons. But the Lords of the Dark Eye ('Evil Eye') are stronger than the Elementals and they are the slaves of the mighty ones. They are versed in the highest magical knowledge. Come and use your magic powers in order to counteract those of the Dazzling Face (an adept of the White Magic) cause the Viman of every lord of the Dark Face to come into his hands (or possession), lest any of the Sorcerers should by its means escape from the waters, avoid the rod of Four Karmic deities and save his wicked followers. May every yellow face send sleep from himself to every black face. May even the Sorcerers avoid pain and suffering. May every man true to the Solar Gods paralyse every man under the lunar gods, lest he should suffer or escape his destiny. And may every yellow face offer of his life-water (blood) to the speaking animal of a black face, lest he awaken his master."
The hour has struck, the black night is ready.... "Let their destiny be accomplished. We are the servants of the great Four Karmic Gods. May the Kings of light return." The great King fell upon his dazzling Face and wept.... When the kings assembled the waters had already moved. But the nations had crossed the dry lands. They were beyond the water mark. Their Kings reached them in their Vimans, and led them on to the lands of Fire and Metal (East and North).
Meteors showered on the lands of the black faces: but they slept. The speaking beasts (the magic watchers) kept quiet The nether lords waited for orders, but they came not, for their masters slept. The waters arose, and covered the valleys from one end of the Earth to the other. High lands remained, the bottom of the Earth (the lands of the antipodes) remained dry. There dwelt those who escaped; the men of the yellow-faces and of the straight eye (the frank and sincere people). When the Lords of the Dark Faces aw oke and bethought themselves of their Vimans in order to escape from the rising waters, they found them gone.
The nations that were led away, were as thick as the stars of the milky way. Like as a dragon-snake uncoils slowly its body, so the sons of men, led on by the Sons of Wisdom, opened their folds, and spreading out, expanded like a running stream of sweet waters. Many of the faint-hearted among them perished on their way. But most were saved.
Some of the more powerful magicians of the "Dark Face" who awoke earlier than the others, pursuing those who had "spoilt them'' and who were in the rear-guard. Yet the pursuers, "whose heads and chests soared high above the water" chased them "for three lunar terms" until finally reached by the rising waves, they perished to the last man, the soil sinking under their feet and the earth engulfing those who had desecrated her.
Thus the last remnant of Atlantis — Poseidonis — perished between the water below and the fire above: the great mountain vomiting flames all the while. "The fire-vomiting Monster survived alone out of the ruins of the unfortunate island".
The Heirs of the Atlanteans (Egypt)
About 400 thousand years ago the Great Lodge of the Initiated Ones was transferred from Atlantis to Egypt. The Golden Age of Toltecs ended much time ago. Moral decline and exercises in black magic were spreading wider and wider. The White Lodge demanded purer environment and therefore was transferred to Egypt. At that time Egypt was a deserted and thinly populated place. There the Great Lodge of the Initiated Ones could unimpededly continue its work for the next 200 thousand years.
About 200 thousand years ago the White Lodge has founded the empire where the first "Divine Dynasty" of Egypt was ruling. And that dynasty began to educate people. At that time the first detachments of migrants from Atlantis arrived.
During ten thousand years which were left before the second catastrophe two big pyramids were built. There were big halls where the rituals of initiation took place and where the powerful talisman were kept for the period of cosmic catastrophes, foreseen by them.
In the epoch of the second catastrophe (200 thousand years ago) and first submergence of Egypt its population emigrated to the mountains of Abyssinia which were an island at that time. When the submerged areas appeared again above the sea they started to be populated partly by the descendants of former inhabitants, partly by migrants from Atlantis — mostly Akkadians. Their confusion with others created the type of Egyptians. The governing of the second "Divine Dynasty" dates back to that time when the Initiated Adepts were still ruling the country.
The third catastrophe with Atlantis occurred 80 thousand years ago and evoked the second sinking of Egypt. When the water rushed . back then the third "Divine Dynasty" ascended the throne. During the ruling of the first governors of that dynasty there was built the great temple of Karnak and many other grand buildings.
The submergence of Poseidonis (9564 B.C.) occasioned another deluge of Egypt. It was short but it put an end to the "Divine Dynasty" because the Lodge of the Initiated Ones transferred its settlement to another country. The human Dynasty of the older Egyptians had all the knowledge of the Atlanteans, though there was no more Atlantean blood in their veins.
At the time of submergence of Poseidonis, desert Sahara was still at the bottom of the ocean just as Gobi was still at the bottom of a sea in Central Asia. Islands of Great Britain were joined with the European continent. And there was no Baltic Sea. Since that time contours of the continents took the form which they have in our days.
Other Subraces of the Atlanteans and Their Descendants
The Turanians — the fourth subrace — were yellow. This subrace was violent and undisciplined, rough and cruel. They never wielded power on the continent of Atlantis. They were the colonisers. The major part of them emigrated to the areas on the East from Atlantis. Then they went further East to the shores of a central sea of Asia. Some of them roamed further along the Yellow river and finally settled in the centre of China. That subrace is represented in some parts of contemporary China by the tall Chinese, who are easily distinguished from the Chinese of the seventh subrace.
The primeval Semites — the fifth subrace — were white. That subrace was very militant, provocative and inclined to robbery. They were mainly nomads. The typical features of that subrace were suspicious-ness , quarrelsome disposition and never-ending wars with neighbours. Their descendants are pure-blooded Israelites and Kabyles of North Africa.
The sixth subrace — the Akkadians — were white. They appeared after the catastrophe which happened 800 thousand years ago. They held many wars with the Semites And finally they won them. The Akkadians are notable for commercial colonising abilities. The great interest which the Akkadians showed in sea-faring made them intensify their observations of the starry sky. Therefore great results were achieved by them in astronomy and astrology. They built several big scientific centres and established connections with the most distant parts of Earth. Their descendants were the Phoenicians trading on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
The last, seventh, Mongolian subrace originated in Tatar Steppes of East Siberia. The Mongolians came directly from the Turanian subrace. which they replaced in major part of Asia. They do not bear any relation to the ancient continent of Atlantis. Generated on the vast spaces of Tataria they had enough room for migration with in their own country. That subrace has incredibly grown. Due to the area's conditions the Mongolians became nomads at first, then farmers, rough Turanians. They were also yellow. Having dispersed on the plains of China they represent now the modem Chinese.
The Japanese do not entirely belong to any race, being a mixture of several subraces. The Japanese were the last scum of the whole Root Race. That is why they have many qualities which distinguish them from the seventh subrace — the Chinese.
The Fifth Root Race which is now at the head of human evolution came from the fifth subrace of the Atlanteans — the primeval Semites. The most outstanding families of that subrace were marked out and settled on the Southern shores of the central sea of Asia long before the destruction of Atlantis.
The Fifth Race is also divided into seven subraces. And only five of them have appeared so far. The first subrace moved from Central Asia to India and settled on the South of Himalayas. It started to dominate over the vast Hindustan peninsula. They have bent to their power the people of the Fourth and Third Race, populating India in that epoch. The first subrace is represented not only by the Aryan Hindus but also by one of the types of the Ancient Egypt. That type was the one to which the highest ruling class belonged.
The second subrace consists of the Aryan Semites different from the primeval Semites — Babylon — and also modem Arabs and Moors. The third subrace is the Iranian. The ancient Persians and their descendants, the modem Persians, belonged to that subrace. The fourth subrace is Celtic. The Ancient Romans and also modem Italian, Greek, French, Spanish and Irish people belong to that subrace. The fifth subrace is Teutonic. Slavic, Scandinavian, Dutch, German, English people and their descendants, scattered all over the world, belong to that subrace.
Barman is a small, miserable, half-ruined town in Central Asia, half-way between Cabul and Balkh.
Not far from this town there are five enormous statues The largest is 52 metres (173 feet) high The second statue, cut out in the rock like the first one, is 36 metres (120 feet) in height. The third statue is only 18 metres (60 feet) high: the two others are still smaller, the last one being only a little larger than the average tall man of our present race. The first and largest of the Colossi represents a man draped in a kind of toga.
These five statues belong to the handiwork of the Initiates of the Fourth Race, who sought refuge, after the submersion of their continent, in the fastnesses and on the summits of the Central Asian mountain chains. Moreover, the five statues are an imperishable record of the esoteric teaching about the gradual evolution of the races. The largest is made to represent the First Race of mankind, its ethereal body being commemorated in hard, everlasting stone, for the instruction of future generations.
The second — 36 metres (120 feet) high — represents the sweat-born; and the third — measuring 18 metres (60 feet) — immortalizes the race that fell, and thereby inaugurated the first physical race, born of father and mother, the last descendants of which are represented in the Statues found on Easter Island; but they were only from 6 to 7.5 metres (20-25 feet) in stature in the epoch when Lemuria was submerged. The Fourth Race was still smaller, though gigantic in comparison with our present Fifth Race and the series culminated finally in the latter.
In the Other Worlds
There are many stories about the lives of different people from their birth to death. But there is a legend about the path of a man from death to birth. Listen to this legend. Cognize another side of the world. Let's understand what the human being is.
Leaving from the Dense World
Thus I've left my physical body forever. Though I've been leaving it even day for some hours but always returned — that was called the slip.
But now I've thrown it off for good as a worn out cloth. For the date of my leaving of the Dense World has come. That date was determined by the Lords of Karma when I was born. The duration of life in the Dense World is determined for each person. The body, I left, served me as a "conductor'' in the Dense World. It was no more than an instrument for action in that world.
I've been deprived of the possibility to live in this world when I threw that body off. This world stopped to exist for me any more.
I've not yet left the Physical World completely. I've only thrown off a dense part of the physical body, that consists of solid, liquid and gaseous particles. That dense part got the name of the "cold corpse" I took all the "life" of that body with me: warmth, electricity and other energies — all that is called the "ethereal body" in the East.
Having the ethereal body as my external envelope I became invisible for people in the Dense World. Though if I wanted it very much I could assume the appearance of a "ghost" and show myself to my folks in the form of a cloudy figure. But I did not do it because the ones, who've seen me, could be frightened by that. Moreover, at the moment of leaving of the physical body I w as very busy: I've been living through all my life again. In those short seconds the panorama of all my life went before my eyes. From all the forgotten nooks one picture after another came forward, one event after another.
At my death hour the prevailing sense of all my life has been revealed. The leading thought of my life has been cleared up. I saw myself in a way I really was. Solemn was that minute when I stood face to face with my life.
It was so good that all of them who were by my death-bed behaved silently and reverentially. They realised themselves in the solemn presence of Death and were solemnly keeping silence. Nothing drew away my attention from reviewing of my past life, which was rushing before my internal vision. Nobody violated the calm flow of thought.
Those who invade the silence with one's own grief behave themselves selfishly and rudely. That silence is so much necessary for the leaving one. Loud crying and noisy complaints can disturb a dying man and violate his concentrated attention. It is unacceptable to call him to the earthly spheres when the spirit took off already.
Approximately in 36 hours after death I left my ethereal body. It rushed about my grave of my dense body for a while. The thrown off ethereal body can be seen sometimes by sensitive people as a "ghost" on a cemetery. In some weeks it disintegrates and disappears in the air.
Living in the Subtle World
Having become free from the physical forces, dense and ethereal bodies, I found my self in another world — the Subtle World, which became visible and real for me now.
I've remained the same except for my subtle body, which became external for me now. This subtle body is a vehicle and a medium of desires, feelings and emotions. Having that body with its organs of perception ("subtle" vision and so on) I could immediately participate in life of the Subtle World and its inhabitants.
Actually, I had that body before in the Dense World though it w as invisible there. It was hidden behind the rough envelope of a dense body. By means of the subtle body I could desire, express my feelings.... That possibility completely remained in the Subtle World. Though in earthly life I could conceal my feelings, desires and emotions. But now in the Subtle World they have become visible just like a dense body was visible in the Dense World.
The Subtle World is not so much some special place, but rather a state I have plunged in after the loss of my physical body. My consciousness remained the same as it was in the Dense World. All the dead ones continue the same life in the Subtle World as they led on the earthly plane. Often they are even unconscious of their passage into the other world.
Everyone gets involved in the world, a state generated by man himself. In the Subtle World all the sensations depend on the development and state of consciousness. Therefore everyone finds there either hell or purgatory or paradise. The Subtle World consists of seven planes or seven spheres corresponding to different stages of spiritual and intellectual development. The lines dividing the strata of the Subtle World do not coincide with those of conventional classifications on Earth. If in the Dense World a man can pretendingly conceal his true essence and have a position which does not correspond to the level of his development, in the Subtle World it is absolutely impossible. Anyone there gets into such a sphere, which he or she has reached through the spiritual development.
Yes, in the Subtle World one cannot be hypocritical and wrap his dirty thoughts in the cover of apparent virtue. Even during earthly life people transform their appearance through their passions, and the face of a depraved scoundrel assumes the most repulsive expression. In the Subtle World the inner character is certainly expressed through the external appearance. The external appearance of a man completely corresponds to his real nature. Either he is radiant with beauty, if his soul is a noble one, or he repulses with his ugliness, if this nature is dirty.
In the Subtle World every intention is accompanied by an obvious change in the outer world. Bestial appetites form the bestial appearance of a subtle body. Evil passions disfigure it to the most horrible extent. And what is most remarkable is that man himself never sees his self-transportation.
Having foreseen such a fate, isn't it worth to take the necessary precautions in time, at least for the sake of appearance? Isn't it worth to learn in the Dense World to think so as not to be ashamed before anyone in the Subtle World?
After all if a man is fully convinced of the good quality of his thoughts, he can fear nothing; not for an instant will he be confused by his appearance. And it can be beautiful!
There is some sort of hell in the Subtle World: the state of criminals and depraved ones is very agonizing in the lowest strata of the Subtle World. Furious and malicious ones who have lived only by the sensual pleasures suffer a lot here. It happens because of the impossibility to satisfy their malice, passions of flesh, for they have no instrument for that — a physical body. They literally bum in the flame of their insatiable passions.
Spheres of the Subtle World differ one from another in density. Those distinctions in the properties of matter of the Subtle World cause the separation of beings living in the different spheres of that World. Though the inhabitants of one sphere can visit all the underlying spheres, but in order to ascend to the higher spheres, they have to achieve the proper level of spiritual development.
The inhabitants of the Subtle World are the sources of light — they are luminous, illuminating by themselves the space around. But the luminosity of even, being of the Subtle World depends on the degree of perfection that they have achieved. Hence the division of the dark and the light ones is comprehensible. The light one is luminous, but the dark one does not radiate any light.
The lowest strata of the Subtle World well in twilight, because the light of their dwellers is faint — they cannot think of Light. The higher the consciousness and thought, the more luminous is the miraculous radiance. Those inhabitants of the Subtle World who desire light have no scarcity of it. A thought of Light generates the Light. In the Subtle World the voice is not needed and replaced by swift thought. Not the words are perceived here but thoughts.
People communicate mentally and do not need languages. How wonderful is the possibility to think in one's own language and at the same time to be understood by people of many countries.
There is a very absorbing possibility in the Subtle World to create by means of thought anything man wants out of the subtle matter. The richer is the imagination of a man, the more varied is his creation. The more cultured is a man, the more beautiful is his creation. That is why all dreamers, poets and painters have boundless opportunities to use all their abilities and aspirations there.
Having released from my physical body. I felt myself free from many straitened duties. A man does not have to prepare food for himself in the Subtle World. He does not have to think of housing and clothes. There is no need of rest there as well. Therefore I had a lot of free time there which I've devoted to the broadening of my consciousness, observation of the heavenly worlds and studding of the natural laws.
The possibilities of the inhabitants of the Subtle World are wonderful from the viewpoint of the Dense World. Here I could transfer from one object to another and from one place to another with the velocity unattainable for earthly understanding. The things which seem a fantasy or a fairy-tale to an earthly man are the reality in the Subtle World. All those tales which say of the "cap of invisibility", "flying carpet", "good and evil fairies" and so on, are written by the authors who remember the laws and the phenomena of the Subtle World.
The Subtle World is not only our state of being, it is actually a complete world with its potentialities and obstacles. For the laws and the conditions of life in the Subtle World are completely different. Thus, time and space are perceived quite differently there.
In the Subtle World thousands of earthly years may seem as one moment and one moment as the eternity. But after all, the same things happen on Earth too. A person absorbed in joy of creation or happiness does not notice the flow of the years. And one terrible minute may seem infinitely long. Also in dreams one can make sure that for the very interesting dreams (rich in content) time is not needed. The gravest events and long conversations are instantaneously perceived.
The inhabitants of the Subtle World make flights on thousands of earthly miles for a few seconds. There is no such conception as proximity and distance there, for all phenomena and objects are equally within the reach of eye not depending on distance from the observer.
Also any being and any thing there are transparent and visible in the same way from all sides.
The external appearance of the Subtle World is different too — luminous matter of that world is not like the earthly covers. Flowers are inferior to the richness of forms but their colours are unspeakably complex comparative to the earthly colours. Snow is whiter and more crystal than the earthly one; images of seas and mountains are in transformed state. Whoever has seen the colour of the Subtle World and heard its resounding, understands that for such a World the best definition is — The Subtlest.
Finally the time of my stay in the Subtle World is over. The time "to die" has come for me here. It means to throw off the worn-out subtle body which has become a "subtle corpse" and to move into the next higher world.
The Bliss of the Fiery World
When the connection with the subtle body had finally broken, I plunged into a brief unconsciousness. Then a feeling of bliss made me awake. That feeling was vivid, infinite and unimaginable for earthly consciousness. I've awakened with a feeling of inexpressible joy, peace and tranquillity which was exceeding any imagination.
The most charming melodies were sounding softly around me. The most delicate tints of luminous colours were waving before my opened eyes. The very sound seemed to me the music of light. All my being was imbued throughout with light and harmony. Then through the golden haze the beloved faces delicately began to appear. They were refined in beauty that reflected their noblest emotions. They were unblemished with troubles and passions of the inferior worlds. How one can convey in words the bliss of that awakening, the radiance of the first heavenly dawn, the radiance of the heavenly world!
What is the world where I've awakened? That was the Fiery World or rather that part of it which is called the Mental World. That is a world of consciousness, a world of mind. Though this is not the mind which manifests itself through the brain, but the one which freely acts in its own world, not restrained by the physical matter.
Here the "fiery body" started to serve me as the "external" one. It is also called a "body of thought" or a bearer of thought. It is the concrete mind, the intellect. It creates the concrete thought. Its method is the logic of the external thinking. It proves, discusses something, makes conclusions.
I had the fiery body in my earthly life too, though at that time it was concealed behind the covers of the subtle and dense bodies. Now this body became naked and external for me. It is built of the spirit-matter of the Mental World and it has more or less developed organs of perception of that world. The level of that development depends on the level of cultural and spiritual development of a man.
The life in the Fiery World is more creative than in the Subtle World. The "matter of thought" makes "the matter of feeling" seem clumsy, heavy and dim, though in comparison with the physical matter "the matter of feeling" is so magically transparent and light.
There are no shadows in the Fiery World; the luminosity of all parts of that World produces a continuous glow. The radiance of auras is like cloud arches, and rays areas streams and waterfalls. Fiery blossoms are distinguished by their radiance, but they may be compared in structure with roses; small vortical rings form, as it were, a combination of petals. Similarly, ozone, in the higher state, reproduces, as it were, the odour of evergreens.
In the Mental World all that a man thinks of is immediately reproduced in shapes, for the rarefied and subtle matter of the Fiery-World is of the same kind as the matter constituting the forms of our thoughts. It is the environment where our thinking manifests itself. That matter immediately turns into definite shapes under the influence of thought. That is why everyone really creates one's own heaven. The beauty of all the surrounding infinitely increases in correspondence with the richness of one's thought energy. As far as man develops his spiritual powers his heaven becomes more refined and beautiful. A man himself creates all restrictions in the Mental World, and therefore everyone's heaven broadens and deepens simultaneously with the broadening and deepening of a soul.
There is no division of time and space in the Fiery World. In those heavens we constantly stay with those whom we've loved and honoured during our earthly life and who had gone earlier or are still alive on Earth. We see them around us being as happy as we are, in the form we used to love on Earth. And we preserve full consciousness of our earthly sensations; for in the Fiery World earthly sprouts of love flourish.
As to the connection between souls, the communion in the Fiery or Mental World is closer and more delicate than anything we know on the Earth. For there are no obstacles between one soul and another in the Fiery World. The significance of life of the soul in the Fiery World is as great as that on the Earth. The space does not have the separating meaning here. And each soul can come into contact with another soul, merely by directing its attention to it. Such contacts happen not only with the "quickness of thought", but also with perfect fullness, if the souls are of one level of evolution. All the thoughts lightningly transfer from one soul to another; or rather every soul sees the way how a thought of another soul is created.
During that state a person reaps the reward for his unselfishness on Earth. He is entirely absorbed in the bliss of his personal earthly affections, preferences and thoughts. He reaps here the fruits of his worthy actions. Neither pain nor sadness, nor even shadow of grief clouds the clear horizon of his pure joy.
The Fiery World is the world of Bliss and inexpressible joy, but it is also something greater than a place of the blissful calm for a tired soul. All the valuable in mental and moral experiences of a person in his last earthly life, becomes a subject to internal processing for its gradual conversion into the mental and moral qualities, which man will bring with himself into the next incarnation.
Actually the life in the Subtle World is not a blissful dream in the land of flowers at all. It is not the aimless idleness. But that is a country where the mind and the heart, free of rough matter and petty cares, are developing. That is a country where the future progress is being provided the duration of time spent in that heaven depends on the amount of materials taken from the last earthly life by a person. The harvest useful for nourishment and realization in the Mental World, consists of all pure thoughts and emotions, generated during the earthly life, of all mental and moral efforts and aspirations, all recollections of the unselfish labour for the benefit of a neighbour, all that may be introduced into soul's harmony and, consequently, can serve for the development of the soul.
Thus, I stayed in the Mental World for a period corresponding to the spiritual stock brought from the Earth. Here all the good, made during the last life, has got its complete realization.
And when everything was already exhausted, when the last drop from the chalice of joy was drunk up, everything which had been converted into abilities, and is of the eternal value, got into myself. I had thrown off the last one of my temporary envelope — the mental body. It dissolved in the Mental World and I reached my true motherland — the Fiery World.
Yes, the Fiery World is the true motherland of a man, where he is "home". He comes back here after his journey to the earthly world, to the "vale of tears". He went there as at school in order to learn and to collect the experience. Here a man himself — his immortal part — not burdened with anything, experiences his own life in full measure of that self-consciousness and knowledge, that he has succeeded to achieve.
The Mental and the Fiery Worlds are in their essence the one great world of thought: the first world is the world of concrete thought, and the second one is the world of an abstract, "fiery" thought. Therefore the Mental World may be regarded as the lowest sphere of the Fiery World. In the supreme sphere all the superpersonal is the subject to conversion, that is the thoughts which belong to the superior, abstract sphere.
The supreme sphere of the Fiery World — the abode of the Immortal Man — consists of three subdivisions. A man stays in any one of them according to the level of this evolution. The enormous majority of 60 milliards of souls, making up a mass of our humanity, stays on the first and the lowest level. That backward majority ascends only to the lowest sphere of the Fiery World and for a short moment, only after throwing off all the temporary envelopes. For a short moment such a soul awakes to the consciousness. The lightning-like recollection illumines all the past, and the soul sees all the causes that have generated it. The same flash of prevision illumines the future of the soul and it sees all consequences that will occur in its nearest existence. That is all that the majority of people is able to experience in this sphere of the Fiery World.
But there are souls that, during their earthly existence, have prepared, by thoughts and noble life, that crop the harvest of which is reaped right in that sphere of the Fiery World. Here a person starts to experience the true life, worthy existence of the soul itself, not restrained by the envelopes belonging to the lower worlds. Here a man gets to know his past and examines the causes which he has brought into life.
He registers their interaction and the consequences generated by those causes. He even sees some part of their influence on his future life.
A comparatively small number of souls of higher evolution stays in the next second sphere of the Fiery World. During their earthly life they manifest themselves as innately cultured and naturally refined people. These are the souls, which during their earthly being devoted all their energy to the supreme mental and moral life. For them there is no cloak covering the past, their memory is perfect and uninterrupted. The Immortal "Selves" of the Teachers and the Initiated ones (the Adepts) and of their closest disciples stay in the most supreme sphere.
What is the Self?
I've experienced several "deaths", I've thrown off all my temporary envelopes one after another at certain intervals of time. Those envelopes are the dense and the ethereal bodies, the body of feelings and finally the mental body. And now I remained but myself, having nothing to throw off and hence immortal and eternal. What is that immortality, what is the eternal Self?
This Self is triple. The most supreme part is a particle of God. It is a spark of the Spirit-Fire, the Ray of Absolutism. In the East it is called Atma. That Divine core is contained in Buddhi — the spiritual soul, the spiritual mind, the body of "bliss". It is called the "heart", the ability of prevision, the ability of penetration into the essence of things by instant illumination It is called the intuition or sensation.
The conjunction of Atma and Buddhi makes the grain of the spirit — the Divine eternal Monad. This fiery grain of the spirit is indestructable and immutable, indissoluble and eternal. It is the same for all people. And it manifests itself as unconscious basis of each person. Consciousness of a man accumulates and grows around the grain of the spirit. It is called Manas or the "Thinker". That is the supreme mind, the mind of abstract mentality, the mind of ideas, the self-consciousness. It corresponds to the logic of fiery synthesis, illumined by the light of intuition.
That is the undecayable treasury of all results of life experiences which are worth preserving. The acquired mental and moral qualities are stored there. Otherwise they would not be able to grow.
Atma, Buddhi and Manas together make up the immortal Self of a man. That is the Eternal Man, the individualized Divine Self. It manifests itself as character in the bodies enveloping it. His presence grants the feeling of Self equally to body and soul. Being self-conscious this Self often deceptively identifies itself with that envelope where it acts the most energetically.
For instance, the Self of a sensual man merges with the physical and subtle bodies. The Self extracts from them its joy and considers itself and those bodies as one, for all its life is in them. The Self of a scientist is contained in his mind, because all his joy emanates from the mind activity. All his life is concentrated in the mind. And only a few people can ascend to the abstract heights of the spiritual philosophy and to feel the Eternal Man as their true Self.
The influence of the Supreme Self on its bodies is called the conscience when it concerns morality. And it is called the flashes of intuition when it illumines the intellect. If those flashes are so unceasing that they become usual, then their totality is called the genius. And everyone of us is carrying in oneself that universal treasure.
That Eternal Man has no immediate manifestation in our worlds. For that purpose He needs conductors — the bodies corresponding to those worlds where the man manifests himself. In the East the totality of the envelopes in which the man acts in the Mental, Subtle and Dense Worlds is called the "Personality". It is created for each earthly incarnation.
And the supreme triad (Atma-Buddhi-Manas) is an immortal tree which produces out of itself a personality just like leaves existing in spring, summer and autumn time of the earthly life. This supreme triad is called the individuality. It lives eternally, getting enveloped in bodies and throwing them off just like a man puts new clothes on and put the worn-out ones off. The individuality is the eternal collector of the achievements of the multitude of incarnations.
The process of leaving of the physical incarnation is called death. This process does not make any difference for the individuality. Having thrown off all the bodies the Eternal Man remains himself. And he is again at home, though actually he has not left his abode at all; he merely concentrated a part of his will and consciousness through the mediation of conductors of the lower matter.
Man lives and manifests his activity in three worlds: in the dense world he manifests himself in his acts, in the Subtle World — in his desires, in the Mental World — in his thoughts. For each of those worlds and for the purpose of communion with them a man has a body or a conductor of consciousness made up of the matter of that world. Man uses those conductors for some time. And when he stops needing them any longer he throws them off.
For the individuality the things that we call life and death are only the temporary aspiration of a part of its consciousness into the lower worlds and then the return of the consciousness into the superior worlds. Death is merely a change releasing a man from the heaviest of all the chains which bind him. Death is merely the birth into the broader life, a return to the true abode after a brief exile on the earth. It is a transition from prison to the freedom of mountain air. Death is the greatest of the earthly illusions. There is no death, but only a change in life conditions.
I am Going to be Born Again
When the time of my stay in the Fiery World was over, for me as for every thinker came a moment of clairvoyance. For an instant I saw my past and causes made in that past which would be acting in my future. And the general contours of my incarnation showed themselves without a cover. Everyone who starts a new earthly life has a spark of light when he understands what makes him accept one or another testing. Thus the tasks of the earthly life are caused.
What makes the Earth to rotate? It is the Cosmic Law: as hunger pushes on a hungry man to the food in the same way the law of incarnation directs the prepared spirit to the date of its incarnation. Then a moment comes when the spirit starts to feel sharply the magnetic attraction to the earthly incarnation. For, only earth is the hearth where our energies transmute, renew and accumulate.
Higher spirit does not oppose natural change of being. He rejoices at the possibility to perfect a new side of his life. He helps to find difficult tasks in order to test his consciousness on them. The higher spirit strives to the difficult path.
It is difficult to approach the earthly spheres from the Subtle World. Such plunges may be compared to the work of divers. As the driver must wear a heavy diver's suit in order to resist the pressure of the ocean, so he who approaches Earth must also sheathe himself in a dense body.
The experienced swimmer springs from the heights into the depths of the water. He feels daring and joy at returning to the surface. So, too, the conscious spirit plunges into carnate matter, in order to rise again to the mountain heights. Experience makes such a testing joyful.
Finally the time of my stay in the Fiery World was over and I descended to the Mental World. I radiated some part of my energy through vibrations which attracted the matter of the Mental World to me and enveloped me in that matter. I built a body of thought out of this matter, of course with the help of the Higher Beings. That body was necessary for beginning the new chapter of the eternal history of my life.
When the body of thought was built I descended to the Subtle World in it. My energies, continuing to strive outwards, also drew the matter of the Subtle World around me. My subtle body — the body of desires — was built out of that matter.
Then I built the ethereal body out of the ethereal matter of the Dense World. Ethereal body is the exact copy of the future physical body. It is rather the original for it starts to exist earlier than a physical body. The physical body in its uterine period precisely copies the ethereal body.
When all these envelopes were created the time came for me to be physically born. A highly developed man who lives with his higher consciousness himself chooses a family, where he should be born. For undeveloped people this question is solved by the Lords of Karma. They determine the family and conditions where such man must be born following the same desire and strivings which the man has created.
Physical body is given to the man by his parents. They can transmit not only the physical heredity to him but also the typical features of that race and nation where the man is born. This is the only heredity which man gets from his parents. All the rest he brings into new life himself Mental and moral qualities are not transmitted from parents to the descendants.
Thus genius cannot be inherited. Genius is not transmitted from parents, from father to the son. Instead of being a completion of a gradually perfected family, genius appears quite suddenly. If he has the descendants then he transmits only his corporal qualities but not the mental ones. The child of a genius is often born a block-head. And usual parents give life to a genius.
The Eternal Life
We Become Gods out of Animals
In the previous legend it was told how a man after his death in the Dense World and life in the Subtle and Fiery Worlds again returns to earth for the next life. Thus repeats the life of every man. One needs to think about the Russian word for man — Chelovek. It means the spirit or Chela coming for centuries. "Vek" stands for "the century". The whole change of incarnations, all the value of consciousness are expressed in one word.
Man obtains life experience through an endless row of successive lives. In the intervals between incarnations, that is during stay in the Fiery World, that experience turns into abilities and character of the man. With those abilities and that character, created in the previous lives, man enters the new life. And each new life continuing the preceding one starts with that step of development where the man had stopped in his previous life. Thus his consciousness develops. This evolution of consciousness of even,- man goes with a definite plan which consists in his dormant Divinity. Carrying out that plan man lives his separate lives and each of this lives is one day at school of the Eternal Life. Thus, people, instructed by the Great Teachers, learn the lessons necessary for transition from one class to another.
For a young soul who has recently left the animal state, the plan of learning is the egoism with its inexorably persistent "I want that" in order to strengthen the centre of this individuality. Thus study the people of the first class. They are completely undeveloped. Their mental development is in embryo yet. They cannot bridle their ungovernable wild passions, their rough nature. These people are born amongst savages and semi-civilized races and also in retarded and criminal types of civilized societies. They incarnate many times in one and the same subrace and they can be delayed for a long time in the lower strata of the Subtle World.
But after numerous lives in the class of savages the plan changes. And the lesson he would gradually learn is not "I" but "We".
He must now learn to share with each other and not to demand anything only for himself. The second class is the people of mediocre development with limited world outlook. The mental horizon of such people does not cross the limits of their family, state or nation. They reincarnate many times in one and the same subrace. They have a short rest in heavenly spheres the du ration of which depends on the achieved results in their spiritual development during earthly life. These first two classes of "savages" and the "civilized ones" are represented by more than nine-tenth of the whole humanity.
Then goes the next stage of spiritual development when the wish to share the burden of others becomes a basic note of a human life. "Let me help you" — thus says the plan of Logos to a human heart which strives to spirituality. The third class is of the cultured people, who strive to some high goals and have some high ideals. Their mental horizon widened to the understanding of oneness of humanity. They reincarnate 2-3 times in each subrace. The period between two incarnations differs and can last up to hundreds and thousands of years — 700-1200 years on an average.
The fourth class is of the disciples of the Teachers of Wisdom. Those people create their future with know ledge. The plan of Logos for a disciple is to live in the name of this Teacher. And with each day the disciple becomes a nobler guard and a nobler conductor of the grace, that Teacher creates for the world. The disciples voluntarily renounce long bliss in the Fiery World, that they have the right on, in order to accelerate their evolution. They reincarnate right after the death. Every one of them has a Teacher, who chooses a family and proper conditions for the disciple to be born in.
On the very last step, on the step of the Master of Wisdom, the plan of Logos becomes fully completed. And a soul lives in inexpressible oneness of man and God. "Not my will I'm seeking for but the Father's one" — is the prayer of action. The fifth class are the real flowers of humanity who completed their human evolution and, having achieved human-god state, guide our evolution. They do not need the reincarnations and they incarnate only on their wish for this evolution and for the benefit of humanity. When the Teacher assumes birth he decides himself where and w hen he will be born. For he is the absolute master of this destiny.
Thus the dates of stay in other worlds are extremely diverse.
They can change from some months to millennia. Everything depends on the development and mastery of a person.
Any life is a certain lesson, certain task which needs to be fulfilled. If man was successful in resolution of problems raised then he quickly moves forward in his evolution. If he is less successful then he returns for many times to the same conditions, the same environment where he has not showed any success.
We Walk through the Epochs
Root races and their subraces play their roles in the drama of life in order to give us the experience. That is why the Hierarchy brings physical differences into the subraces and places them now amidst the mountains, now on the sea shore. That is why the Hierarchy sends different aspects of One Truth to the subraces. Those aspects are expressed in religions and philosophies that appear in different subraces under the guidance of Hierarchy.
Let's imagine a soul which has been born in turn in every subrace. Starting with the day of birth in the first subrace of the Atlanteans, what peculiar experience the soul will receive being incarnated as primitive giant-like man — a silent highlander, enduring and keen to the changes of sun and clouds? Being incarnated as the Toltec in Atlantis or Peru the soul will receive the experience of an administrator in one of the amazing patriarchal governing which constitute the fame of Toltecs Such administrator would have taken upon himself all the burden of cares for the well-being of some village in province. In this life-long service to his fellow-citizen this man learns to suppress his own ego.
Being a Turanian colonist man gets accustomed to wander in search of new lands and to struggle with nature on new settlements. As a martial primitive Semite, first of all he will learn to be a fighter, developing the quickness of decisions and realising that his life does not belong to him but to his tribe.
As a sea-farer and seller in the Akkadian subrace the man cognizes the magic power of the sea. He cognizes the necessity to take into account the psychological moments in goods distribution That man w ill also develop the mental power in business competition. And as a Chinese farmer, he never leaves his farm, which he inherits from his forefathers. He gets to know his numerous villagers closely, sharing their cares and sorrow and learning to cognize the inner sense of life, which is far from wars and trade.
Tracing the wanderings of the soul let's see its manifestations in the Fifth Race. Probably, life in India has left its indelible imprint on it. This life gave it something of the philosophical and abstract view of life so characteristic of the Hindu man. Later in Ancient Egypt, amid its practical and happy nation not surrendering to dreams, the soul develops another side of its nature.
And if the man would had been born an Arab in the heart of a desert, wouldn't that desert leave its imprint on his soul? It would provide him with refined keenness, feeling of invisible life in nature and its magnificence. As the Iranian born in civilization, which directs him to the success in trade, he has to learn resourcefulness and initiative for honest conduct of his trade.
Then as the Celt, probably the Greek in Athens, what new perception will appear in him when he is sure that Gods are everywhere both on land and sea, that he is of the divine origin humself, born to transform his life through arts? His ideal is thorough know ledge which develops wholeness of nature and healthy spirits of the heart.
As the Roman he is firm in his confidence that religion, family and state are one whole thing. He also has that deep feeling of lawfulness in order to learn to govern. Or as a French or Italian he sensitively and quickly responds to the emotions and gets fascinated by the ideas beyond any material considerations.
And later he is born as a representative of the Tevtonian subrace in Scandinavia or England or in America. What new abilities can his soul acquire in addition to the ones it already has? Those are the practicalness and the ability of superpersonal judgement, thanks to scientific investigations, honesty in business sphere and individualism. And wouldn't Beethoven, Wagner and Shakespeare give him a new understanding of life?
We can already predict some qualities of the sixth subrace which is emerging now in Australia, New Zealand, America and in other places. Those qualities are the feeling of brotherhood and new understanding of relations between parents, co-operation in deeds and material evolution, intuition, the ability to approach global problems in the new way, release from traditions of the old world, love for sun light. fresh air and everything that draws people together.
Let's also imagine how different must be the experience of a soul in the same subraces if it incarnates in a feminine body doing feminine duties New feelings and new points of view will develop in that soul. It would probably be poorer without that experience. And since the human being should possess the qualities inherent not only in people of different statuses but also in different sexes, he incarnates both in a masculine and in a feminine body. The number of masculine and feminine incarnations depends on ability of a soul to turn the obtained life experience into the abilities. Usually there are not more than seven and not less than three incarnations in one sex in a row.
Thus do rise and fall the civilizations, developing one or another quality in people. But at the base of all lies the process of reincarnations. Civilizations appear and disappear only for the purpose to become a field of experience for us, give us new feelings in different lives. The civilizations are created out of ashes. They are given to play their special role and then they submerge into the sea depths or get destroyed in a fiery cataclysm. But all of them serve only as scenes in a drama, designed by Logos for us. So that playing our roles well and right we could become like Him some day.
The man successively goes through all the epochs and races, all cultures and public generations in order to fully develop by his own efforts, all those divine qualities laid in him as potentialities and creativeness.
Each change of life is like a remedy. It cures some unhealthy side of a man. The stone which is not ground good enough won't shine. Great incarnations sometimes change into, as they were, insignificant ones. Who knows what valuable subject must be found during difficult path?
A king may find himself a labourer, and a shoemaker may become a senator — incarnations vary according to psychic principles and not according to earthly distinctions.
Noble incarnations alternate with the labour ones. Labour incarnations can raise the consciousness higher than all the rulers of the world. All fields of hard labour are full of delight. The persecuted one learns more than the persecutors.
We Meet through the Centuries
Each soul develops under influence of its own separate eternity. But it doesn't follow the path to the realization of its Divinity alone, but together with other souls which learn to love. True connection of Love between them remains forever. And whatever the earthly envelopes are, true love will break through them as a spark from one soul to another. Physical kinship is not that important. The power of true love w ill always manifest as love and service, no matter what kind of earthly conductor of a soul is outlined by the Lord of Karma for it.
Let's trace two examples of such meetings, separated by centuries — two legends of the eternal love.
In the first example, the souls L, K and B are connected with each other by close ties of love. Those ties were forged for many past lives. L and K belong to that type of souls which spend 1200 years in the subterranean worlds between two earthly lives. B belongs to the type of souls which spend only 700 years in the subterranean world. It is clear that L and K cannot participate in all lives of B. During that time when B had 31 incarnations, L had only 20, K - 24. L meets B and they become husband and wife. But in that life they do not meet K. When L is horn again he becomes a husband of A and brother-in-law of B. But during the interval L and B had one life in which they met K.
During 31 lives B meets Z. 12 times while he meets Z, and together only 8 times. The connection between L and B is especially strong. Whatever their physical relationship is — as husband and wife or wife and husband, or as brother and sister, or as the beloved ones, who cannot get married — one soul always speaks to another. In one of K's lives being incarnated as woman K adopts a little girl L. Latter L, being incarnated as a man, adopts a little boy K.
In the second example one can trace how differently the ties of love manifest through 14 lives of R and D when they meet.
When R changes the sex and incarnates as woman two times, in the first case her beloved one incarnates as her husband. When D changes sex and incarnates as a man for three lives, in his third life he meets R — also a man. And a feeling of extraordinary mutual sympathy and friendship appears between them. In another incarnation R is a priest and a little orphan girl was carried to him for initiation in the temple. That girl was D.
In a little while a feeling of warm friendship appears between them. The priest becomes her spiritual father and leader. Then goes another life when they are husband and wife again. In two next lives love kindles again in their hearts. But their feeling is going under difficult conditions. In next life D does not meet R. And only during a new incarnation do they unite again as husband and wife.
In their present life they did not meet. But whether it is stipulated in the plan of the Lords of Karma for them to live apart or to unite, it is indubitable that they will meet again in the next lives as a married couple or father and son, or as friends. In any case, in the future they will meet as ones loving each other, being able to manifest the many-sidedness of love. This many-sidedness is expressed in devotion and, self-sacrifice for the sake of the beloved one, independently of the conductors which will be sentenced to them by the Lords of Karma.
Accumulating Treasures
The purpose of the multiform experience of numerous lives of a man is to open the different sides of our consciousness: full exposure of forces potentially concealed in us, the exposure of beauty and grandeur which One Life endowed us. The individuality of a man is being made up for centuries through many lives. His strivings and his abilities are the result of accumulations from the previous lives. The new life is given to man in order to perfect his individuality, to add something positive into the Chalice of accumulations. The sense of reincarnation is in that perfection. The observed difference in abilities is the result of greater or smaller development, greater or smaller human individuality. Sharp differences in mental or moral inclinations which are constantly met within families are explained by the fact that mental and moral qualities belong to the individuality itself.
Throughout his spiritual journey man accumulates his own load, which he guards within his consciousness. It is instructive to observe the acquisitions of knowledge and inclinations already manifested in childhood, which cannot be explained in any other way except as former accumulations. The stratification of observations over the extent of many lives, laid in the depths of consciousness, is called dormant wisdom.
The so called gift of discerning is not a gift at all. It is a consequence of labours and experience.
The discerning is acquired through many accumulations Imagination is the consequence of former experiences. Man cognized many states and through that he refined his judgement. It may be noticed that patience is developed to the extreme in certain people while others are totally lacking in this quality. The reason is that the possessors of patience have built it up over many lives. Patience is a quality that is earned with special difficulty, both in the earthly and in the subtle sojourn. Thus, a patient man is a worker of vast experience while an impatient one is a novice in life.
All the experience of the past lives and their know ledge is kept in the Chalice which is one for all incarnations. The Chalice is located in the intransigent body of a man, in the eternal man. Only for a disciple of the Master of Wisdom comes the moment some day when the understanding of many mysteries becomes possible, including the mysteries of his past lives. And that moment is determined by the Master Himself.
Each man bears a secret within himself. Rarely does the curtain of the past roll back during one's earthly life. Only by transcending the boundary of Earth is man enlightened in the realization of a portion of his secret. Remarkable is the process when the Chalice of accumulations reveals: the memory is suddenly illumined, and the past stands out in all justice. The imperishable accumulation can be a treasure.
The premature knowledge of incarnations is very harmful for the ascending spirit. That is why that knowledge is so wisely concealed by Nature. And Nature always acts according to the Laws of Expediency Often the premature knowledge of incarnations can drive a man to despair by revealing some betrayal in the past. Or it can increase the self-conceit — one of the most impeding qualities. Therefore one ought to bless the wise cover of mystery, especially while ascending the spirit himself takes that cover off himself. He sees his incarnations and their sense becomes clear to him.
Virtually not everything is erased from the memory when man is born for a new life on earth. In the first years of life many children remember their previous life and sometimes they tell strange things about themselves And usually the adults take no notice of that or treat it as fantasy.
The adults can also have some recollections from the past life. Getting into conditions analogous to those which were around the man in his previous lives he can recall the event from the previous life corresponding to the situation of the current life by the association of ideas. But not every one can make the right estimation of that recollection.
Human evolution is the evolution of consciousness. One can compare evolution of the human being with a necklace. Each pearl of that necklace is one of the physical manifestations strung on a thread of the spirit. But it is better to imagine this evolution as a complex mixture. Every new item on the earthly plan adds new ingredient which changes the whole composition.
One may regard a sequence of reincarnations as a sequence of separate lives, but it is better to look upon the changing reincarnations as one life. One may call the intervals between reincarnations a dream or a day. In the past perhaps it was a dream, in the future perhaps a day. This depends upon the success of evolution.
"We shall not die, but change" — can one speak any more clearly about the eternal life? The never-dying man, the Phoenix rising out of his own ashes is ordained from antiquity.
Life does not stop. Having understood that the whole attitude to earthly existence will change, knowing all the immutability and eternity of life one can go without fear. Having understood the ineradicability of our essence one can put that value on a scale.
Only through shortness of the path here one can understand the grandeur of Infinity and learn the perfectment of the spirit. Only the understanding of oneness of the path will make people live by beauty and die as wayfarers who continue their journey. Merciless fate of death will turn into the summon of the cosmic life.
The Law of the Cosmic Justice
The Enigma of Life
It is said that you cannot escape your destiny....
Who is in charge of the human fate? Who grants happiness to some people and suffering to another — and sometimes for the whole life? Why are some people born with a silver spoon in their mouth? They succeed in everything. And other ones are very unfortunate. Why are some people healthy and beautiful and other ones crippled from the very birth and ugly? Why does such an inequality in fortune and misfortune exist?
Observing the life one can come to the conclusion that there is no justice in this world. For everywhere we see how good people suffer and the unworthy ones enjoy the life.
Something is often said about the "undeserved" happiness and suffering. In Cosmos everything is so harmonious, expedient and natural. Do arbitrariness and fortuity rule 'n such Cosmos when it deals with the man and his life? The innate feeling of justice in the man protests and revolts against such injustice in human life.
The legends of the East say that only those reason about injustice in gifts of the Destiny w ho have only one given life of a man in mind. Legends assert that one cannot judge about fortuity and arbitrariness in Cosmos only because of one fragment of the eternal life of a man, regarding only his last incarnation. They say that everything will be clear and take its places if we trace the life of a man in its past or examine his past lives. It is asserted that our present life is the exact result of our preceding lives. Thus events seem to us as they were appearing from the emptiness, as they were accidental. But it is an illusion which originates in our ignorance. People who are not aquainted with the cosmic law s do not see the causes. They consider the result of the unknown laws as good or bad destiny.
The man has lived many lives on Earth. In those lives he has been thinking, wishing, acting both in good and bad ways. He created the forces which helped or delayed him and the others. Upon entering this life everyone of us comes from the far past, embracing many lives. And when we undertake our earthly task again we bring our destiny with us — the way we've created it ourselves. The legends assert that there is no fortuity in the world. Everything that is happening is connected with the preceding cause. The world we live in is the world of justice and order.
You Must Reap What You Have Sown
There is no small earthly justice. But there is the Great Cosmic Justice. This Cosmic Justice is conducted by the law of cause and effect — the Law of Karma. This is the faultless Law of Retribution which says: you must reap what you have sown. According to that Law the suffering one in his life equally reaps the fruit of what he has sown. If man lives a happy life then he has deserved it by his past life. And if he leads an unworthy life then he is preparing future suffering for himself.
Cosmic justice rewarding everyone according to his deeds is the back blow: good for good, evil for evil. This retribution to people for their deeds is made by the cosmic law.
The destiny of a man is made by his deeds according to which the Law of Karma manifests the proper results. The consequences of man's deeds, words, wishes, thoughts inevitably return to him either as punishment and suffering or happiness and joy.
Karma is a result of man's activity. And all his life is the result of Karma. Consequently, the man creates his fortune all by himself.
When a man cries out Why?,- he is neither thinking of the past nor the future.
Bewailing his fate, he forgets that he inflicts upon himself a severe penalty. Man shouldn't blame heaven and destiny for the evident injustice, ruling amidst the humanity; he is a saviour and a destroyer himself.
You Owe, You Pay
The legend says that nothing goes tracelessly. Every deed of a man, every word, every wish and every thought is automatically imprinted on invisible (for us) tablets. Everything is put down into the "Book of Life" of a man, and sooner or later one has to give an account of everything.
Thus, nothing can touch the man that has not been deserved by him. And from his side the lack of memory and knowledge cannot impede the execution of the Law. In no case can man suffer, without having deserved it. Not from without comes the proper estimation of Karma. The harming one first of all harms himself. Whither then so many unfortunate ones? They are reincarnated beggars, thieves, murderers. Usually in their pouch are to be found old debts. Manifestly they bear the weight of payment.
A wise philosopher, having been sold into slavery, exclaimed, "Thanks! Evidently I can pay back some old debts". An emperor, nicknamed the Golden, was terrified, "Luxury pursues me. When will I be able to pay off my debts?" Thus have wise people understood that former lives surely do not elapse without incurring indebtedness.
Often easy karma is also a difficult test, for seldom can a man amidst prosperity ascend on the next step of spiritual perfection. It is better to be the paying one than the receiving one. For every payment finishes the past, while receiving can bind again.
A man can go along his path in a way he finds it necessary. He who walks by the right path will arrive at his goal. Each deviation will lead away from the direct path. When a traveller wanders into a thicket he is obliged to surmount many obstacles. The surplus of self-conceit and the lack of knowledge generates a lot of mistakes. And one has to pay for them. After each mistake immutably follows the suffering. It will continue until man understands that one cannot violate the cosmic laws. The suffering is the main teacher of humanity.
The man who is ignorant of the laws does not conform to them. Directed by selfish motives he commits the deeds which cause him suffering. Thus, ignorance of the Cosmic Laws is a source of constant sufferings for a man. And until he violates them he will suffer, for he creates bad karma.
Observing the lives of people all over the world there will be no exaggeration to say that in major part of those lives there are more "bad" karma than "good" one. That is, in general, there is more tiresome labour than happy activity and joy. On the modern level of human evolution there is more suffering than pleasure and joy in the amount of forces gathered by all of us. Our evil balance exceeds the good one. For in the past lives we did not want to follow the wisdom. We had selfish lives not caring whether we cause harm to somebody with our selfishness.
Karma is created not only by every man separately but also by different kinds of groups. Creating his karma the man binds himself with other people in this process. Thus, he becomes a member of different groups — family, nation, race. As a member of those groups he participates in the karma of every collective. Therefore besides individual karma man can have a family karma, a karma of a group, nation, state, the karma of humanity.
The group karma is made up by the deeds and strivings for achievement of some goal by a family, society, a certain class, party etc. All the participants, in creating such sort of karma, will have to meet not only with their rivals but also between themselves. They will have to do it in order to untangle the knots of karma which have been made. Karma of big collectives such as nation and state draws people in such collective calamities as wars.
The Ways of Creating Karma
Some part of Karma that man creates during his current life is absorbed at the same life. The rest part of Karma is postponed till the time the conditions for its extinction are created. Thus, depending on the time of execution a Karma can be mature, accumulated and originating one. Mature Karma is that part of total amount of created Karma that is defined by the Lords of Karma for extinction during the current life. Therefore it is inevitable. The accumulated Karma is the karma, which could not be extinguished because of some reasons. There were no conditions for their extinction. This Karma is always open for change. The originating Karma is the karma, which we create by our deeds, wishes or thoughts during our current life. This is the crop for the future.
There are incompatible kinds of Karma, which cannot be at the same place and4emand different physical bodies for their manifestation. Sometimes there appear the obligations in respect to some people. And those people must meet again for that reason. Sometimes karma must be accomplished in a certain nation or certain social position .For some time ago the basis was laid for such sort of Karmas.
Therefore upon the incarnation, fitting life conditions are given for each soul. They are made by the Lords of Karma — those invisible reasonable Beings who govern the great Laws of Cosmic Justice. In the plan of Logos they act as the distributors of Karma. With omnipresent wisdom the Lords of Karma choose and join different parts of human karma in order to make a common plan of a given human life. They neither reward nor punish. They just fit the personal forces of a man, that are coming from his past in such a way that his karma would facilitate his motion forward and his evolution. No matter what the Lords of Karma would give to the man — joy or sorrow, well-being or misfortune — they have in mind only the true purpose of the man's existence. And at the present stage that goal is not to be happy or unhappy but to progress along the line pointed by the Plan of Evolution.
Thus the Lords of Karma distribute the Karma of people. With infinite compassion and wisdom, not stepping away from justice even by a hair breadth, they build a body, suitable for a genius for one soul and a body like wood for another. Their only care is to lead the man a step further on the path of evolution. Assistance and difficulties, joy and grief, opportunities and privations — these are the bricks which prepare the Ego for its temporary abode. The Lords of Karma neither add nor take away anything. They but distribute forces, created by the souls, in such a way that the ultimate goal of a man would be achieved as soon as possible in a period of passing from birth to death.
Creating the Karma we deal with the power and its consequences. That power belongs either to the Dense World of action or the Subtle World of desire, or the Fiery World of thought. We use all three kinds of power. While striving, dreaming, wishing, acting we put the power of all the three worlds into motion. With each deed, wish and thought man changes his attitude to Cosmos and the attitude of Cosmos to him.
Virtually, all the Karma has its origin in the human thought. Karma is created, and gets heavier or lighter mainly by thoughts. Thought is the most powerful factor in creating Karma. These are our intentions and thoughts that create Karma. And deeds are the minor factors. Motive is much more important than the deed itself. Therefore people make up big Karma not by external but internal life. The internal life influences Karma hundred times over. Any crime appears small in view of the inner preparation. Such preparation is often protracted.
How to Live Rightly?
If the Law of Karma is the Law of Retribution, then one shouldn't take upon oneself the execution of the Law of Karma. For it is immutable by itself. Man shouldn't revenge oneself for injustice done to him. This is within the authority of the Higher Judgement — the Law of Karma. The words "Vengeance is mine!" are referred to the Law of Cosmic Justice.
No one of us can know that returning the blow with the vengeance in heart we continue or even increase our Karma instead of extinguishing it. Therefore we must forgive our personal enemies.
Otherwise we will never exit the vicious circle of Karma.
The legend says that the destruction of earthly enemies by murder means the creation of a powerful enemy in the Subtle World. Ancient warriors used to say to the enemy: "If you kill me, so much the worse for you. In Heaven the battle ground is more favorable for me and there I shall retaliate." Thus, in their own way did the ancients express the eternity of life and karma.
The legend points that we should resist evil. The resistance to evil is a necessary condition of evolution. There are many ways of resistance to evil without aggravating Karma. And first of all the forces of the Spirit are the best way. The rebuff to an enemy made with no spite in the heart is hundred times more powerful. The duty of every spiritually developed consciousness is always to be on the watch and to nip evil as far as possible.
The man is summoned to the world construction amidst chaos. He must cultivate courage of the eternal vigil in himself. He must create a participant of the cosmic battle out of himself. And this battle is constantly raging around him. If he does not want to be submerged by the waves of chaos he should always be ready to resist every evil. We cannot become people who are non-resistant to evil not having become the betrayers of all the humanity at the same time.
As the man lives his life his Karma gets extinguished. But at the same time new Karma is being created. The quality of new Karma will depend on wisdom of a man. If sufferings teach him murmurlessness and sympathy, if his sorrows and troubles prompt him to correct the mistakes he has made, if he reasonably pays his karmic debts, then in that case his new Karma will be good, not bad. But if he embittered and harms other people then his Karma will be bad.
The man depressed by all kinds of sorrows and misfortunes shouldn't murmur on his fate and lack of justice. For his troubles are the results of his past mistakes and sins. One needs to take them staunchly, with obedience and resignation. With such attitude we can remove many troubles and tortures away from ourselves. People who do not know the Law strengthen the calamities of their lives through those tortures. The future of a man depends on his own efforts. And the Law which brings him sufferings will bring him joy with the same inevitability if he sows good seeds.
A person makes his karma himself creating equally his own abilities and his own limitations. And acting with those abilities, created by the man himself, and encountering the limitations evoked by himself, it is in his power to strengthen or weaken his abilities, to broaden or narrow his limitations. Thus, we are all the lords of our tomorrow, no matter how our today is restraint by the results of our yesterday.
Inviolability and inevitability of the Cosmic Laws is the necessary condition for sure success and clear prevision of one's future. Man can become the Lord of his destiny only because he lives in the world governed by the Law. In this world knowledge can give the penetration into the activity of one's soul and the power to direct one's future, to build a better character of one's own and better future conditions of life. And then the knowledge of the Law of Karma becomes a power for him which supports, understands and inspires him.
Usually the majority of us, paying the karmic debts creates confused new Karma. It combines good and bad, but the wiser one of us will have greater amount of good than bad. Unless man consciously applies to the plan of evolution there will be no great changes for him from life to life. Rises and falls of fortunate and unfortunate fate, sorrow and joy alternate in successive lives. And only when a person definitely decides to follow the Plan of Logos — to live not for himself but for his fellows — his evolution starts to speed up. Then his progress becomes fast increasing as it were in geometrical progression.
We should not think that the destiny chosen for an individual cannot be changed. A person can change his destiny reacting on the circumstances in an unusual way.
Through unrestrained aspiration forward to the perfection man can outrun his Karma. And it may not catch him up. The one who stops in his development receives full downpour of Karma. When the man striving to perfection develops his spiritual forces, directing them for the benefit of evolution and for the benefit of his neighbour he not only extinguishes his Karma but also lightens the consequences of evil Karma of the humanity.
The forces of Light do not invade human Karmas in force of the Law of free will. But obeying another great Cosmic Law — the Law of Sacrifice, they often take upon themselves the Karma of human mistakes, delusions and crimes. They release humanity from the heaviness of its karmic consequences. They are those Redeemers, as Christ, who come to the world at different times in order to give the necessary impetus to the evolution of humanity of the planet.
Gods Came from Venus
It occurred unimaginably much time ago. The steps of our young history are measured by millennia. And what does "much time ago" mean in a cosmic scale? Cosmic steps are measured by millions of earthly years.
So, 18 million years ago there was a dawn of origin of the physical man. At that time the event of cosmic significance occurred in our Solar System — Gods descended the Earth from Heaven.
What is the god? Is there anything higher than the man in nature? Man knows many things lower than himself: first goes the animal then the plant and then the stone. And maybe there is someone higher than a human being? A stone becomes a plant; a plant a beast; a beast a man. And what about a man? May be the next step is the divine creature.
There is nothing fully completed in the World. Everything changes, develops, perfects itself. And we already know that Cosmos is infinite. Thus, may be everything is possible in the cosmic range?
So, listen to the legend. It says about the things that happened at that time. No man saw how the Divine Creatures came on Earth. But the legend knows it from those Creatures Themselves. It knows it from those who are called Kumaras.
Just as a human being is not the last step in the chain of creatures, the Earth too is not the highest planet in the Solar System, There are superhuman planets — Venus, Jupiter. Those planets passed ahead of our planet for the whole step. At that time seven Great Spirits, seven Kumaras came from Venus.
Do you remember the legend which says that Cosmos was created by the Hierarchy of Builders? Thus the Universe is governed by the Great Hierarchy of Creative Forces of Cosmos. The principle of Hierarchy saturates all cosmic manifestations. It is an eternal and immutable law of the Universe. The multitude of Hierarchs of different steps of power and authority participate in the governing of Cosmos.
Hierarchy is not coercion, it is the law of the Universe. The entire Universe is saturated with this principle of Hierarchy. The subjection of the lower to the higher lies at the foundation of Cosmos. Hence, humanity, being part of the Cosmos, cannot isolate itself from this principle.
There is one chain of the Hierarchy of Light continuing in Infinity. All true Bearers of Light appearing and still staying on our planet now, are Its links. The Brothers of Humanity work with the cosmic energies in conformity with all courses of the luminaries.
Who are those Hierarchs called the Great White Brothers? They were all men — in other worlds and the preceding Manvantaras. They are former people grown up into Gods. There are no gods who have not been people some time ago.
Each entity must have won for itself the right of becoming divine, through self-experience. All the Hierarchs had to pass through the human stage. They went along the difficult path of human evolution through many, many lives. Only through this way the Leaders of humanity are forged. If they do not pass through earthly sufferings, they cannot respond to people's sufferings. If they do not experience the sweat of toil, they cannot guide people in their labour. Self-abnegation, mercy, compassion, courage are forged in life. Nothing abstract can mold the strength of the spirit.
Each Hierarch must go through the human evolution in order to stay at the head of some planet afterwards. Mahatmas are the Great Souls having completed their earthly path. It means that they have reached Nirvana — the highest step of Being. But the Brothers of Humanity willingly renounced it for the affirmation of human evolution.
They have not left for the other higher worlds voluntarily. They consciously accepted the earthly life. They could be far away from here but preferred to stay with suffering humanity. They allow themselves only educational flights on the other planets. Only in rear cases they allow themselves long sojourns on other planets. And such sojourns are not the alienation but, vice versa, those are like yam connecting the threads.
The spirit of a Mahatma can fly through the interplanetary space, being fully conscious. The Great White Brothers, as Christ and Buddha, are the far stars in comparison with us, the earthly people. Spiritual powers of Theirs, Their magnitude unmatch any recognized human genius unless They Themselves were incarnated as those geniuses. But with time we also will become such divine creatures — it is the purpose of human evolution.
They came on our planet when the humanity was at its infantile state. They came to us in order to be our Teachers, our Instructors. They came to help the humanity on its way from a human being, the beast, to the human being, the god. They came in order to conduct the plan of Logos on Earth. For the flourishing and fall of civilizations is not the mechanical development. Peoples appear and disappear according to the Divine Plan. From the very beginning of existence of humanity. Logos outlined what races and peoples and what suitable religions for them and sciences will appear on Earth one after another. The executor of His will on our planet is the Great White Brotherhood which brings His Plan to realization.
Casualness cannot guide the progress of humanity. The world is governed by the Cosmic Reason. The Crown of the Cosmic Reason is the collective Reason of the Hierarchy of Light. The Great Brothers reveal all the chosen ways of progress. They are the Propellers of evolution. For centuries their creativeness leads the humanity.
The Hierarchy of Light, which brought Light on the dawn of humanity, continues to bring it through all along the slow process of evolution. Great Kumaras came on Earth for acceleration of the evolution of humanity. They give the evolutionary direction to us but do not invade our Karma. Their activity constantly disturbs the unwillingness of people. But since They cannot coerce the will of people. They act with boundless patience inspiring and directing everything and everyone, and observing the humanity' with boundless love.
Tirelessly They appear on all turning points of history of our planet, on the thresholds of all the races, of all the great events. They incarnate in all races and nations as founders of religions or philosophies, as great wise men and Instructors of peoples. They assume earthly envelope in order to give new shift to the human consciousness. On all the paths of humanity stand those Leaders, those Fiery Keepers of Light.
The entire trend of thought issues from this Source. They give the foundation of consciousness to humanity and lead its growth. They move the consciousness of humanity to the understanding of Cosmic Laws. They Saturate the consciousness with One Truth given to humanity in garments of various philosophies and religions, corresponding to the time.
All great teachings, religions, philosophies were issued from One Source. Inexhaustible Chalice of Wisdom is kept in inviolable stronghold. Its secular Keepers know when and how many drops must be poured out of it in order to wash the consciousness of humanity. In all times only that part of the Truth was transmitted which could be assimilated by humanity.
Humanity has drawn its power not out of itself but from the Great Hierarchy of Light. We owe it the most valuable, the highest and the most vital. If there was not the great self-sacrifice of that Higher Spirits and if there were no efforts of Their disciples and friends, then our humanity would have been now in the state of cave-dwellers. Without that leadership the human evolution would have been delayed for millions of years.
Through out the history of humanity can be traced a recognition of the Higher Spirit — the Comforter, and a great number of such concepts. The testimony of all ages and peoples! Under varying conditions people have sensed the same supreme, ineffable Origin.
One can find the most multiform signs of great reality preserved by peoples. This is not self-interested suggestion, but a discernment of truth. All nations knew about Guardian Angels and have preserved these traditions for millennia. All Teachings knew about the Mighty Protectors of humanity who guided nations.
There is a Stronghold of Know ledge and Life. The Brotherhood of Mahatmas exists These are the Older Brothers of humanity who devoted themselves to the great knowledge in the name of general good. They observe the evolution of the world. All great discoveries, all great ideas issue from this Source of Knowledge and Light. This beacon of humanity exists on our Earth but not in the spheres beyond the clouds.
Created by the Great Souls of the East
In our days, between two world catastrophes
Which have been created by the human madness
The third one shouldn't be!
Our time is special....
Earth is III
The Legend of Human Madness
Tens and hundreds thousands of years are passing in the cosmic procession of Time. And life of the archaic times becomes a legend. The far past of humankind has become a legend for us.
And what about the future? The infinity of the future exists as well as the infinity of the past. What do we know about it? The far future is also a legend for us.
Thus between two legendary infinities of the past and future we are passing a short moment of the present. In some time our "reasonable" and "rational" present will turn into the "archaic" and "primitive'' past and it will have become a legend.... Many things seem quite different from afar than it would seem from the close distance And the obviously of the present becomes mirageble before strict magnificent contours of the cosmic activity.
Let's look at ourselves, at our modern life with the eyes of the far future — the eyes of a legend. In regards to this far future we live in the "far past"… Let's comprehend the present from the point of view of Eternity and Infinity. Let's find our place in the Great Cosmic Reality. which is not perverted with a mirage of the obviously. Let's listen to what the far future talks about Our time with a language of the Hierarchy — the language of a legend.
...the people of so called 20th century were proud of their achievements They were proud of their civilization having forgotten that formerly the civilization of Atlantis was no less magnificent than theirs. But it perished because of human unwiseness.
Oh yes, many things were forgotten in that supercilious epoch. May be it was on purpose — who knows that?
The people of the end of the dark century — Kali-Yuga — did not want to know that there is nothing accidental in Cosmos. They did not want to know that at the dawn of cosmic manifestation of the Universe Logos has elaborated a plan of the cosmic evolution for the whole Manvantara. And the plan of Logos for the people of our planet consists in the development of consciousness — from the level of the dark consciousness of an animal at the beginning of the human path up to the light divine consciousness at the end of this path.
Therefore people of that time did not care about the quality of their consciousness — and the consciousness was far behind the level stipulated by the plan of evolution. The basic qualities of the human consciousness have remained almost unchanged over a period of the last thousands of years. The mind has gone forward. It created the miracles of engineering and technology but the human heart froze on the level of the Stone Age — it remained stony.
That century was called by the contemporaries as a century of scientific and technological achievements. Has it made the humankind happy? Did people start to love each other more than in "primitive" epochs? No. The acceleration of the mechanical discoveries did not ennoble the life. But with help of science and technology people had perfected the ways of fratricide — they had mechanized them, automated them and made them massive. The people of that time had lost the ability to think of the principles of life. For many centuries multitudes of souls have striven toward a way of life rather than being. The Greatest Truths did not excite attention, but the human consciousness concerned itself with a multitude of empty and insignificant considerations. The Insignificant had hidden the Magnificent.
Having forgotten the basic principles, a man of the science and technology epoch deprived himself of the path of perfection. He has so far departed from a true contemplation of the World. He destroyed all the highest aspirations. He rejected the ethics of spirit and encased himself in a spiritual inertia. And the clatter of the machine drowned the voice of the spirit and the last wail of the heart.
People had neglected the Cosmic Laws. Humanity has severed from the Higher Will. It had separated itself from the Higher consciousness. Great evil was generated because of resistance to Hierarchy.
The religions of Kali-Yuga's end degenerated. Instead of good they started to bring harm. The priests perverted the Greatest Truths, given by the founders of religions.
Three centuries after the departure of Buddha, His Teaching was already filled with religious strife. Less than a century had passed w hen Christianity manifested extreme intolerance. The last proclamation of Mohammed ushered in fanatism. Religious controversies have destroyed the sense of the Teachings. And priests, and brahmins, and temple servitors all have distorted the cosmic ordainment.
Superstitious followers began to fence in the Covenants with negations, instead of aspiration to the General Good There resulted the ruinous formula: "Our creed is the best", or, "We are the true believers; all others are infidels." From this point it is a single step to the Crusades, to the Inquisition, and to the seas of blood in the name of Those who condemned killing.
And people estranged from the perverted religions. They rushed into atheism. They were imbued with the so called "scientific outlook". The young science of that time did not teach how to live. It did not save us from the fratricidal wars and. It did not destroy the hatred of mankind.
Materialistic science started to deny everything not visible to the naked eye. The ignorant ones started to express themselves offensively about everything inaccessible to them. Their science allowed itself dull limitation of the search and to judge about the things it does not know. Thus pseudo-science impeded knowledge of the Universe. The antagonism of scientists was an impediment to evolution. Because evolution is completely excluded where people do not recognize the possibilities of infinite cognition.
As during religious wars and persecutions, those with daring and acute perceptions must, like alchemists of old, hide from inquisition. The essence of the Inquisition was persecution of the un-usual. The dark inquisitors of the middle ages strove to confine the Universe in a prison of immobility. Also, various aspects of 20th century's science were under inquisitional pressure.
Yes, intolerance is evil; there can be no good intolerance. It invariably contains falsehood, because it conceals the truth. A man who affirms that in serving his own ideal he must destroy all others not coinciding with his path, is a destroyer of the fundamentals of evolution.
Planetary life of that time w as divided by innumerable boundaries. Hate among men has reached extraordinary proportions. Falsehood and darkness filled the end of Kali-Yuga.
But it is impossible to stay in evil without poisoning the consciousness.
With their ill thinking, people poisoned their surroundings. Thinking inhabitants of the planet did not w ant to own any responsibility. It w as presumed that they are the crown of the planet, but if lumps of coal are found in the crown instead of precious stones, the resulting damage will be on a planetary scale.
Thinking w as infested so extensively by the poison of conceit and spite that the entire cosmic balance was disturbed. Even manifestation of life was full of poison created by the human environment. Such was a self-generation of poison, it was the equivalent of murder and suicide.
The emanations of human actions impregnated the earthly crust. The crystals of darkness of human thought saturated it. The strata which humanity created, surrounding the planet with them, became more and more congested. The atmosphere of the Earth formed, as it were, a crust, spotted with dark stains. This dense sphere held the Earth tightly in its clutches. It presented a resistance harder than flint. Knowing how much the Worlds are in need of nourishment by the higher energies, one can imagine the effects of such isolation.
The rays of the planets could not penetrate the contaminated aura of Earth. Suffocating gases, from the accumulations of the lower strata of the Subtle World, cut the planet off from the worlds which could send assistance. Thus, the earthly spheres which had been contaminated by suffocating gases could not let the fiery currents pass. With its deeds humanity prevented the cosmic forces from penetrating into the orbit of the planet. When the human spirit is on the step of denial the forces of Cosmos cannot manifest themselves. The highest radiations did not reach the earth at that time. The isolation of mankind severed the currents from the Higher Spheres.
It was impossible to consider this world condition as normal. The planet was ill and all was sinking in this sickness. It is easy to picture that the planetary body can be just as sick as any other organism, and the spirit of the planet is affected by the condition of its body. How to name the illness of the planet? Best of all as a fever from poisoning. The condition of the Earth requires an extraordinary physician.
We — the Brothers of humanity — have been constantly warning about the danger coming from the short-sightedness and inexpedience of human behavior. Each of Our Counsels was already given many times, but people's lives did not change. Before the disaster of a world war a great number of warnings were given. Even not very far-sighted people observed them, but madness blinded the majority.
Thus was humanity urged during the days of the end of Atlantis.
Unfortunately, that time fully corresponded to the last period of Atlantis. The same wars, the same treasons and spiritual barbarism.
The Atlanteans had mastered aviation, they employed powerful energies, they excelled in deadly implements of war In 20th century people took pride in the crumbs of civilization. The Atlanteans knew how to fly across the planet in order to speedily cheat each other Likewise, they rebelled against Hierarchy and were stifled with their own egoism. Likewise, they disturbed the equilibrium of the subterranean forces, and by mutual efforts cataclysm was effected.
People of Kali-Yuga' s end created the severe Karma, not wishing to think of the essence of what they were doing. The World has been covered with the ulcers of human vices and defective engenderings. Human deeds bring man to his fate. It is impossible to slaughter millions of people with impunity, without setting up a most grave Karma. Even if the Karma is not a personal one, so much the worse, because it increases the Karma of nations and of the whole planet. People decided to fill the Subtle World with the multitudes of souls which have come at the unappointed time. The lower strata of the Subtle World must not be filled with the horrors of uncompleted Karma. One should not think that this w ill have no reaction upon the condition of the planet. At that time nobody thought of the consequences that would emerge for them.
What happened at that time? What was the result of that illness of the Earth? Recovery or a catastrophe? Not everything may be spoken of. Let's come back to the present times and look more attentively at what is going on from the viewpoint of the Hierarchy too.
Even day the tension, both among people and in the Nature, increases. The Nature is ill with human madness. Convulsions of the planet become more frequent. One may already see that the harmonious vibrations have been disturbed and that the planet is being shaken in convulsions of heat and cold. For several years already daily earthquakes have been taking place. Indeed, in view of the growth of the waves of Earth's tremors, one should be alert and think whether all is in order.
Violations of the planet's equilibrium will cause many manifestations. Not only may new heavenly bodies become visible, but the very chemism of the Luminaries may be altered, and of course this w ill react strongly upon the inhabitants of Earth.
On the threshold of Kali-Yuga's departure all of us must understand that the lightest future is possible and only the human evil impedes the Advent of the Light Epoch People are granted the complete opportunity to enter a happy epoch of the great discoveries. But if their free will refrain them from new advancements they may cause a catastrophe of any scale. The malicious will may push nations to different kinds of calamities.
The Earth's history can be ended by a gigantic explosion. Efforts of the enemy of the human kin — Lucifer — are directed to that. And does he really exist?
The Prince of Darkness
The Legend of Lucifer
Why did humanity get down to this dark condition? How did our planet come to be on the edge of destruction? Are people really so malicious all by themselves? Is the evil really rooted in human nature?
The legend says that the Lord of Earth, Lucifer, is also to blame for that. Let's listen to what the legend tells us about it.
Much time ago, at the dawn of humanity, the Higher Spirits came on our Earth. These Divine Creatures came to speed up the evolution of the planet and its humanity. Lucifer came to our planet with them. At the beginning he also participated in the process of awakening of higher abilities in a human being. At the beginning he also was a lightgiver. And in accordance with the Cosmic right he was the true Lord of our Earth. He was the Lord of this world in the full sense of this word. But Lucifer wasn't the highest one among his Brothers. When he had to assume earthly dense covers his spirit did not remain on the previous height.
In the infinite perfection no human feeling disappears. On the contrary all the feelings are growing infinitely. They either transform in the higher perceptions in goodness or refine themselves in evil.
When Lucifer realized his potential of the unlimited power and inviolability, when he got into possession many cosmic mysteries and powers, when he felt that he can become a creator of any world, when he saw the ignorance of people surrounding him, the great power of the heart was necessary in order to stay away from many temptations and most of all from the pride of a spirit.
Lucifer did not possess all those perfections. He couldn't overcome the feelings of arrogance and jealousy to the other Light Spirits. When the human essence started to prevail over the divine one he became jealous. He started the destructive struggle against his Great Brothers.
Lucifer's deviation from the path of Light started at the times of Lemuria. His revolt was generated at the end of the Third Race. The fall of Lucifer began during the first times of Atlantis. His complete fall has been accomplished during the Fourth Race. Through all the following centuries he was the ardent enemy of his great Brothers.
The great battle between the Suns of Light and the Prince of Darkness in times of the Fourth Race is mentioned in all ancient traditions. This battle ended with the victory of the Suns of Light and the destruction of Atlantis. The Hindu legends perpetuated the Prince of Darkness in many characters. The most famous of them is the king Ravana from Sri-Lanka. He was shown as an enemy of Godlike king Rama — a character of the epic poem "Ramayana" — and a kidnapper of Rama's wife Sita.
Wherein lay the revolt of Lucifer? Having become the Lord of Earth he intended to lead the humanity on to his special way. He went against the law of evolution or the Will of Cosmos. He did not show the ways of cooperation with other planets. He wished to remain within the boundaries of the planet.
How has this psychology of isolation been created? Each feudal lord is an example of what happened. Besides, the grain of Lucifer's spirit contained in its potential all identical energies laid in the nucleus of our planet. And that fact was fatal for him. He was especially attached to Earth because of that.
Lucifer's revolt and conduct of his plan of isolation of the Earth evoked resistance from the White Brotherhood. It counteracted Lucifer and corrected the course of our planet all the time. Lucifer's revolt gave Jesus Christ to the world. Lucifer's revolt evoked the advent of the other Great Teachers before and after Christ.
While Lucifer glorifies the life of Earth, Christ points to the beauty of the entire Creation of the worlds. Christ showed the privilege of motion beyond the boundaries of Earth. Christ said, "I may spend the night upon the beautiful earth in order to continue the journey." So Lucifer admires the matter and Christ goes to the potentialities of worlds of Light.
Lucifer preferred to fence from the neighbours but the Great White Brothers are constructing the eternal movement. They say: "What for is one Earth only if all worlds are given?" They create the right path of humanity w hen the real exchange will be laid through wide cooperation with the far-off worlds.
Every isolation leads to death under the unity of Being and law of exchange. That is why Lucifer could only complicate the life stream but he could not stop it. All of this delayed the development of earthly humanity. The struggle between forces of Light and the rebellious Lucifer is going all the time. It creates a difficult and dangerous situation for Earth and its inhabitants.
Lucifer has many assistants. The forces of darkness form the "black lodge" — the organization with Lucifer at the head. Iron discipline is maintained there.
There exists a misconception that the Darkness, being the antithesis of Light, is therefore unavoidable. That is erroneous Darkness, the antithesis of Light, is nothing but unmanifested Chaos.
Unmanifested chaos is the opposite polarity of the creative Universal Principle. It acts throughout all the Cosmos while Lucifer exists only on our planet. His manifestation is strictly local and his influence spreads no farther than the lower spheres of our planet. The particular situation existing on Earth is a temporary phenomenon. It is not an immutable law of Nature. The law of life's development doesn't stipulate the existence of conscious evil power in Cosmos which would counteract the Good Creative Forces. All efforts of Cosmic Creative Forces are always directed on mastering of chaos and putting it into a harmonious state. This eternal struggle of Theos with Chaos is the eternal struggle of Light and Darkness.
Verily, one should compare great Light with great Darkness, but it is unfitting to consider as great those who build upon egoism. But the dark ones have reduced the mastery of unbridled elements to the egoism of rebels and have begun to call forth Chaos instead of transmuting it into a working force. This crime is great, and the desire to extinguish Light cannot be considered an antithesis. The creative vanquishing of Chaos, or the "Dragon", is a constant achievement.
But the Battle with the dark ones is only a convulsion, impeding motion. The darkness of Chaos may be considered as a mean for mental creativeness. However, the combat with the hierarchy of the dark ones is only a lost date so much needed for construction. Moreover, the dark ones constantly arouse mighty elements, not knowing, of course, how to master them.
It is not the dark ones in themselves that are dangerous, but the forces evoked by them. Hence, let us remember where is great Darkness, and where the fierce enemy who seeks the annihilation of Light, having forgotten that without Light he cannot exist.
The main factor of influence of the dark forces on humanity is the power of thought. In former days black masses have been celebrated and statues to Baphomet have been erected. Now the dark ones have become more dangerous, because they have eliminated many rituals and turned to the power of thought. Being the creatures of the Subtle World they influence the subtle nature of a man. Being able to see our aura and read our thoughts they send thoughts to people that enhance the lower mentality.
On the lowest stages of the development man can be caught in the nets of the dark ones with the lowest qualities of his nature such as alcoholism, cupidity, gluttony, etc. On the higher stages he is caught with his vanity, pride, recognition of self-infallibility, etc. The dark ones love the intellects which have developed at the expense of a heart. For through those intellects it's possible to act especially sophisticatedly.
The black brotherhood spreads the teaching of all the disgraceful qualities. No one of the teachers has bequeathed cupidity and selfishness to a man. These vipers are not generated by Light. The forces of decay are very agile. They bring decay, infection and dull stupor to all the beautiful.
There is a tale — "The Gift of Lucifer".
The spirit of Darkness, pondering how still more firmly to lash humanity to the earth, thought: "Let them preserve their customs and habits. Nothing binds humanity so much as habitual forms. But this method is fit only for the masses. Far more dangerous is solitude. Then the consciousness is illumined and new forms are created. One must limit the hours of solitude. People must not remain alone. I shall provide them with a reflection and let them become used to their image." The servants of Darkness brought to the people a mirror!
The devil's mirror is a symbol of man's attachment to his own personality or selfness. While the divine microcosm must reflect the Macrocosm, the devil's mirror reflects its selfness.
One may recall another fairy tale. A thinker brought some people a wonderful curative remedy, but it w as necessary to carry it in a closed casket. None of the people would consent to open this casket, because, judging by their own natures, they assumed that it was a viper or some kind of poison. Thus one may offer a most beautiful treasure, but people will take it to be poison. This is how people impelled by fears of misfortune accept a treasure. What, then, is to be done if Satan has so firmly implanted distrust?
The main mass of the dark forces is located in the Invisible World. These forces need the cooperation of the Dense World's representatives in order to possess the minds and wills of earthly humanity. The dark forces of the highest degrees are contacting people through the mediators in order to stay unknown. A representative of darkness chooses such collaborators who would evoke the least suspicion. Not less than three intercessors are participating in each contact of the dark power with a man. The methods of the black ones are subtle: they patiently creep to the goal and choose shoulders behind which to screen themselves. You do not see black ones, but the grey ones and almost white ones.
The net of darkness is being woven by skilful hands. The biggest cities are also the centres of the dark forces. Ignorant masses of people are their best weapon. The black lodge is acting with masses. And their best servants are recruited from the weak minded ones.
A lot of terrible things are happening now in the world. A lot of the most disgusting witchcraft is spread all over the world. Black magic is growing unusually. It is one of the weapons of the enemies of Light.
They gather conscious and unconscious collaborators. Spells and all accumulations of the dark forces are used widely.
Besides the dark centres, small circles appear. They are often based on primitive rites but the cumulative harm is great.
There are many black lodges but some of them are devoted to evil as such, without any special rituals. But during recent times one may see a revival of the most ancient services of darkness among them. There are many harmful ones which can cause destruction by their very rhythm. The black lodges usually do not understand what cosmic harm they create. In their ignorance they think that they cause harm only in a desired direction, but in reality they touch the whole strata of the atmosphere. Especially at present, when the fiery time is approaching and there are already evident many violations of the equilibrium, the harm caused by the evocations of the dark ones is particularly frightful.
There are many dark lodges. Often people who are themselves good do not even admit the thought that such an abomination can exist. But one can see how the dark ones invade different strata of people in the guise of most respectable servitors of the general welfare.
How can one resist the dark ones? How can one struggle against them?
The first step to the struggle against the representatives of darkness will be the realization of their existence. Having admitted their existence, a feeling of self-preservation will prompt one to be on the alert. The dark force has acquired the enormous power over humanity only because of the disputes over the dark force's existence.
The ignorant ones are laughing at Satan's existence and thus confirm the correctness of what was once said by a fine philosopher: "The devil's victory is that he managed to suggest his non-existence to people." When we do not believe or negate something then we stop to beware of it. We easier get into nets made by the numerous servants of darkness. Closing the eyes to the existence of evil and its source abases man to a still lower level.
It is erroneous to minimize the strength of the dark forces. Very often their victory is due to such neglect. People very often say, "They are not worth thinking about." But one ought to think about everything existing. If people justifiably protect themselves against thieves and murderers, so much the more should they guard against the assassins of the spirit. One-should appraise their strength in order to better withstand them. It is so important to oppose darkness actively. For the sake of home cleanliness various brooms are used. When one finds a scorpion in the house, then it is immediately removed. Only those who know the power of an enemy may hope for victory. It is unwise to underestimate the forces of the adversaries, especially when their beloved Kali Yuga comes to its end.
The attack of the dark forces on humanity has never been so strong. It has never threatened with such terrible disasters as now. Struggling for his own existence the Lord of Earth, the prince of darkness has put the existence of our planet at stake.
The struggle against the forces of Light fills the prince of darkness with despair. He knows that in the purified atmosphere pierced by new fiery rays or energies his stay in earthly sphere will become intolerable and impossible.
He knows that he cannot win and wishes to evade the final battle through infection of the whole planet. The Lord of this world directs all his efforts to the explosion of the planet hoping to be setting sail in broken fragments, forgetting that the ocean is also departing. He prefers to explode the Earth in order to stay in the atmosphere of the explosion for some more time.
The prince of darkness has reached the culmination of hatred of mankind. And he is going to manifest the apotheosis of his destructive dominion. Thus on our planet the Proprietor of Earth through the present treachery is betraying the Earth. He is a poor Proprietor in that he cultivated such a nature within himself. He deserved the name of the enemy and traitor of the human race. The Light carrier — Lucifer — has lost the right to this name much time ago. In people's consciousness he became the devil and Satan.
Hence he will have to depart to Saturn; for this, has he long been called Satan. And the Saturn's state is very difficult. There are so many centuries that have to pass before this planet enters the state in which a quite conscious life will be able to develop.
The forces of Light prevent the dark ones from destroying us. It would seem to be not difficult to annihilate peaceful people, but above all the dark resources there exists the power of the spirit.
The Great White Brotherhood
The Prophesy of the Saviours of the World
All horrors generated by delusion of the prince of darkness are covered with Light. That Light has been brought and continually poured on humanity by the Great White Brotherhood.
These are the Great Souls, Kumaras, who came to Earth on the dawn of earthly humanity. These are the ones w ho were the leaders of nations during the history of Lemuria and Atlantis.
For centuries these Higher Spirits have been sacrificing themselves and still continue to sacrifice Their deserved happiness in order to save the planet from destruction. The Highest one of them took upon himself the responsibility for the planet. He stands on the unfailing vigil.
If people would only realize that the Brothers of Humanity bear all the burden of man's consciousness! Would people realize that. We carry the responsibility for their schemes!
But the representatives of nations were forgotten by humanity. People pray to some unknown and incomprehensible gods. And almost nobody knows about the existence of our Older Brothers.
It is not difficult to understand who is against the concept of Brotherhood. These creatures know perfectly well about the existence of the Brotherhood, and they tremble lest this knowledge reach the people. But all is accomplished in due time.
Brotherhood exists. As an earthly anchor, it maintains equilibrium. In the dreams of humanity it has remained as an unalterable reality — the imagination is but a memory of that which exists.
The Great Souls dwell in unfailing service beyond the far-off deserts, beyond the mountains, beyond the snows. One can rejoice that in our times the Teachers exist on Earth and the path to them is not forbidden. The thought about the existence of the Great Brotherhood alone fills a man with courage.
People know so little about these Fiery Servitors affirm themselves voluntarily in solitude while serving the great pervading Universal Force. They took upon themselves great sacrificial labour. Each manifestation of a Fiery Servant of humanity is creativeness for the good of mankind. It is not a threat, but the call of the heart and a fiery admonition directing toward the General Good.
To bring about the advance of evolution, to bestow the affirmed truth and knowledge, and to link humanity with the currents of evolution — this stimulus inspires each move of a Mahatma. The Brothers of Humanity willingly renounce Paranirvana for the affirmation of human evolution, in their desire to lay the foundation for a better step.
The Highest Spirits who took upon themselves all the care for the evolution of humanity have constantly been incarnating on Earth in many great figures. The list of selfless lives of the Higher Spirits, who fight with the dark power, is long.
The primary basis of the Brotherhood was established, not as a haven of refuge, but as a focal point of thought. Since unification of thought produces multiplication of energy in a striking progression, it is but natural to bring together powerful thoughts. Such a base will be the point for diffusion of the thought of salvation.
Not coercing the will, they invisibly and patiently direct toward good each fitting strength. The Forces of Light observe human actions, giving the direction but not invading life. The Brothers of Humanity designate the path for everything which is affirmed by evolution.
The entire trend of thought issues from this source.
Here is what Mahatmas say about themselves:
"Our thoughts, cares and work are expressed in sending of thought for life improvement. The most powerful thoughts are living from our Abode. We constantly send thoughts for them to awake the human consciousness, like arrows. From Our Abode We sow seeds of the Common Good through all parts of the World. Our thoughts produce evolution in different countries. We are used to the fact that the receivers of Our thoughts are very unexpectable. Thus different thoughts are generated in different parts of the World.
Often the scientists receive some sort of accidental impulses. Our mental sendings are flying all over the world. We are not sparing of them and sow them all over the space. Space is full of different ideas. We suffuse space with the flux of evolution.
The great purpose in our actions is to aid humanity in the shifts of consciousness. The shiftings of thought is the paramount healer of mankind. Therefore, our mission is to lead human consciousness into a shifting. We direct all our efforts toward the regeneration of the spirit. This fiery transmutation holds the key to our labour.
We are absorbed into the essence of our work. The essence of work is our goal. The transformation of consciousness will be such essence. Like sculptors we are working in order to process the most hardened parts of human numbness.
Many times have We visited your cities, and no one can say We are estranged from the World. We have had steam-ship tickets and costumes of different countries. We have had different names and have appeared when circumstances imperatively required it. In different times we have appeared in Western countries. Besides the Eastern Ashrams We even had the asylums in Western cities — Leon, Nuremberg, in suburbs of London, in a place not far from Petersburg and in Italy. Thus, besides Eastern and Egyptian Ashrams we had to have strongholds in some big cities too. Struggle with the forces of darkness evoked the necessity of many measures. Now We do not leave our mountain Abode and, only being in a subtle body, we can go to far away places.
People call us the World Government. Though people fear such names they willingly pray to the Highest concept and they are ready to accept Its hand. If there exists an unseen dark government, then why should there not be a Government of Light?
The Invisible Government has pronounced its decision more often than people suspect. An entire succession of historic events which were based on warnings and indications: a series of events from antiquity to our days which were seemingly links of one guiding thought. In these fiery revelations there is an entire inter world system. One must probe historical facts deeply, in order to understand the wisdom of the construction.
How the exposition of history would have changed if all true causes and motives had been revealed! The unexpected details would have arisen. Instead of tsars and rulers people would see persons left in the shadow. Some of them have not been noticed because of the ignorance but the others stayed invisible according to the law of the Brotherhood. Many events occur beyond the human logic. Often the so called rulers are but the symbols. Decisions occur beyond their understanding. Our Hand acts close.
The Brothers are applying all efforts to conciliate the peoples. They are ready to carry on the heavy service of forewarning in time the persons upon whom the national destiny depends. They do not spare their forces in hastening to bring tidings. They bear the Light, which the forces of darkness are trying to extinguish. Yet the sown seeds of good will not dry up, and in the ordained days the seeds will flourish.
We, Brothers of Humanity, strain the energies to sustain the planet. We stand on the Unfailing Vigil. We've timed all Our existence to the state of Vigil. The Brotherhood is not a shelter, but a Beacon of Light, it is as a Watch-tower. Those who stand on Eternal Watch direct the rays of Light, straining all their forces. As a Beacon on a lofty peak, the Brotherhood applies its knowledge for the salvation of humanity. Tension in which the Forces of Light are saving the planet is inconceivable.
Humanity is ailing with horrible ulcers and We are obliged to exude bloody sweat in corrective measures. This is the state of tension in which the Hierarchy of Light works. Verily, bloody sweat covers Our brow.
White Brothers, bearing the burden of Earth upon themselves, are like the symbol of the giant. Atlas. The legend about the giant supporting the Earth is not a superstition, but a memory of Him who assumed the burden of responsibility for the Earth. One can take upon oneself the collective Karma, and then the conception of Redeemers will not remain a superstition.
To drink the poison of the world: this symbol comes from ancient legends. We see it in Egypt, in Greece; Shiva himself recalls it; a whole chain of Redeemers bears the Chalice of poison.
The Breath of the Mother of the World, the Giants bearing the Burden, and the Redeemers who have accepted the Chalice — these three images were born close to the one law. The Redeemers are not hidden behind golden vestments.
Now it is possible to understand the dimensions of the Great Sacrifice which has been made and still is being made bí
these true Saviours of humanity. They swore to stand a battle against the hierophant of evil and stay with the suffering humanity on Earth till the end of the planet's existence. Their main forces are put into the gigantic battle against the dark destructive powers in the Subtle World and on Earth.The Cosmic Battle
The Legend of Armageddon
Legends say that every person is continually involved in three battles. The man can imagine himself being in complete peace but actually he is participating in three battles simultaneously.
The first battle is a battle between free will and Karma. Nothing can release a person from participation in collision of these two principles.
The second battle clamours in the infinity, in the space, between subtle energies and waves of chaos. It is impossible for human imagination to embrace the battles in the Infinity. Human mind understands earthly collisions. But it can't imagine, looking in the blue sky, that powerful forces and whirlwinds are raging there. That "War in Heavens'' never stops. The struggle of the Creative Forces of Cosmos against the unbridled elements or a struggle of the Manifested World against the Unmanifested Chaos continues all the time.
The third battle clamours around a man between bodiless beings of good and evil. Thus the man becomes a prey 10 either one of them.
The Great Forces of Light carry on the persistent struggle against the forces of darkness.
In our times when the Light Epoch approaches, this struggle has reached the unprecedented tension and scales. In the first half of the 20th century the last Great Battle started in the Subtle World. This Battle was crucial for the destiny of our planet. This was the Armageddon proclaimed by the ancient legends.
The word Armageddon is a Greek equivalent for the Jewish word Hor-Mergiddon. It is a mountain in Mergiddo region. In Jewish scriptures the last Great Battle between the Forces of Light and Darkness was named after it. This Battle was proclaimed by all the most ancient prophesies in scriptures of all nations as the "Great Day of the Divine Judgement". The dates of that Battle and the beginning of the New Epoch or Cycle can be found in the most precise Egyptian and Hindu calculations. This battle was named symbolically in memory of a terrible battle which actually occurred by ancient city of Palestine — Mergiddo. The Palestinians under the leadership of Sisitra were totally destroyed. And for a long time this terrible massive assassination has been engraved in the memory of the witness nations as a horror.
In the days of Armageddon the whole Hierarchy of Light is gathered in One Stronghold. Now all Forces of Light are directed on the repulse of the unceasing attacks and terrible contrivances of the black brotherhood. The prince of darkness is struggling for his own existence.
The forces of darkness direct the underground fire to breakthrough the crust of Earth at the most dangerous place. The most terrible break-throughs of the underground fire threaten our planet. In many places of the ocean's bottom earthly crust is very much corroded. Only the unfailing Vigil of all Forces of Light keeps our planet from the final explosion.
In the Cosmic Battle let us defend that which is sacred.
In the Cosmic Battle let us affirm that basis on which Existence itself is upheld.
In the Cosmic Battle let us manifest that by which life of the future is constructed.
The World will have in its Her foundation those great laws which we defend in the Cosmic Battle.
Verily, when the highest and the lowest meet in the Cosmic Battle, one may be impelled to the attainment of the great Fiery Purification.
In the Cosmic Battle is affirmed the principle of the New World.
The Great Epoch approaches. How, then, not to overcome evil?
The Great Battle is the renewal of Earth.
The Carriers of Fire and the opponents of evolution both assert the evolutionary battle.
The battle for Truth is ratified.
The very greatest Forces are in Battle for the Salvation of humanity.
The strongest Forces have taken pan in it. Whole legions are drawn into the battle.
Not on the physical planes these battles are. Not small earthly forces are competing, but Forces of the multi-age experience are gathered to decide their destiny.
For millennia the Great Stronghold of Light has been preparing for this battle against the forces of darkness. The Forces of all planes are drawn into Armageddon. On the Watch-tower they know neither sleep nor rest. Who of the earthly inhabitants can imagine this state of the greatest tension? Tension of the White Brothers in this Cosmic Battle is tremendous. The frequently mentioned bloody sweat is not the exaggeration but hard reality.
The Great decisive Battle proceeds all over the Subtle and Earthly worlds. Invisible legions are much more numerous than the earthly ones. Many decisive battles are not attainable for the human eyes. Terrible collisions of the Subtle World reflect on earthly space. In our physical world they reflect all that frustration of our life, that we are experiencing, and new complications, catastrophes and calamities.
The supermundane battle is expressed not only in fights but also in unprecedented collisions of nations. It absorbs all beings. All the planet is struggling. Everyone fights in one's own way. The boundaries between the struggling ones are as twisting as between good and evil. It is impossible to understand by logic the collisions of different nations.
Measure of the whole Universe is necessary where Armageddon is raging. Often people understand the battle being no greater than a street fight, forgetting that the battle is in a mail box, in the smile of the sophisticated eye and in delay of Light. The battle is much more dramatic than the average men understand it. In the Cosmic battle are being solved many problems, and these solutions will be turning points in history and will affirm new principles.
The knowledge of this Cosmic Battle reveals an understanding of the current events. Spirits which are found on the earthly plane in ignorance of the fiery transmutation taking place, may be burnt in the Great Battle, because the mighty conflict requires evidence of one's belonging to the element of Fire.
The Manifest Battle summons to a discernment of the path which leads to Light and to darkness. During-the cosmic tension of all Forces, this discernment is indispensable. Humanity must straight away accept that direction of salvation which has been indicated to it by the Forces of Light. To the assistance of the planet are sent fiery currents; they must be received with spirit and heart.
Humanity must develop sensitiveness if it desires to avoid a catastrophe. Help can come only if the Guiding Hand is accepted. If the Guiding Hand is not accepted catastrophe is inevitable. People must realize that to them is given the possibility of passing through the melee and through all straits with the help of the Higher Guides, but that they must not reject the helping Hand. The Hierarchy is keeping the balance as far as possible. But the sum of the free will can surmount good admonitions.
The Battle would have been easier if humanity had been able to respond to the foremost principles of Being. It is time to inquisitively look upon the haggling and deception. The destruction of humanity stands before the eyes Even body is guilty in Armageddon. Therefore no one can deviate from it.
The dates are approaching that will force everyone to participate in the Cosmic Battle.
When the fate of the planet is being determined, the forces are distributed along the poles of Light and darkness. Amidst the oscillations of the Cosmic Scales humanity cannot choose a middle path, for only Light or darkness will be contending for the victory.
The Battle lasts for a long time Indeed it would be lightmindedness to think that those who revolted against Light were a weakling. The Forces of Light refrain from annihilating the enemy not because of weakness, but because of a desire not to upset prematurely the equilibrium of the planet. The power of the Creator of the planet takes into consideration physical conditions.
There cannot be the end of fight till the last decision. When the tension of the forces of darkness reaches its limits, then will the Forces of Light affirm Their might. If the struggle is inexorable, then the victory will be decisive
It is necessary to understand how this time is unusual and it its necessary to get used to that. It is always necessary to remember about the proceeding Battle.
The Era of Fire is approaching. Find courage and wisdom to accept it.
The Revelation about the Cosmic Fire
The Cosmic Fire will Drive the Prince of Darkness Away
The Flaming One addressed the Prince of Darkness:
"Thou has poisoned the air. Thou have polluted the waters. Thou have depleted the earth. But fire thou has not touched. Nor has the fire touched thee. And fire shall bum thee as light smiteth darkness
"The Great Flame is untiring. And thou shalt not dare to emerge from thy dwelling. From space shall I evoke new fires which shall wither thy works.
"As sterile fissures. As dissected bones Thus shalt thou be confounded, cast hence, and retreat".
"The wall of flame shall approach thee; nor shalt thou find therein thy marks. By the far-off worlds shall I guard the flame. Thou canst not poison, nor pollute, nor deplete it. I shall summon the fiery host, born amidst fire. They shall not succumb. And the waters evoked by thee shall not quench their burning.
"Prince of the Darkness, beware of the fire!"
The Fiery Purification is Inevitable
Earthly decay has reached the unprecedented scales. Thus, the processes of Kali-Yuga's end must be overcome, and the litter raised by their whirlwind must get into processing. Armageddon is like cleansing from litter. But the Lord of Earth values the litter and hopes to increase it.
It is said in Puranas that at the end of Kali-Yuga people w ill be in madness. It is said that if this madness oversteps the limits then fiery purification will be the only way out. Man indeed has become the slave of the dark forces: therefore, the sword of purification is imperative.
The fiery tension approaches only when the planet is in need of final transmutation. In space are manifested energies for the transmutation of all the accumulations which are stifling the planet. The purification of space and humanity will give the new pre-destination.
The cleansing of space is reaching into all undertakings. Only an accelerated purification of space, consciousness. Teachings will make possible the salvation of the planet. Purification of the foundations must be affirmed, for without this it is impossible to manifest the New World.
Only purification can give all the necessary for flourishing.
New Energies are Coming
Time of transmutation will bring the highest energies to the World. They must enter into life prior to the designated date. The manifestation of fiery dates draws near.
Our planet is on the eve of realizing the higher energies if humanity so desires. In this condition is contained the chief affirmation of the possibility, for each possibility can be rejected by the insanity of the will. Man is affirmed as a recipient of special fires, but man denies all the higher laws. Therefore, when such lack of coordination becomes evident, the special fires cannot approach and begin their creative activity The time will come and is already near w hen people will not know how to accept the fiery possibilities. In their confusion they will forget that fiery communion has been ordained. They will excel in counteracting, instead of being filled with the power of Fire. There will flash forth the signs of varied unassimilated energies, and will again scurry about in false directions.
When the effect of the forces will multiply, humanity will become panic-stricken and chaotic in actions. Serious ailments will be on the increase, and their cure by external measures will bring about most disastrous results. Such will be the action of Fire, which is neither understood nor accepted by them.
How can one explain the imbalance between heat and cold? One should not fear to speak about the fiery waves; through them one can be reminded of the fiery peril. The approaching fiery waves are extremely terrifying if one does not know about them and does not assimilate them with fires of one's own heart.
When the fiery waves shall compel people to seek safety in the towers of the spirit, they will regret with loathing each useless incarnation. One must think about the approach of very unusual times. Neither cruelty nor robbery, nor treason, nor falsehood will help one to withstand the fiery waves. Not shame so much as suffering will compel the quests for salvation.
To Accept and Understand the Cosmic Fire
The Great Epoch of Fire is approaching. Satya Yuga begins with the element of fire. It is madness to presume that the element of fire is somewhere outside of us. No, the fire roars around us. One can have it as one's friend or enemy. Thus, we cannot escape this most luminiferous element; and it is wise to prepare oneself to meet it.
Fire and Light, all the progress of humanity leads to this omnipresent, all-penetrating element. Being evoked either this element will be realized and lawfully applied or it will bum the foolishness of non-consciousness. We cannot avoid the age of Fire. And therefore it is better to evaluate it and take possession of this treasure.
It is necessary to master the fiery element, to evoke the beneficence of the element of Fire. It is necessary to learn to think about it and to assimilate it in the consciousness, to accept and admit Fire as the path to Hierarchy, as the path of love and compassion, to have courage to look at Fire, recognize it as one's only nourishment.
As long as the fine energies are not realized they will not be useful to people. One may understand that energy, not consciously realized, may even be destructive. The unrealized energy, like an unbridled element, can demolish all surroundings. For realization almost amounts to mastery, and is like co-measurement.
Is not the fear of Fire caused by the fact that only its destructive aspects are apparent to the physical eye, whereas its fiery creativeness is not realized in the physical state? We must comprehend Agni not as a destroyer but as a creator! In these two aspects of Agni lies the true touchstone of our nature. He who does not fear the fiery element will truly go along with the cosmic Fire.
Human energy must come in contact with cosmic Fire. The conditions of existence place the spirit in dependence upon unification with cosmic currents. Enlightenment can come only through a conscious relationship with cosmic energies. In the close future people can build resistance to fiery epidemics through consciousness.
Humanity must display a striving toward the cosmic fires; then only the epoch of cosmic energies will approach. On this realization depends the approach of evolution. A new dawn for mankind will come when the understanding of Fire enters life.
People Know about Fire
Folk wisdom assigns to fire a remarkable place. The Lord visits people in Fire. The same fiery element was chosen as the Highest Judgement.
The purge of evil is performed through Fire Misfortunes are accompanied by burning. Thus in the entire current of folk thought can one perceive these fiery paths. People light the shrine lamps and earn torches displayed for the service. In the people's understanding the element of fire has a solemn meaning. Thus let us draw not from superstition but trust the heart of the folk.
Ancient alliances were sealed by leaping through fire. In oaths the hand was held over fire. As a consecration one walked through fire. This must be taken as a recognition of the fiery element of purification
The human heart knows about Fire, but the reason tries to obscure this evident wisdom. People say, "he was consumed with wrath, he withered from envy; he was aflame with desire". In a multitude of expressions, precise and clear, people show knowledge of the significance of Fire. People often use wonderful expressions, without considering their origin. They say rightly "heart is on fire" or "the spirit kindled". It means that they remember about the Fire in a heart some time ago. But now they are ready to explain their wonderful expression by superstition or whims of the narrator.
Often the right concepts arc uttered, but without true realization. The flaming glance very rightly calls to mind tiers energy, which is sent through that glance. The strong, warm hand-clasp is told about, again rightly, because it recalls the very same energy which fills all emanations. But people do not attribute the power of the glance to Fire, they think about the flash of the eyes or the muscles of the hand. Thus are forgotten the definitions which were taught at one time. Forgotten are many true concepts and many have been distorted. Does not a fiery gaze compel people to turn around and even to tremble? Am tremor is already near to Fire.
To Become a Fiery One
While observing the fiery signs one may note certain subdivisions of people. Some strive eternally and cannot exist without this uplifting movement — be assured that these belong to the element of fire. Even though they err, they cannot remain inactive. Observe them, and you will invariably discover the flaming force. But do not seek the creative Fire in the inertia of earth, the rolling undulations of water, the gusts of air. We do not wish to extol the fiery people unduly, but in truth it must be said that they move the world.
It is high time to study the fiery nature of man. Just think! Each of us carries within himself the One Fire, immutable throughout the Universe. No one cares to imagine that the universal treasure is within him. The Fire of a heart with its magnet connects all world constructions. One must think about this pre-eminence. It is necessary to utilize this treasure in the entire structure of life. There is but one Light of Fire in all the world. We can understand that Fire manifests at the most remote distances. There is nothing supernatural or mysterious about it.
During the approach of fiery energies it is necessary that people not be ashamed to acknowledge the fiery principle in themselves. This will be the cultivation of Agni. Do not think that the fieriness comes by itself. It needs to be brought up through many lives. Fieriness is accumulated gradually and it belongs to ineradicable accumulations.
Each fiery attainment is reached through tension, hence each striving has fire as its essence. It is necessary to fill life with glow.
Human society should sustain Fire in all its surroundings. The fire of the Druids was a reminder of the maintenance of the Fire of Life. Even the ancient people understood the symbol of the continuity of Fire. It is inadmissible to quench Fire in anything, not even if it is the smallest. One need not emulate the morbid people who avoid tension. What ordinary people regard as a calm life is nothing but extinction of fire. They have even invented an entire system of extinguishing fire from early childhood. It is possible to augment fieriness by direct or indirect means. Indirect means include the rhythm of movements, of sighing, of lamentations, but simpler and more natural is the bonfire of the heart. All indirect means can be reflected on the organism. Equilibrium must be upheld by natural paths. Not a squeezing out by the muscles, but fieriness, nurtured by the heart, is useful.
No physical fire can compare with the fire of the heart. The time has again come to return to the primary source; otherwise it is not possible to cross the boundary near which humanity already stands.
It was said long ago, "He who knows how to love has a fiery heart." For strengthening the energy, fiery transport is needed. No form of reasoning produces that fire which is kindled by a spark of the feeling of love.
Love above all attracts the fire of Space. He who said, "Love one another," was a true Yogi.
As love, so also does enthusiasm kindle the fires. Let us gather all those who stir the fire within; let us not forget anything created of Light! Love, courage, self-renunciation, devotion, all the best qualities are linked with Fire.
Thus, upon the principle of Fire the world is regenerated. The fire of the centres, the fire of the spirit, the fire of the heart, the fire of achievement, the fire of attainment, the fire of Hierarchy, the fire of service — these constitute the principles of the New World.
The Gift of Orion
Legend of the Treasure of the World
At times immemorial the miraculous Stone fell from a far star. On a place where it fell Shambhala was founded — the Stronghold of Light. Up till now this Stone is kept there, in the special room of Rigden Japo Tower.
That envoy of the far-off worlds contains a certain substance, helping to preserve the vibrations of the far-off worlds. It is a significant teraphim of the Brotherhood. This stone produces the rays, penetrating all oceans and mountains for the benefit of people.
A fragment of this sacred miracle goes around the world. It performs the path of a messenger through heralding the great world events. This fragment serves as a connection with the Brotherhood. It preserves the magnetic connection with the Major Stone.
Usually the Treasure of the World is brought by unknown people very unexpectedly. In the same unexpected way, at the right time, the Stone disappears in order to appear at the destined time in another country. Since the times immemorial the sending of this Gift signifies the approaching date of predestined unification and might of the country where it appears. According to a legend the Treasure brings with itself a special precept which must be fulfilled.
Countries and heroes which are connected with the Stone are different. All great unifiers and state founders possessed it. Many heroic deeds were made.
Here are some fragments from the Stone legends.
Throughout the desert I come, I bring the Chalice covered with the Shield. Within it there is a treasure — the Gift of Orion.
The Ruler Kurnovoo, laden with gold, received from Tazlavoo the dark Stone containing the crystal of life. And over the gold the Ruler wore the Stone.
On the Island of Lanka lithe the Stone hidden through the treachery of Ravana. It will depart beyond the sea. In its wake, as the tail of the comet, happiness is still ablaze; but not for long.
Uroil Zena, spirit of the air, bore to King Solomon the Stone. Proclaimed the Spirit into the receptive ear: "By the will of the Lord of Powers I entrust unto thee the treasure of the Lord of Powers. I entrust unto thee the treasure of the world."
"So be it" said the King and carried the Stone into the Temple.
But the thought possessed him to carry part of the treasure on his person. Then the King summoned Ebharaim, the goldsmith of the tribe of Judah; he bid him to sever a part of the Stone and take pure silver and weld a ring and engrave upon the Stone the chalice of wisdom illuminated with a flame.
The King thought never to part with the Treasure. But the spirit said, "Not wisely didst thou violate the supreme A-Substance. It shall be sorely difficult for the sons of men to possess the Stone. And only those who are with thee can direct the Stone to righteousness. By a constellation shall I designate the way of the Stone."
And in the temple of Judae, the Flame-bearer tamed not.
It is a most grievous error to deny the Stone.
"Verily, I myself have seen this fragment of the world — I recall its shape — the length of my little finger — of grayish lustre like a dried fruit. Even the signs I remember but did not understand them.
"Truly I myself have seen the Stone and I shall find It. It is said that the Stone comes of Itself; It cannot be taken. If so, I shall await It. For Its sake I shall take myself to the desert, until the end of my days."
Reach not for the Stone, Lun; It will come of Itself if thou knowest to await It.
When the Emperor of China possessed the treasure of the sun, he erected for It a turquoise temple of the colour of the azure sky. When the little prince with the bride peeped behind the door for a long time, the Emperor said, "The fox is leading you. You feel the joy of the world."
Remember the iron crown of the Longbards; that, too, is a trace of the Stone. Not long did the Stone rest near the mountain of pride. Many are the envoys from the East. The camels bring the Stone to Tibet. Across the desert they carry It and with It a new power.
Let the mountain of pride conceal the Stone for a while. Let the city of the Stone be glorified. But the path of the Treasure is ordained. It is time for the Stone to return home.
Under the ground are assembled the religious fathers to analyze the nature of the Stone. "Why, when the Stone becomes dark, do the clouds gather? When the Stone feels heavy, blood is shed. When a star shines over the Stone, comes success. When the Stone creaks, the enemy approaches. When comes a dream of fire over the Stone, the world is convulsed. When the Stone is tranquil, walk courageously. But do not pour wine over the Stone! Bum over it only cedar balsam. Carry the Stone in an ivory casket."
As one must be accustomed to heat and to cold, so must one become accustomed to the radiance of the Stone. Each of the bearers of the Stone must abide with it tranquilly awhile. The intoxication from Its rays is unseen but Its inner heat is mightier than radium. Unseen flows the Myrrh but the Stone rests visible upon the web of Its native land.
Oh, Stone, start hence over the sea. Let the bird bring to the ear the tiding — the Stone comet.
In the darkness of the night, darkly attired, the messenger noiselessly approaches to perceive how they await. Around the bend of the comer lies in wait the tamed beast, sniffing, groping with his paw; he is sent by the enemy. Who stirs behind the casement? What flies are swarming the place? Whence blows this whirlwind? But I walk firmly and securely: I am holding the Stone.
I am learning the prayer: Forsake me not, my Lord. I have gathered all strength. Forsake me not for I come unto Thee!
On Mount Ararat lies the fiery Stone. A knight of Novgorod killed himself over the Stone because of unbelief. The great freedom of Novgorod proved the possession of the treasure but heresy diverted the fulfillment of the miracle.
The best relic of the power of the Stone is symbolized by the Serpent's Stone — symbol of a wise possession.
The follower of night sought to regain possession of the Stone. But the Treasure was ever the token of Light. Not for long did sly rulers possess the Stone, being unaware that striving for right alone can rule the fire of the Stone.
And its last flight to the West lightened up an unheard of kingdom of an unsuccessful union of western nations. In each ray of the East they already seek the Stone. The time will come; the dates will be fulfilled. Designated is the ordained way when of Itself the Stone will come from the West.
We affirm to await and understand the way of the Stone. We affirm to understand the predestined carriers of the Stone who go homewards. The ship is ready.
The new Country shall go forth to meet the seven stars under the sign of three stars which sent the Stone to the world. Prepared is the treasure and the enemy shall not take the Shield covered with gold.
Await the Stone!
On the edge of abyss by the mountain stream, in the evening mist the contours of a horse are appearing. The rider is not seen. Something is unusually sparkling on a saddle. May be this horse is lost by a caravan? Or, may be it has thrown off the rider when jumping over the abyss? May be this horse was left along a way when it had turned weak? And now the horse who has rested is looking for the owner? This is how the mind is thinking but the heart recalls another thing. The heart remembers that a lonely horse will come down from the Great Shambhala, from the sacred mountain heights at the predestined hour. The Treasure of the World will be shining on its saddle instead of a rider. Norbu Rimpoche — Chintamany — the Miraculous Stone, the Saver of the World. Hasn't the time come? Doesn't the lonely horse cam the Treasure of the World to us? Is the white horse — Erdenv Mory?
Stars are Participating in Our Life
The Discourse of the Wise Ones about Influence of the Luminaries
Who doesn't know that the rising and ebbing-tides in the oceans are the result of the Moon's influence on Earth? Who doesn't know that appearance and disappearance of the sun spots is followed by the volcanic eruptions, many atmospheric and climatic changes which in their turn affect the psychology of people?
In the East people think that even approaching and going away of every planet and also appearance of a new comet is followed by some kind of influence, both on our planet and its inhabitants. Ancient people studied the influence of the Luminaries' rays and their mutual heavenly disposition on a man. They coordinated many of their undertakings with the phases of Moon and with the disposition of luminaries on the sky. Let's listen to what the East says about the influence of luminaries on the planet life.
The Chemism of Luminaries Affects Humanity
The teaching of influence of the heavenly bodies is based on the chemism of luminaries. If we admit partly that bodies have radiations then the next step will be to admit the chemism of such radiations. All that exists radiates the products of chemical interactions. One can move from the small to the great, up to the interplanetary influences. Interplanetary space is filled with strong chemical rays. It is considered that they have quite substantial influence on earthly life. Each heavenly body affects the Earth. Different dispositions of the heavenly bodies generate special influences.
Astro-chemistry allows determination of the best effect on definite organisms. A man who enters a house permeated with nicotine will carry away with him poisonous particles. Similarly, once a man has experienced directly on himself the action of astro-chemical rays, he will always respond to one certain blend.
Now that astro-chemistry has revealed to us the influence of the Sidereal system, it becomes easier to understand how our solar system can, at the birth of a child, influence his brain — virgin of any impression — in a definite manner and according to the presence on the zenith of one or another Zodiacal constellation.
Any combination of the heavenly bodies at the movement of child birth affects his character and outlines his destiny. But the planet's disposition affects the destiny of a man not only at the moment of his birth, but through all the following moments of his life.
The so-called sun spots intensify chemical reactions. People keep repeating about the unrest of the world during the periods of sun spots, and even a weak perception impels one toward correct deductions.
But among specific disorders, the statement that sun spots promote wars sounds strange. From the standpoint of scientific analysis, would it not be better to say that sun spots engender human madness? Such a definition is far nearer the truth, for this chemism actually reacts upon the nervous system. In this, let us not forget that such a chemical reaction is quite prolonged. It would be naive to consider that a lessening of sun spots immediately does away with the chemism in space.
The conjunction of other manifestations of the subtlest energies with physical and chemical phenomena results in a powerful factor of influence upon humanity. If the chemical property of a ray from a far-off planet depresses the human organism, then the very close combinations of emanations of our Earth, in conjunction with the influence of innumerable cosmic formations, provide a lever for the strivings of humanity. Laws of human perturbations cannot be established in strict accord with a logical distribution of obvious elements. How then, without a study of all the surrounding processes, can one unravel the knots of the apparatus of thought? Somewhere pink rays flashed out — and an about-to-erupt uprising of an entire nation died down. Somewhere the tides of oceans altered and changes in the world's trade ensued. These are crude, apparent examples, but how many most subtle causes and effects fill the space and furrow the strata of humanity!
Very few people remain unterrified if they are told what actually surrounds them. Let us enumerate the rays and all the chemical influences, both from the far-off worlds and from the Earth itself. Indeed, reflected and refracted rays differ greatly from the basic ones.
One should not think that our solar system is something isolated. On the contrary, all the worlds are in the subtlest interaction. Our planet can experience very unexpected influences from the far-off worlds. One can imagine how the influences of the most distant systems can invade.
You, who decide the destinies of nations! Enter the laboratories and climb into the observatories, and though you may not at once discover the analogy with social problems, a searching intellect will grasp the complexity of the apparatus of reality. He will realize the inseparability of the fate of human evolution from the cosmic process. Therefore real unprejudiced knowledge will be the sure guide to the future. He who will sever the science of human sociology from the cosmic processes will thereby cut off his own legs and doom himself to the life of a cripple.
Teaching of Luminaries' Influence is the Science of the Future
There are many charlatans who make fun of the science of the Luminaries' influence. But in every science there are many cheaters, and yet nobody gives up science. Physico-chemical interplanetary influences represent the science of the future. The science of the influence of the luminaries will become great when it shall be assimilated without prejudice.
How many necessary observations may be conducted even without subtle apparatus! Will not the comparison between atmospheric conditions and the condition of humanity provide a key for reasonable considerations of rulers? Will not magnetic storms indicate the variations in social order? Sun spots, the full moon, the passing of planetary bodies, and many similar powerful conditions influence the basic functions of sensitive organisms. Even plants and animals react to the cosmic manifestations. Is it possible that man, the ruler, is not worth that attention? Human power merits attention.
From the Inexhaustible Reservoir rays of immeasurable intensity pour over our heads. Especially sensitive organisms can testify that during the culminating period of the sun spots the rays of the luminary, because of their substance, become unbearable to them. Until now, people have been unable to realize their place in this monumental laboratory. That single realization alone would have armed the human organism, and, would have directed the search into the Limitless Heights — as material as tomorrow's repast, as majestic as the myriads of stars.
To Use the Cosmic Forces
The possibilities flowing from the streams of the luminaries are endless. Since it is acknowledged that even the rays of the Moon help the growth of plants and affect inanimate objects, one may go a step further and admit the creativeness of the rays. Certainly the sun — the life giver — saturates the entire Universe; but the realization that the streaming rays impart a conscious force of energy will afford the most fiery attainments. Sensing the vibrations of the currents, humanity will discover the multifold creative transmissions of the rays. Thus does Cosmos bestow its treasures.
Much can be derived from the complex cosmic combinations. Half of the manifestations of cosmic forces await humanity in Eternity. Why not utilize all the powers of radioactivity and all radioactions of the myriads of rays!
The sun's rays must be appreciated as a world treasure. The scientist will easily analyze the flow of rays from the other luminaries. Why should people shun the treasures of the Universe ordained for them? Magnetic vortices of light constitute the rhythm of the planet. Cannot they be made use of, as we do of the power of the waterfall? Inexhaustible are the allotted Forces!
Cosmic Dates are Fulfilled
All life is made up of the cosmic dates. These dates are marked by the coincidences of the matured Karma of either nation or even nations with certain combination of luminaries. New turns in the historical course of nations or the planet's life are the result of it.
In 1924 Venus came extraordinarily close to Earth. The rays of the Luminary of the Mother of the World sprinkled the Earth. New rays reached the Earth for the first time since its formation. The new rays pierced the thickness of the Earth. The substance of the rays penetrated deeply.
And this created many new powerful and sacred combinations which will yield great results.
The dates imprinted much time ago are fulfilled on the star runes. The enlightenment's of the Egyptian hierophants transform into actions before our eyes. The Morning Star, the Light Abode of the Mother of the World has pointed the new great epoch of humanity with its overpowering light and its significantly unprecedented approach. New epoch is designated by the sign of Aquarius. Actually the cycle of Aquarius already operates and coexists with the end of Pisces. Usually the beginning and end of a cycle is very gradual, and thus is affirmed the harmony of the actual evolutionary process. Uranus is the ruler of the new epoch. The affirmation of power of rays of Uranus is attended by new streams in all the life of our planet. Influence of Uranus will be especially brightly manifested at the epoch to come. Uranus and Neptune have the great influence on our planet. Strong are the rays of Jupiter; they further the rapid diffusion of the forces of Uranus.
Seven Prophecies About the Beginning of the Light Epoch Revelation of the Cosmic Era
Great Future is Predestined
Many thousands of years ago the light future of humanity was foretold. The position of Luminaries was described under which this great epoch will start. The signs were given how to recognize the beginning of the Cosmic Era of our planet.
This time has come.... All cosmic dates, all combinations of the Luminaries point to the beginning of the Great Cycle. And the signs are strewn as fiery seeds.
The kingdom of Lucifer comes to its end. Fiery energies reach the earth at a prescribed period. The Epoch of Maitreya is approaching.
It's true that brutal Armageddon is going on and unheard of horrors are being perpetrated. But in the hour of destruction and shifting, a New Dawn glows upon the horizon. When old conceptions are becoming extinguished the dawn of the fires is kindled. Amidst thorns is growing the light evolution. The time has come when humanity nears its sixth perfection. The new Race is coming into being.
Before the rise of the New Race the old foundations crumble. Thus, upon the ruins of the old world there rises a new evolution. Is it really so that people do not see how much of the new is coming into the life!
Thus, the Epoch or Fire terminates Kali-Yuga. Thus, the great time approaches for the replacement of the narrow horizon. New world is coming.
New forces are building the better future. Even the most brilliant past cannot compare to the possibilities of the future. Fiery Epoch must transform the face of the planet.
When forewarnings are given, it is easier to distinguish events. And ancient seers knew of many changes which are now clear to historians. But their contemporaries only knew how to stone all those who were far-seeing.
To be Able to Accept the Pre-ordained
The great and beautiful future is pre-ordained. But whether it will occur or not depends on humanity. The greatest opportunities are knocking at the doors of humanity but the choice is always free.
The choice is in the hands of humanity. Light or darkness, construction or destruction — it w ill be decided by humanity itself. Free will in its madness can reject the pre-ordained happiness.
Humanity dislikes looking into the distant future, and its consciousness stirs about in the dust of the immediate proximity. So long as humanity refuses to learn to look into the distance, it will be impossible to decrease human sufferings.
Only when the purpose of existence takes on its due significance, will it be possible to endow humanity with the Special Fire. The balance can manifest its affirmation only when the free will chooses the path of the General Good. Only when the Principle of Hierarchy will be affirmed upon the planet will the era of Satya Yuga begin.
Every year the influence of the forces of Light will increase. But it's necessary for a human spirit to be able to accept the gifts sent. The time to come will manifest the greatest trial to all humanity. Only by renewal of thinking can humanity attain the new planetary step.
To Search for the New Paths
Due to the unusualness of conditions of the future, it will be impossible to proceed in the old ways. It is dreadful when people approach new conditions with their old habits. Just as it is impossible to open a present-day lock with a medieval key, likewise it is impossible for men with old habits to unlock the door to the future.
Only the blind can think that tomorrow will be like yesterday! The world in confusion demands the search for new ways. The aspiration of humanity toward the unusual will give it the understanding of the New.
Everywhere distinguish between the old world and the New. The old world finds shelter in all parts of the earth. The New World also is born everywhere, beyond boundaries and conditions. The old world and New World are distinguished through consciousness but not by outer evidence. Age and circumstance bear no importance.
Red banners are often raised by the hands of the old world filled with prejudices. Often in solitude beats a heart filled with the lightnings of the New World.
Without evasion, before our eyes, the World divides itself. Unskilled, but with full daring, grows the new consciousness. Despite its experience the old thought droops.
There is no power that could dam the ocean of the New World. We regret the useless waste of energy of the expiring consciousness. We accord a smile to the daring of those who realize the right of expanding new achievements.
Each mistake committed for the cause of the New World becomes a flower of valour. Each effort to skillfully embalm the old world remains a skeleton of horror. One can see the signs of madness of the retiring world and the courage of the arising one.
New World is coming. As yet many things are incomprehensible and perverted but new opportunities are entering. And they w ill bring new mentality and new world outlook. The appearance of a new-measuring rod of existence is needed to save the Earth.
Concepts of the New Epoch
The contemporary teaching of the East, "Agni-Yoga", advances the concepts which are necessary for the next step of evolution. The first concept is the cooperation, the second one is full right of w omen. the third concept is the studding of the psychic energy, the fourth one is the understanding of the significance of thought. Every one of these gifts of evolution must be accepted in full measure and not abstractly. It's necessary to specify the concept of cooperation. Any calculations will not help to strengthen collaboration. If there be no confidence, then cooperation is changed into a jar of poisonous scorpions.
Cooperation becomes, as it were, the science of life. But in order to give it a scientific basis it is necessary to recognize it through life. Cooperation is the harmony of humanity.
Cooperation must be accepted as the foundation of Existence. Only through the broadest cooperation is it possible, to find the true relationship between the state and national labour. Otherwise the ruinous indebtedness of the state will increase.
When cooperation is made the basis of the structure, when woman enters as the protectress of culture, when psychic energy occupies its due position — all life will become transformed. Knowledge and creativeness will occupy their manifest position. Manifest in the sense that even amid remote ages may be found examples of understanding of the significance of science and art.
The Salvation is in Culture
The blessed Satya Yuga is heralded. What great concept will be at the base of that purification and transformation of life? Of course it will be the concept which humanity determines as the Culture.
The New Era can be built only by means of Culture. Regeneration of the planet is possible only through the path of Culture. True evolution is performed only on the principles of Knowledge and Beauty.
No evolution is possible without cultural accumulations. Humanity cannot flourish without the knowledge of the greatness of Culture. Without culture there can be no international agreement or mutual understanding.
Where the Culture is there is peace. One should also reiterate about peace. Let the word itself follow people on all paths. Where the Culture is there is the right decision about the most difficult social problems.
Humanity has never known and will not ever know any higher panacea than Culture. For the Culture is a sum of all achievements of the fiery creation. Therefore, Culture will be proclaimed as the one defense against disintegration. It is now that the humanity must hastily appeal to the realization of Culture.
Knowledge, Knowledge, Knowledge! If people would ponder upon the fact that knowledge is the only salvation, there would not be a particle of the present suffering. All human sorrow is the result of ignorance. Knowledge, let us reiterate, will put an end to the suffering of mankind.
Broad dissemination of knowledge can regenerate world. Knowledge can achieve miracles. Hence, let us say that knowledge is above all things.
New Paths of Science
As bees collect honey so you, too, should collect knowledge. One should collect knowledge from everywhere. Until now knowledge had fixed limits, and entire domains of it were kept under prohibition, suspicion, and in neglect.
People did not have the courage to overcome prejudices. They have forgotten that a scholar, first of all, must be open to all that exists. There are no forbidden domains for a scholars.
Brotherhood teaches unprejudiced cognition. People should aspire to unlimited knowledge. One should not command a man not to know. A man should not be deprived of his right to self-perfection.
Thus, let us not close our eyes to reality. Liberation of thinking will be a decoration of true knowledge. If one's conviction is steadfast that Truth is one, there can be no fear that some other truth will be found.
People speak of many truths. Should not one penetrate the shells and strive to the One Truth?
Mere affirmation of knowledge will eliminate the contradictions.
The man who is striving for the realization of Truth delves into the most basic essence of life.
True human cognizance will always be in harmony with the One Truth. The development of all humanity should be compared with the Teaching of Light, and one can rejoice when the world's understanding continues to follow the one possible Truth. But for this purpose one must constantly compare the Fundamentals with human actions.
Of course, true science cannot be contradictory to immutable laws. Consequently, in new researches the Tablets of the Fundamentals must be kept constantly in mind and in heart. They will give an invincible enthusiasm to the scholar who, freed of egoism, with honesty continues his researches for the benefit of humanity. He will sense the waves of Light and detect new energies amongst the vibrations.
One has to remind the scientists that the theories of Einstein do not upset the laws of Euclid but encompass them. Just as the third dimension does not nullify the laws of the plane, but is infinitely larger than the latter, so also the laws of spiritual knowledge encompass all your laws, being infinitely broader.
But We do not wish to upset the achievements of scientists, only to broaden them.
A lot of so called phenomena are noticed on Earth. Unusual human abilities are appearing. People start to observe them. But if negation and prohibition are brought in, there will be an impediment to evolution. It is indispensable that the foremost scholars make themselves worthy examples of broadmindedness. Evolution is completely excluded where people do not recognize the possibilities of infinite cognition.
Science cannot stand prohibitions, prejudices, and superstitions. Knowledge shouldn't be restrained by violence — neither external nor internal. Thus, free knowledge should not be prohibited. Such forbid-dance is an evidence of ignorance.
The prejudice of thought acts as a heavy load mortifying the things already preordained. Who can imagine the complexity of currents? You know how the great future is prepared. It cannot be primitive and one need to get used to the growings that are visible to Us but not to everybody.
Knowledge is so much an expanding process that continual renovation of methods is required The new is the most old. And therefore one shouldn't fear anything impossible. Everything is imaginable, for everything exists. One cannot suggest the poverty of creation.
Our science is so young that it cannot be told about the comparative method. It is only several centuries old, but where are many tens of millennia? We've grown very much proud and forgot about everything unknown to us.
Who can take it upon himself to judge that which he does not know? Who presumes to affirm the presence or absence of something unknown? It is more sensible to admit that much exists which is unknown to people.
It is necessary for people to free themselves from any arrogance in relation to all that is unknown to them. Let the scientists find courage in themselves not to renounce the things which are unknown to them yet. A scientific task is based on tolerant acceptance.
It is necessary to understand that the manifestation of continuous expansion of consciousness underlies the growth of science. If a scientist cannot overstep the restraints of yesterday then it is better for him not to exercise the science. The conditions of new scientific achievements must correspond to the demands of the future.
Where have the Magnets been Laid?
According to a legend everything on Earth occurs in accordance with the Plan of Evolution of our planet. It is determined beforehand where and when new states will be founded and new cities will be built. It is foreseen when and where the great discoveries and revelations must occur. This Cosmic Plan is conducted into life by the Great White Brotherhood.
How the ideas of Space are transmuted into action? In certain place and time the co-workers of the Brotherhood lay secret Magnets — the fragments of the Great Meteor, the convoy of distant Luminaries. Magnets have been set like milestones in places of special significance. In the history of humanity a network of magnets flashes forth like guiding fires, affirming the path of humanity.
Many Magnets are lying under the foundations of cities. They either remain invisible, attracting the flow of events; or they serve as a centre of conscious action; or it enlighten the man who found the Magnet.
Viewing the chart of the World, the far-sighted spirits know where is being established the New Magnet of future constructions. These magnets are placed in ways most unsuspected by humanity. Yet in placing magnets numerous circumstances are taken into account known only to the Hierarchs.
Thus, the network of the Race that is being generated is spread to different parts of the Earth. And separate manifestations will be found in very unusual places. But one part of the world determines the destiny of the century.
Perhaps from the earthly point of view such a country is found to be in most unattractive state, but the higher law is already determining the place of special tension. Earthly eyes do not yet see, but Hiero-inspiration directs the consciousness thither where the radiance of Higher Light has been ordained. Hiero-inspiration directs thither where already the summit is alight.
The Beginning of Cosmic Era is in Russia
As the Great Light Epoch of mankind w as predestined also a country was pointed out where the Cosmic Era of our planet would start. But the name of that country has been concealed up to now. It may seem strange but almost nowhere in the sacred scriptures was that new country mentioned. As if the sixth part of the world does not have any place in the Cosmic Plan of Evolution.
It must be clear for even keen spirit. In the East it is not accepted to mention the most sacred things. All the sacred is especially protected. And if it would had been said that this country has a great future, then it would have been torn apart. Now the time has come when such a danger does not exist any more. In boundless sufferings and hardship, amidst hunger, in blood and sweat, Russia has taken upon itself a burden of search of the Truth for everybody and instead of even body. At that time it seemed that there were not any changes in a comfortable civilized world. Only Russia was not there any more. In this particular kind of "non-existence," Russia became a spiritual focus of the world in a definite sense.
In the arena of world history the new world has appeared which had not played a leading role hitherto And the goddess of Culture, whose marquee was pitched amid the valleys and hills of the West, has gone to the hungry, cold and suffering ones.
Russia Carries the Burden of the World
The consequences of the powerful explosion in Russia are great. This explosion stirred up all its depths. Purified and regenerated, with new principles of people's cooperation and free cultural construction, Russia will become a true stronghold of Peace.
A powerful mountain a rises amidst the chaos. The Forces of Light guard it Thus the bequeathed is protected amidst the chaos of destruction. Verily, the "Unprecedented Chamber" is commanded and the signs of prosperity relentlessly stand over the new country and guard it. The shield of Light is extended over it.
In the new country the great course is performed — a phenomenon of great significance.
Side by side with madness, touching searches go on. Despite all the difficulties the country of future grows and begins to understand its significance. Despite the tragedy of many things the country is in indubitable creation of its future.
Ivans, the one hundred thousandths, can make the Fiery chariots, that will retain through all abysses.
At the cost of terrible sufferings a new step is achieved that will help all the humane Thousands and thousands of people awake to the beginning of a new cultural life.
People are open to cognition. Such a step of evolution is not accidental. It is a special joy to see how the structure is being completed. Many would not believe that the local stones were sound enough; they formed their opinion through egoism. But the dawn will show where right judgement lay.
None can instantaneously transform his consciousness. Many extraneous efforts are required. Only in a sound structure will stones lie undisturbed by earthquakes.
Dazzling Future is Before Us
This century reminds some time of Atlantis. Then people could not find the balance. But if now people know about the same disparity then some of the most lively peoples can find the necessary accordance. We see where the principle of synthesis can be realized. It will not be there where the pendulum of life is dead, but where it swings the most.
The principle of synthesis won't be there where striving is directed to selfness, where primacy is built, but where the creative steps are made in the name of the General Good. Where the soil is teeming with the emanations of labour, a harvest may be expected.
The dates of nation's destinies can be cognized according to the waves of the understanding of religion. Where there is obvious disbelief, there the harvest of God is already near. But where there is hypocritical splendor, there the sword is ready. The example of Saul will be instructive. The pendulum greatly moved to one side to the same extent it swings to another side. No ostentatious religiosity is needed but consciousness of the spiritual principle. Neither costumes nor rites are needed but service to humanity.
Jingoism and false religions are leaving. And the era of new joy fill construction, based on the great cooperation of nations, the era of a new rebirth and purification, according to the precepts of all Great Teachers, is coming to replace those obsolescent scare-crows. The day is not remote when people will search for all who can contribute a particle of true knowledge,
Where everything has been taken away, where any creativeness has been stifled, where human dignity has been forgotten, there the thirst for knowledge and true freedom will rush especially powerful Iv. It has the allotted time when the Unprecedented Chamber will shine
Proclamation of the Cosmic Teacher
The Advent of Maitreya
It is pointed out by the most ancient legends that w hen humanity loses the foundation of the Teaching and sinks into obscurity, the Epoch of Maitreya will take place.
Maitreya, the Lord of Love and Compassion, the Coming Buddha, has been bequeathed to the world by Gautama himself. It was said that before leaving the physical sphere of our planet Buddha promised to his disciples that after his Nirvana his place will be taken by His Brother, Maitreya.
Among the nations of Asia those predictions and legends have been alive all the time. Statues in honour of Lord Maitreya have been raised all over India and Tibet already at the beginning of our Christian era. And now there is no such Buddhist temple where there wouldn't be an image of that Bodhisattva on the huge widths ("tankas") or in form of colossal figure, occupying sometimes three stores of a temple.
In the difficult paths, on the dangerous mountain passes there stand the images of Maitreya a of the Light Future. Who has laboured? But those images stand, often the giant ones, as if super humanely created.
Peoples know that the place of the saintly people is in the mountains, on the summits. The revelation is from the summits. Rishis live in the caves on the summits. In places where the rivers start, where eternal ice preserves the purity of whirlwinds, where the meteoric dust brings purifying armour from the far-off worlds, there are the ones who raise the radiance high!
Light radiance blazes above the snowy summits of the Himalayas. That radiance is brighter than stars and more whimsical than lightnings. Who kindled those columns of light, walking on the sky? Not from the Northern spacklings those columns and rays of light are, but from Shambhala. They are from the tower of the Great One who advents.
Modem legends of the East assert that millennial predictions have come true. Maitreya is coming, radiant with all fires His Heart is aflame with compassion for destitute humanity. The Great Lord, invisibly visible, is already ruling, invested with all rays of powerful but invisible Laboratory.
And the Lord of the New Epoch gives the New Teaching to the New World.
Proclamation of Agni Yoga
The time is complex, but great! In tension, amidst humanity's monstrous non-comprehension of the principle of Being, Maitreya gives a new Covenant. He summons humanity to that Covenant.
The Great Proclamation is a step to the world renewal. Agni Yoga is a precursor of the Great Epoch.
Teaching of Agni Yoga is nothing else than the exposition of the contemporary application of energy, the stream of which is approaching with Satya Yuga. It signifies the New Era. And heralding of this Teaching is as inescapable as the approach of the Light Epoch is undeniable.
The New Teaching is given for the future — not for one country or nation but for the whole world. The Teaching of Maitreya will reveal so much of the great to humanity. Great times are approaching. The Teaching of Life will lay at the foundation of the New World.
The Teaching of Maitreya is Yoga of the whole life. All preceding Yogas, given from the highest Sources, took as their basis a definite quality of life. And now, at the advent of the age of Maitreya, there is needed a Yoga comprising the essence of the entire life. New Teaching discerns all the concepts which are the Fundamentals of Life. With all cosmic and spatial breadth of thought this Teaching of Life gives the answers to all questions.
The Brothers of Humanity impart the Truth to him, who assimilates the essence of Being. There by the Brothers of Humanity transmit a part of the Truth, that part which can be assimilated upon this planet.
People must prepare themselves for the New Epoch. Each conscious process of thinking seeks painfully for the future direction of evolution. If this direction is sensed, then sane reason will strive to approach that much sooner the true path. There fore the Teaching does not coerce but indicates the way. No mysticism, but verily reasoning rises before the seekers.
Brotherhood offers Knowledge useful for the progress of humanity.
The Teaching is given not for the sake of novelty but for the creation of a worthy life.
Having studied this Teaching a man will be prepared for the path ahead. For his knowledge will be prepared for the path ahead. For his knowledge will broaden and discernment will accompany him on his life path.
Therefore Agni Yoga is given as the greatest and true path.
Why is the New Yoga termed fiery? The evidence of power makes fuller the vivid life and extinguishes each insipid manifestation. The emergence of fire produces the luminosity of matter. Properly speaking, where there is fire there is evidence of progressive perfection. Therefore the element of fire gives to this Yoga of self-sacrifice its name. The fire will not lead away from life; it will act as a trustworthy guide into the far-off worlds. The study of Agni Yoga brings man closer to the far-off worlds. Agni Yoga is a progressive development of human potentials. It is the highest connection with the cosmic achievements. True Yoga links the earthly consciousness with the cosmic impulse. Multicolored sparks join us with the spatial consciousness.
The Teaching manifested by Maitreya summons the human spirit to our creative world; the Teaching of Maitreya ordains the infinite in Cosmos, in life, and in the attainments of the spirit; the Teaching of Maitreya guards the knowledge of the Cosmic Fire as the unfoldment of the heart that embraces the manifestation of the Universe. The manifestation of the Teaching gives wings to humanity and opens the path to Infinity.
Why is the New Teaching Given?
There is but one revelation which is brought by the Great Teachers of humanity through all the centuries. Even teacher emphasizes that detail of One Revelation which is the most necessary for the given stage of consciousness. When the cosmic date comes the Carriers of Light are sent for a new awakening of consciousness. They are the builders of the new stages of human consciousness. Each epoch brings its own form of expression suiting the contemporaneity. Each epoch also brings a wider proclamation of basics of the teaching. For according to the law of evolution everything grows and widens.
The Sacred Teaching cannot become congealed at one level. Truth is one, but each century comprehends it in its own way. Each transmission of the Great Wisdom is indisputable, but it will have its owti followers. One should riot speak about it as New Teachings, since Truth is one! New data, and new perception of them, will be only the continuance of cognition. Not the new is proclaimed, but what is needed for the hour. Compare the streams of the Teachings of life which have been given to humanity. Each phase of the Teaching does not exclude the preceding one. Each Teaching, without affecting the preceding, discloses new gates to knowledge.
The same unalterable Truth is given to humanity in various garments. Invariably does it become destroyed by the scurrying crowds within less than a century. Teachings assumed a quite distorted image. When religions are so distorted that they cannot satisfy the requests of a human heart and give any answers on enigmas of Being, then it means that the time comes w hen a New Teacher must come and give a New Teaching to the World. The periodical advent of New Teachers and New Teachings is a necessary condition for the evolution of humanity.
Not Gods but Friends
As it is known from the previous legends that the Teachers have already been with us, on our planet, for a long time. They came from Venus on the dawn of mankind. They guided the evolution of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth race. They stand on the unfailing vigil and fight a battle for the mankind with the Prince of darkness. And "the advent" of the Teachers is only Their brighter exposure on the turning points of mankind's evolution.
The existence of Hierarchy is the foundation of the entire life.
Hierarchy brings good to humanity. It is like Light on the path of humanity. The Hierarchy is that Star which directed all the searching ones. It is not a threat, but the call of the heart and a fiery admonition directing toward the Good.
"We do not wish to introduce ourselves as Beings beyond the cloud. On the contrary, we want to he close to people, the Labourers. Not gods but collaborators we want to be. Idols of symbols will be erased by the ray of Light."
When people can establish a steadfast union with the concept of Brotherhood, then it will be possible to look forward to the building of firm foundation. When people will accept the concept of the Teacher, a new stage will be prepared. The quests of the new ways must begin with this acceptance.
Only when the perception of a guiding Hierarchy is consciously affirmed will humanity realize its true role in the Cosmos. The single realization of Our Brotherhood and Hierarchy already directs the traveller along the shortest path to Infinity.
Let the one w ho wants to join Our Abode talk to one's heart more often and send at least the silent summons to Us. One can think that it is very difficult but actually it may be expressed in three words — I love Thee, oh Lord! — that is a conductor to Us.
Let mutually love each other.
Love for Hierarchy produces direct communion. We don't know-how to better or more precisely express the guiding law than as a flow of love. One can easily approach the principle of Existence by a sense of beauty. And what can more strongly unify than the mantram — "I love Thee, 0 Lord!" In such a call it is easy to receive a ray of cognition.
Not only the direct link with the Lord but even an unconscious striving toward Hierarchy gives a glimpse of the communion with cosmic forces. One need to prepare himself for direct communion. In these days, w hen fiery energies have been so intensified, precisely this fire helps the heart to understand the Higher Command This Command is propounded in the very midst of life. Then we say — harden and obey!
Remember that on the distant mountains. Friends are working and caring about you.
Let the heights of the Caucasus, Altai, and Himalayas be the abodes of the Beautiful Brotherhood.
Legend of the Mother of the World
Mother of the Lords
From the beginning of existence of the Great White Brotherhood the Mother of the World is at the head of the Great Hierarchy of Light of our planet. Our Mother of the Lords is not a symbol but a Great Manifestation of the Feminine Origin, in which is revealed the spiritual Mother of Christ and Buddha. She it was who taught and ordained Them for achievement.
In the history of humanity, Her Hand traces an unbreakable thread. After Atlantis, when a blow was inflicted by Lucifer upon the cult of the spirit, the Mother of the World began to weave a new thread, which will now begin to radiate. After Atlantis the Mother of the World veiled Her Face and forbade the pronouncement of Her name until the hour of the constellations should strike.
A Star of the Mother of the World
Svati. It is time to say that this is the name We have given to the planet Venus, the Star of the Mother of the World. Since long ago it has been the symbol of the Mother of the World, and the Epoch of the Mother of the World must begin at the time of Her star's unprecedented approach to the Earth.
In 1924 the Star of the Mother of the World for a short time came unusually close to the Earth. Its rays were poured on the Earth, and this created many new powerful and sacred combinations which will yield great results.
The great concept of the Mother of the World is approaching the human consciousness through the cosmic wave. So much of unusually touching and powerful has merged in this sacred concept of all countries and nations. Teachings say about the coming epoch of the Mother of the World. Close to all the hearts, honoured by the mind of every born one, the Mother of the World stands again at the great helm. Let the one w ho understands this image of evolution be happy and safe!
Mount of the Mother of the World
The Mother of the World has ordained:
"Winds, gather ye!
Snows, gather ye!
Birds, hold ye back!
Beasts, stand ye back!
No human foot shall set its traces on My Summit
The audacity of the dark ones shall not surmount!
The light of the Moon shall not endure!
But the sun rays shall touch the Peak.
Sun, guard My Summit, because where else shall I keep
My Vigil? Never shall beast ascend, nor shall human power prevail"
Herself, the Mother of all Being, shall keep Her Vigil with a fiery shield. What glows upon the summit? Why have the whirlwinds assembled a resplendent crown? She, the Great Mother, alone ascended the Summit, and none shall follow Her. Upon the highest Summit stands effulgent the Mother of the World. She came forth to smite the darkness. Why are the enemies fallen? And whither do they turn their eyes in desperation? She has cloaked Herself in a fiery mantle and encircled Herself in a fiery wall She is our citadel and our striving.
The above mentioned summit is the summit of the Everest. It is called Jemo Kang-Kar in Tibetan — the Ruleress of the White Snow The highest point on Earth and also both earthly poles have great significance by virtue of that store of electromagnetic forces, that are accumulated there The legend says that when the critical moment comes — to be or not to be for our planet — these points will have the decisive significance in planet's salvation.
The Hymns of the Mother of the World
Ruleress, I pronounce Three the great Co-worker of Cosmic Reason. Ruleress, Thou, beyond all cosmic powers, bearest within Thyself the sacred seed which provides radiant life. Ruleress, affirming all manifestations of the Great Reason, Thou art the Bestower of joy of cosmic creativeness. Ruleress of thought. Thou who invokes life, to Thee We make manifest the radiance of Our Ray Mother, venerated by the Lords, We earn, in Our Heart the fire of Thy Love. In Thy Heart lives the ordaining Ray. In Thy Heart life is conceived.
The Mother of the World is the great creative force in our being.
Thou have abided in the cults of the ancients as earth, as sun, as fire, as air, as water.
Thou, the All-bestowing!
Thou, the All-revealing!
Thou who have made manifest to humanity the great and joyous realization of the Mother!
Thou who has indicated achievement and who has veiled thy Image!
Thou who has manifested to us the Fire of Space!
Thou who has taken upon thy shoulders the burden of human actions!
We beseech Thee, restore to us our lost smile!
Grant us mastery of the Sacred Fiery Might!
The Origin of the Mother of the World Cult
At the head of everything or, so to say, behind the cover there is "the Eternal and Never-ending Breathing of all the existing". But on the plane of the Manifested the eternally feminine Nature or the Great Mother of World reigns.
Even cosmic principle or manifestation has its reflections or personifications on Earth. The Mother of the World, regarded in her cosmic aspect, is Mula-Prakriti, all bearing and all generating. But in earthly reflection She is the Great spirit of the Feminine Origin. Behind each manifestation, behind each aspect, behind each symbol stands a High Individuality. Also each Great Individuality has its deputies, or personifies, who are nearest to its Ray, and sometimes one of these Great Individualities personally incarnates — hence the concept of the Avatar. Thus the higher spirit who incarnated, let's say, as Isis, Istar, etc., could not be the spirit of the Mother of the World. But it carried Her ray in itself. And of course in force of that the image of Isis merged with the image of the Great Mother of the World in the latest legends.
In the East the cult of the Mother of the World, Goddess Kali and Durgi is very widespread. And one can say that in Hinduism this cult is predominant. In Mongolia and Tibet people honour Dukkar or the White Tara and other Taras — the sisters. In even ancient religion feminine deities were honoured as the most sacred. In the ancient city Kish the cult of the Mother of the World has been found. And the oldest literature of China has greeted the Mother of the World with aspired psalms. All gods of the ancient times had their spouses personifying the cosmic energy. The most ancient Teachings always placed the Feminine Principle highly. And even the Feminine deities were considered to be the most sacred.
Our Mother of the World is the Feminine Origin! The pinnacle of Being cannot exist without the Feminine Origin. Humanity should realize the majestic Cosmic Law of equivalency, the law of the dual Origin, as the foundation of existence. He who knows the law of Being can affirm that the acknowledgement of the two Origins is the foundation of Cosmos. Cosmic creativeness can be manifested only through the dual Origins.
Potentially the Feminine Principle contains the same fires as the Masculine one. The same fire of spirit bums in a woman as in a man, the same monad. Woman possesses all cosmic energies, and even in a greater degree she possesses the creative energy. The feminine psychic apparatus is finer than the masculine one. That is why in ancient Egypt the supreme priestesses of his passed the dictates of Goddess to the hierophants and not vice versa. Also, the flights to the far-off worlds are the prerogative of women.
Knowing the power of woman the prince of darkness first of all conceived to abase the she-carrier of the higher energies for the realization of his plan. In order to achieve his goal — to become fall and the only Lord of Earth — the main efforts of Lucifer were directed to the humiliation of woman. He knew that with the humiliation of women must inevitably come the coarsening and degeneration of humanity.
Thus the transgression of the equilibrium of Origins was inaugurated. One side transgressed against the cosmic balance, The Masculine Principle strives for seizure, regardless of the heart of man. The Masculine Principle makes bridges for its achievements by stepping upon hearts and heads.
Indeed, if humanity would not violate the manifestation of the First Causes, the foundation of Existence would retain that basis which manifests the beauty of life. Cosmic Right brings understanding of the fact that a one-sided administration of the planet is plunging it into an abyss.
The predominance of one Origin over the other has created a lack of balance and destruction, which may now be observed in all walks of life.
Spiritual development must inevitably open the eves of man to those frightful errors which are the roots of evil. Inadmissible are discussions about the stronger or the weaker principle, for such discussions lead to lack of co-measurement. Cosmic Equilibrium is not a maintenance of stronger and weaker principles.
In fact, this human division is w hat brought the Cosmic Scales to such a condition. Indeed, empires have fallen, nations have fallen. countries have been destroyed, all because the greatest question, that of equilibrium, has been reduced to nothing. And only atonement by humanity for the violation of the law will lead to a new constructive-ness
The Mother of the World! It would seem that in one citation of these words the meaning of the grandeur of the concept is made clear, but life shows otherwise. Poets and singers frequently glorify woman. but governments are unable to recognize the simple equality of rights It is a shameful page of history which will record that even now equal rights have not yet been established. Woman' s upbringing and education are not on a level with man's, and motherhood itself is not protected.
We point to the urgency of regenerating Our Decrees concerning the equilibrium of the Origins. The Equilibrium of the World cannot be established without true understanding of the First Causes Therefore, let us be affirmed in consciousness upon the power of Equilibrium, as the stimulus of Existence, of the First Causes, and of Beauty.
For, the Banner of the great Equilibrium of the World has been given to woman to uplift. Thus the time has come when woman must fight for the right that was taken away from her, which she did voluntarily give up. By their own hands women of all races and beliefs will help to mould the stages of evolution.
Affirmation of true equality of rights might better be called full rights Universally full rights for all humanity should be a sign of the times Public opinion must imperatively demand justice. People pride themselves on the abolition of slavery, but has it actually been eliminated everywhere? Can people boast of enlightenment when they know that full rights do not exist?
Therefore it is so important to affirm the significance of the Feminine Principle. Precisely, not by the household measuring scale, but by that of the state. If the planet is retained, then future countries will flourish only through equilibrium. We will even admit a preponderance on the side of the feminine principle, because the conflict will be very intense.
When it becomes customary to allow the Feminine Principle to live and develop its potentiality toward regeneration through its feeling of continuous giving, then will the Feminine Principle outdistance the Masculine in all directions.
The coming Great Epoch is closely connected with the regeneration of woman. As in the better times of humanity the coming up time must grant to a woman a place at the helm of life, a place together with a man.
Woman must realize her significance, her great mission of the Mother of the World; she should be prepared to take responsibility for the destiny of humanity. Woman should prepare to be admitted to share the burden of governing the country. Mother, the life-giver and the one w ho lays the first principles of upbringing, has every right to direct the destiny of her children. The mother suggests the first conscious thoughts to her child. Therefore the voice of woman, the mother, should be heard amongst the leaders of humanity.
Only when the equality of rights of women will have been recognized in a planetary scale will we be able to say that our evolution has entered the stage of human evolution. Whoever is first to carry out such an action of universal import will be proceeding in harmony with evolution.
We give full rights to the women. But as soon as it is pronounced the barbarians arise. And now in the whole world only one country is on the way to full rights.
Far-off Worlds are Calling Us
Who Leaves the Earth for the Far-off Worlds
The legends assert that the true sense of the eternal life of man is cognition and perfectment. The planet where the human being is living at the present moment is a school. A certain course is studied at that school.
Thus according to the legends humanity has gone through the "primary school" — animal and pre-human one — on the Moon. For the next course — the "Higher, god-human school" — we will have to go to the next planet. And so on to the infinity...
Eternal existence in Cosmos cannot be limited by one planet when the life is destined on others. Indeed, what is the interest to bind oneself to one Earth only for the individual who has already cognized all earthly wisdom? What size do the earthly garments have for him? What mobility can he manifest on the earthly surface? What thoughts can he share in earthly sphere?
No dome of glass can hold back the branches of the growing oak tree. The one who fulfilled the "earthly education" of the spirit is summoned by the far-off worlds as the inexpressible cosmic beauty Wondrous, limitless existence on the far-off worlds is conditioned upon the attainment of beauty And Maitreya says: "Dear travelers, look upward. And if instead of clinging to the illusions of Earth you wish to fly farther, then your wings will grow."
Free will can take us to the distant spheres. Such a heroic deed strengthens the bond of thought and broadens thinking. Thus, Plato, called "the thinker" in legends, has been many times pointing out that some day he will go over to another world and establish a connection from there. It took him many centuries to carry out this task. But there is nothing unfeasible. Only our will must be directed at that.
The travels to the far-off worlds must be understood as special missions. It is not easy to imagine that mental relations can exist between the worlds. It is not easy for people to renounce the earthly firmness and learn that the main thing is not on Earth but where the so called emptiness is. One need to regenerate in order to understand that the earthly beauty seems that far way only because people do not know the supermundane beauty. Many things are pervertedly understood on Earth. People are ready to imagine that there is the same enmity between the worlds as on Earth.
People do not understand why some earthly figures, devoted and enlightened, leave their fellows. Only earthly limitations will not allow to broaden the community to several worlds. It is also not easy to imagine that dwellers can preserve the grains of clear earthly consciousness while being in new bodies and different surroundings.
How People Fly to the Far-off Worlds
It is possible to visit other planets while not having finished completely the evolutionary course on Earth? It is like a pupil of a secondary school who can enter the University building for a while — as a guest? Or if it is possible, how can it be done?
According to the Eastern legends a man w ho lives on Earth is the Spirit which has clothed itself in fiery subtle and dense envelopes Human dense body operates only within the limits of the physical sphere of Earth. Man can use his subtle body for travelling without a dense body in the sphere of our planet. Any height is not the impediment for the developed subtle body. Thus, often lamas of Tibet visit the Summit Everest in subtle body. They are surprised at the wish of strangers to climb up there, certainly in the dense body.
But for the interplanetary travels the man has a fiery body. Having developed it to a sufficient degree one can visit different planets. So is distinguished that future stage when consciousness will not be confined to one planet. As we now cross from one part of the world to another, the same principle may be applied in interplanetary crossings. The travel between planets is not more complicated than the cognition of the boundary between the physical, astral and fiery bodies; not more complicated is the realization than the thought and the striving for the stars.
The affirmation of new rays will permit one to retain consciousness in diverse ethereal layers. Formerly only certain strata of the atmosphere permitted the retention of consciousness. But intercepting gaseous currents were also possible. The new rays can penetrate these interceptions, creating air channels, as it w ere, and thus expanding the conscious activity.
The fight of the spirit is not reckoned in hours. The manifestation of the spirit rushing between the planets is beyond time. It is but a moment, because it cannot be extended. Otherwise there results a rupture between the densified body and the mental. But one should remember that the spirit, which acts beyond time, also cognizes beyond the limitation of numbers.
What is Life like on the Far-off Worlds
The inhabitance of heavenly bodies remains under doubt to this day. Even the best astronomers hesitate to express an opinion about this question. The reason lies chiefly in the conceit of man. He does not wish to admit incarnation in any conditions other than earthly
But the worlds are habitable. True, from the earthly point of view, there is no habitation elsewhere, but in the sense of existence the worlds are habitable. Actually, all these different evolutions are not always accessible for understanding. Yet it will not be a great mistake to say that all manifested space is habitable. The microscope indicates life throughout the entire planet; the same law applies also to space.
But it will not be fallacious to imagine all the lives in the worlds according to our contemporary understanding. We so easily forget yesterday, and so meagerly imagine tomorrow, that many of our Judgements are like autumn leaves. But still one simple thing has to be realized, that the population of the bodies of Cosmos does not mean early forms.
In any case, our way of existence cannot be considered as the way applicable to the other planets of our Solar system are completely different from those existing on our Earth.
Human evolution is considered to be a crown of the Universe. But earthly man is still very rough in his form and tissues comparative to the inhabitants of Jupiter and Venus.
On the higher planets there are less animals and they are much more perfect. Thus, on Venus there are no insects and predators at all. There is a real kingdom of flights there. People are flying, birds are flying and even fishes do so. Birds understand the human speech. The colours of fishes and the plumage of birds reach the amazing combinations and beauty.
People can not approach the far-off worlds in the earthly, yet in the fiery body the best spirits have already approached such planets and brought back remembrances about their surface structure, coloration and inhabitants. Such experiences are rare, still they occur. They can reinforce the consciousness about infinite reality.
In flights to the far-off worlds one feels the peculiarity of all their Being. It may seem strange that under the foundation of oneness so many differences are present even in phenomena that externally remind the earthly ones. Also their internal peculiarity amazes.
The colours remind the earthly ones but their essence is completely different. Depth and transparency of water colours are incomparable with the earthly seas. The atmosphere itself is a sort of iridescent. But such iridescence is not like an earthly rainbow. Fishes are flying but their colours are inimitable amid the earthly ones. The plumage of birds is dissimilar in its colours with the most luxuriant birds of Earth. People resemble the earthly ones but at the same time they stagger with the finest tissues. Almost everything reminds the best earthly singing, but the sense of voices is different.
Such a difference strikes the earthly consciousness. One need to get used to the scope of diversity. It is good for those who are ready to accept the diversity and multiformity of the worlds while one is in the dense body. Do not think that this perception is easy. One needs to collect much experience in order to admit the reality. The whole sense of the evolution lies in the word "to admit".
This is how the legend tells us about the flight to the Higher Worlds:
"Friends, we fly and easily perceive the radiance of the far-off worlds. We, the ones who approached them, know their essence. I'd like to tell you how the far-off world is retained in my memory. The distance to it is enormous, but we fly instantly there. It wouldn't be possible to step upon the new ground which is alien to us even if we are in our fiery bodies. But one can see the contours of seas. One can rejoice at the beautiful colours. Even birds and fishes are already visible. People are not like us. And it is a miracle that they are flying! Their language is not audible, may be because the spheres are sounding. I remember the blue of the water. It is like a sapphire and emerald greenery It seemed that the human being cannot step upon such a pure ground. The air itself is unbearable to us, but having tried it we suffer a return to our bodies- they are so stifling, as a narrow garment. Thus even experience is both sweet and hard.
Heart languor for the far-off worlds is a special kind of yearning. The hearts which went through many experiences, cannot fit into the earthly, fixed aura. Nothing can exterminate the memory of the far-off worlds in those, who approached them being in a fiery body. As counting of the stars is immense, so the memory of the far-off worlds cannot be fully expressed in words. A single vision of the distant worlds is enough to transform one's entire life. To understand even a particle of life in the other worlds is to acquire a vivid remembrance forever. Such an approach is already an illumination of the consciousness.
Let Us Peer into the Far-off Worlds
Let Us Feel Ourselves as Participants with Them
It is one thing to abstractly discuss distant worlds; it is another to realize oneself to be a participant there. To go beyond the confines of the planet is the immediate objective. Not a spectator of the worlds is man, but a conscious co-worker; and his way lies not through puddles, but through the radiance of the spheres
Let each one of us designate for himself a path of progression leading toward one of the higher worlds. The nearest worlds, whither we could direct our consciousness, are Jupiter and Venus.
The essence of striving to the far-off worlds is contained in the assimilation of a consciousness of our life there. The possibility of life on them becomes for our consciousness, as it were, a channel of approach. Indeed, this consciousness must be dug through as a channel.
Before he can feel himself a guest of all planets, man must accustom his consciousness to the small dimensions of Earth. One should not diminish our planet Earth, but imagine its place amid the grandeur of Infinity.
Realization of the smallness and imperfection of the Earth can aid toward gravitation to the far-off worlds. Earthly beauty is lost in the glory of the super-stellar rays. Earthly science, remembering yesterday with difficult} and ignorant of tomorrow, is insignificant and contributes nothing to the knowledge about the course of luminaries coming into existence.
The comparison of the Worlds with small custom can make the elucidative stroke. The imminent reality will drive back petty thoughts. Is it impossible to speak about stock exchange speculations on Jupiter, or about brothels on Venus. The concept is simply unthinkable The conception of the far-off worlds should be applied to all which strives toward perfection The manifestation of the far-off worlds will transform life upon the planetary crust. Man will firmly tread the earthly path when knowing about the surrounding magnitude.
The more perfect the spirit, the more infallibly it realizes the deep suffering of the earthly life. And yet the Teaching of Life reiterates about joy. Such joy lies in the realization of the far-off worlds. Let us take a simple example.
Through the darkness of night your carriage rushes homewards. The pouring rain should depress you, but yet our spirit is jubilant. Why? You realize that your home is near and that the darkness itself does not hinder you from discerning those close to your heart. What does the misery of earthly life amount to when the far-off worlds have become reality for us!
Make haste to realize the path to the far-off worlds. Only this broadening of the understanding of life will afford your spirit the foundation of the path of joy. Otherwise, whereof to rejoice? At the inevitability of reincarnation? But lacking vision of the future, incarnations are only meaningless fragments from the page of life. Precisely the will of knowledge impels man to understand the change of lives.
With such thinking man receives the right of joy, and by striving he can approach cooperation with far-off worlds.
Leave us not derelict. Realization of the distant worlds must broaden one's consciousness, but one must not turn away from earthly suffering Otherwise even-one will take flight and abandon his hearth. The comeasurement is necessary in order that the heavenly and the earthly could live together in peace
The perfection of earthly labour will not harm the cognition of the distant worlds.
On the Way to the Supermundane World
The legends assert that the man lives not only the physical visible world. The process is going on in three worlds of the planet as it was said earlier.
Our physical world, called the Dense World in the legends, is the lowest sphere. The next sphere is the Subtle World, the world of feelings, emotions and desires. The Fiery World is even higher than that. It is the world of thought or mind. In the legends the last two spheres arc called the Higher Worlds, the Supermundane Worlds.
The three Worlds exist in full harmony The affirmation of many earthly beginnings takes place in the Higher Worlds Not infrequently entire structures, prior to their earthly realization, are created in the Higher Worlds. One may read in the ancient Covenants about Heavenly Cities; in fact, they are being constructed in reality upon different spheres, and thus a magnetic attraction is created.
All is first built in the Fiery World, then lowered into the Subtle body. Hence, whatever is created upon Earth is only a shadow of the Fiery World. Such is the order of creation. A great deal of that which is created in the Fiery World has not been as yet lowered into earthly delineations. Therefore the ignorant judge according to earthly evidence, but the wise smile, knowing the reality. This order in creative-ness is simple but is not yen intelligible to the ignorant. But even they know that statues are obtained by pouring a mass melted by the fire into a fragile form.
Much of that which has not reached earthly solidity-has already been completed in the Fiery World. There are certain unavoidable intervals between fiery decisions and their earthly embodiment.
Therefore seers know that which must be, even though it is still invisible to the eye with limited vision. The process of casting metals can remind the transfusion of fiery decisions into earthly forms.
The principle powers of Cosmos create invisibly. Thus, the Universe is built invisibly by the Fire. Each earthly occurrence assuredly has in the back of it its visible cause, and it also is a potential cause. The result is visible to people, whereas the process itself is invisible.
The world is filled with invisible realities. Invisible worlds are present everywhere. Invisible worlds observe us. Terrestrial and super terrestrial are the parts of one whole.
Communion with the Higher Worlds
Sleep affords communion with the Higher Spheres Every dormant state brings the man nearer to the Subtle World. Almost half of life is passed in contact with the Subtle and even with the Fiery World. Sleep proves that without such communion people are unable to exist Without sleep people can usually go on but a very short time before their thinking falls into a most ailing state; hallucinations and torpor, and other signs of an unnatural existence appear. The organism strives for the life-giving exchange, and does not find the ordained way.
For some people a state of sleep is the opposite to vigil. But for us sleep is the continuation of labour in another state. Sleep is a part of Being. There can be different degrees of clarity of consciousness in sleep though this clarity can be developed. Man can repeat to himself that he goes to work when falling asleep. If his free will learns this axiom then it will be easier for him to apply his forces in the Subtle World.
Let people not worry that their rest will disappear because of that. It will stay in full measure. For in the Subtle World the subtle Qualities are also applied. And they never get tired. It is much worse when man falls asleep, being seized with earthly passions and not thinking of any Higher Worlds. Then instead of light labour and cognition man roams about the dark layers. And one can imagine what meetings tire him
Let the falling asleep be a conscious passage to the Higher World Free will as wings will carry him upwards. The testing of forces in a higher application can create continuity of intercourse with the Higher World. Even in dreams one can keep the connection with the Source of cognition.
Even in sleep it is possible to maintain the bond with the Source of Knowledge.
Dreams have been examined from many angles, a great number of superficial influences are not overlooked, yet the most significant is usually overlooked. All reflexes of the Subtle World, all the influences of thought at a distance, and finally, all Hierarchic warnings and fiery sensations are disregarded. These are four fundamentals of dreams.
Primarily the frontier between the Subtle and Dense Worlds wasn't that sharp. In the most ancient chronicles one can find the notes about the closest cooperation of these two worlds. But the mind had striven to the isolation and thus impeded the evolution. The time of Kali-Yuga was hard. But Satya Yuga must draw these forcibly separated Worlds together again.
Satya Yuga, by its very nature, requires communion with the Higher Worlds. Therefore, in preparing for Satya Yuga one should turn again to direct communion with the Higher Worlds, by applying the true Agni Yoga. This is needed for destined discoveries, which cannot be given to an animal consciousness.
Wrong is the statement about the intangibility of the Subtle World. The wings of the Subtle World touch people more often than it is usual to think. But people themselves drive off the invisible spirit and invisible web. Often people fight with a fixed thought and turn around with a question — Who called me? Many subtle and quite real sensations fi 11 the life, already not taking into account the touch of the Subtle World w hen one feels the shaking of a hand or attention attracting touch.
In vain do people complain about being separated from the Subtle World. Many see the subtle dwellers. Many grasp the speech of that plane. Many sense aromas not of this earth. Countless manifestations can be named, both among people and among animals. Only obstinate prejudice prevents people from understanding reality. So many people have been saved by indications from the Subtle World. So many matters of state have been decided according to information from Beyond. Not only do ancient epochs furnish examples of this, but the most recent past can provide indisputable facts of such continuous relationships. The Earth cannot be isolated from all the Worlds. When the consciousness has been refined, then can be expected precious contacts which will be perfectly natural.
People who have developed the centres of higher consciousness in themselves can take conscious part in life of the Subtle World. And they can remember everything upon returning after that absence to the dense body. Physical time is not needed for those flights to the Subtle World. One can make the most distant flights there but earthly clock measures only the seconds. This is how the measurements of the Subtle World differ from the physical ones.
The Realization of the Supermundane Worlds
Each man has three basic currents of thought. A superficial one — from the flesh, connected with muscular reflections, obvious in the external life. The second already concerns the heart, and contributes to improvement and progress in the subtle feelings. And finally the achievement of self-renunciation — here the Fiery World will be near. There the consciousness of man is the meeting place of all the Worlds. In waves of harmonies, in visions, in sensations, all worlds draw together.
A triple palimpsest (a manuscript on a new scraped off parchment) provides an example of the stratification's of signs of the three worlds. Let us imagine a parchment on which first w as written a cosmogonic treatise, and which later served for a love sonnet, while finally there has been written on it a reckoning of fabrics and furs. Through the obvious bazaar figures, it will be difficult to make out the effusions of the heart, and it will be almost impossible to decipher the treatise about the most important.
Does not the same thing take place in regard to the hieroglyph of the three worlds? Yet just as the experienced savant is able to read the most complicated manuscripts, an enlightened consciousness can understand the meaning of inscriptions of the Higher Worlds. Let us not take the jumbled figures of the bazaar for the law s of the Universe.
He who knows how to discern the presence of the Higher World in the smallest things is already on the path of ascent. Indeed, it is needful in everything to link oneself to the Higher World Without such attachment the path will be a long one. Amid the densest of earthly conditions it is still possible to direct oneself toward the Higher World, and this World of Beauty will be close by. In the earthly body the spirit already learns to merge into the Higher World as if returning into its own wondrous native realm. Man feels an attraction even to hi s earthly native land which is transitory, so much greater is his attraction to the eternal Fatherland.
Setting forth on a distant journey, people look forward to seeing something attractive; if this does not happen, the journey turns out to be very abhorrent to them. Likewise, we should grow to love the idea of the Subtle World and the far-off worlds. Let people be concerned with suggesting to themselves the best possibilities for success on the distant path. They will thus enter the realm of thought. It will be impossible for one to suffer who thinks beautifully! He will enter the Father's House, sensing in advance all the blessed treasures.
People must think about the Fiery World. They should picture it as the most vital and most guiding. Thus one should accept the Fiery World with heart and mind. One must feel that all inspirations emanate therefrom. Honest creator and workers can bear witness that the best solutions come from without. Like a powerful dynamo, the Fiery World emits a shower of the best formulas. Thus one can be united by the fires of the heart with the Supreme Light.
Without understanding the three worlds it is impossible to raise thinking to a new level. It is impossible to progress without a realization of the three worlds. In this they must be accepted just as naturally as the Light of the Sun. One ought to accept the Higher World as a natural and concomitant condition. It is necessary to realize the Fiery World as something real and nourishing the life. Thus let's become accustomed to the Fiery World as nourishing the life.
Thus let us become accustomed to the Fiery World as the only destiny of men.
Preparing for the Higher Worlds
The Fiery World is the goal of Being. It is necessary to think about the Fiery World as our destiny. The Fiery World can be brought nearer only by the clear consciousness.
Beginning of approach to the Fiery World will be in the assimilation of the fundamentals of life. The very approaching to the Fiery World is the application of the corresponding qualities. Mercy, compassion, regret, love and all good strivings are the paths of communication with the Higher Energies. One need to become accustomed to look at those light qualities as on a real mean, connecting us with the Higher World. For the sake of the Fiery World we can improve our consciousness, lighten our heart and think about the good.
In the Subtle World thought will be the sole motive power. But is it easy to act by means of thought? For such actions one must know how to think. One must love the process of thinking. In the midst of even activity time must be found for the cultivation of thought. Besides one must distinguish thought conceived by egoism from thought about the Common Good.
One need to tram oneself constantly for a realization of the Subtle and Fiery Worlds. Thus one need to get accustomed to the state of the continuous labour, infinite and tireless.
"Do not enter Fire in flammable garments, but bring a fiery joy In this indication lies the entire prerequisite for communion with the Fiery World. The joy of ascent must transcend any earthly joy. It must shine, and by its Light be a beacon to the many.
When you rejoice at flowers, when you seek in thought to penetrate into their wondrous structure, into the creation of a small seed, when you value the fresh fragrance, you already have contacted the Subtle World. Even in the flowers of Earth, in the plumage of birds, and in the wonders of the heavens, one can find that very joy which prepares one for the gates of the Fiery World. Amidst earthly conditions one must learn to find that which is applicable to all worlds.
There will be no time for deliberation at the moment of crossing into the Subtle World: the illumination by Joy can and must be instantaneous. Thus, consciousness is actually preserved by joy. But one must not lose even an hour here on Earth in learning to rejoice at each flower.
The path to the Fiery World lies through the heart and beauty. In the heart one must bear reverence for the Higher World as the most important and beautiful fact in earthly life.
Of all earthly themes, love and creativeness. are most closely combined with the concept of the Higher World. If in the earthly existence love is the most creative principle, the stronger it is in the Higher Worlds. Love will provide a most powerful magnet for the Fiery World.
On the path to the Fiery World let us aspire to an understanding of the heart as a connecting manifestation between the Worlds. Only the heart will lead to the Fiery World. Let's approach it without fear but we cannot say without trepidation. For that beating of the rhythm is inevitable. Though it will not be a horror but the solemnity.
Significance of the Earthly Life
People are unwilling to imagine that their earthly life is shorter than the very briefest stop of a railway train. The worthy wayfarer, in a short night's lodging, is concerned not with troubling his host, for his consciousness is directed towards the goal of his journey. But travelers of the Great Path often think only about the night's lodging, unconcernedly forgetting about their destination.
Let us compare earthly life with the super earthly sojourn. With few exceptions existence in the Higher Worlds is incomparably longer. This means we must be prepared, not for brief respites, but we must especially value that which is necessary for a lengthy sojourn.
The earthly sojourn is of short duration, the Subtle and Mental Worlds are of fixed date. but the Fiery World is beyond dates; this means that one should strive toward it. People know that none of their situations are permanent, consequently it is sensible to prepare without delay something for the future.
The Fiery World is the predestined future. Who, then, will hesitate on the path, knowing the great destination? Thus our brief sojourn here has been bestowed as the best aid toward a speed advance to the Fiery World.
It has been said that each man carries his particular mission. Actually, each one who has taken on an earthly body is already a messenger. Is it not wondrous? It changes nothing that most people have no conception of their destination. This forgetfulness is due to a lack of realization of the three worlds. One may imagine the transformation of a man who recognizes the usefulness of his earthly path.
No one can completely catch what commission is entrusted to him by the Subtle World. But each of the men is given a grain of good. For the man could form his earthly testing around it. But people do not think of those good grains, for they do not wish to have an idea of the three Higher Worlds where the miraculous waves of goodness are flowing. If people remembered those grains of good, entrusted to them, then many evil phenomena would be destroyed by themselves.
People do not like to imagine that their magnificent earthly accumulations will fade before the mental creativeness of the Higher Worlds. It is necessary to cognize the Higher Worlds. It is necessary to start to think of them. In such thinking the entrusted grains of Good will be recalled. Also fee hour preceding the dawn will be recalled w hen it was commissioned to bring fine and beautiful constructions on Earth. Each one ready for incarnation is given the commission of good according to his forces.
The man can reject that valuable commission in the vortex of the free will. But some day he will come back in order to pick up the spilled grains.
The Transformation of Life
Let no one think that summons from the Higher World mean tearing one away from Earth. On the contrary, the greatness of the Higher World only affirms all other manifestations of life Each comparison with the Higher World also enhances the good quality of earthly thoughts. A man striving toward the Higher World will commit no bad deeds. The name alone — the Higher World — indicates that everything connected with it is lofty.
When the spirit learns to coordinate the earthly life with the Higher, then all measurements take on another dimension. The consciousness of the two Worlds affirms new measures. Such a broadened consciousness will transform the entire attitude toward life. The awakening of striving toward the higher worlds transforms all life.
One may transform earthly life only through the bond with the Higher World, otherwise suffering will not diminish, on the contrary, it will lead to ruin. When we speak about the Fiery World, it means that it is time to be moving forward. It is impossible to remain on the level of the transitory period, when all the foundations of Existence have been forgotten.
Only in a broad understanding will it be possible to discern the process that is taking place.
When the spirit of man becomes accustomed to thought about the Higher Worlds the manifestation of many laws of Existence becomes intelligible. When the spirit is striving for the subtle spheres, the entire vastness of Cosmos unfolds before him. The consciousness which is impelled to the Higher Worlds, is able to draw from the treasury of the Cosmos.
Whosoever is in contact in consciousness with the Higher World is steadfast and invincible. It is impermissible to know only one side of existence. Only cognition of the Whole Universe will give the affirmation of victory. He who knows about the world of Light is not afraid of darkness.
During a trance, even the most average man becomes adroit, daring, indefatigable; he begins to learn much of what is as yet inaccessible to him, and the evidence of the invisible world becomes apparent to him, merely because for a time he has parted from the lower physical world. But on returning to it the man forgets his higher substance as though it were a dream. A bridge must be found to prevent the loss of consciousness and to become enriched by the Higher World. Agni Yoga is given to bring people to the Higher World.
In the face of danger human forces are multiplied in tension; likewise the state of ecstasy produces an influx of super earthly forces. If such a tension has been created, it is then possible to prolong this moment; in other words, man may receive a continuous increase of forces. It is only necessary that the Source of Forces become constant and near for him. Thus, the question of realization of the Higher World becomes urgent, and science itself will approach it as the impelling force of evolution. One may not only dream about such a bond of closeness, but it is also possible to approach the Higher World by earthly measures.
To Become a Citizen of Cosmos
Let us go out under the night sky and look at the radiance of the countless worlds. The Lord leads us toward this creativeness. We must prepare ourselves to be co-creators. It is necessary to preserve and multiply the seeds of consciousness, because the entire World is sustained by the power of consciousness. One can prepare oneself to cross all bridges with a fiery consciousness which is a tremor with the pulse of Cosmos, and knows the truth of the peoples. One can apply all sacred powers of the heart to becoming co-creators of the flaming Logos by conquering death. Thus a new stage—the stage of cooperation with Cosmos—endows humanity with the new quality which is to consciously become cosmic collaborators .
But the destiny of man on this planet is but little understood. Humanity is striving so blindly for its own narrow horizon that it cannot discern its cosmic destination. There are only a few people who strive to become a citizen of the Universe. It takes a lot of care: it requires to develop the power of observation, vigilance and first of all the indomitable aspiration.
The cosmic aspect of Being would seem a simple thought, yet what assiduous and consecutive effort must be applied to give it beauty!
To become a citizen of Cosmos means to become a conscious cosmic co-worker. It means to be able to commune with the Higher Worlds and far-off worlds How to acquire these cosmic abilities? In order to become a Universal citizen one needs:
—to develop the human apparatus:
—to acquire psychic energy;
—to achieve the stage of cosmic consciousness:
—to bring up one's heart.
—to become a hero.
To Develop Human Apparatus
Modem man does not know what he can and must become. In this unawareness he has directed himself to acquisition of transient material, imaginary treasures. At the same time he has neglected the highest real treasure which he carries within himself all through his existence.
As a traveller who has lost his way, man does not know in what element to seek success: vet the treasure is within himself. The wisdom of all the ages enjoins—"know thyself!" In this counsel attention is turned to the most secret, which has been ordained to become revealed!
Cognizing the reasonability of all the existing man cognizes the depth within himself. Man will learn to respect a power within himself which leads him to better consequences. Indeed, it is high time to study the fiery nature of man. It is inadmissible that people should respect a primitive apparatus more than the great energy contained within themselves.
In the New Era there will be many people who will substitute themselves for the most complex apparatuses. In present days people still invent robots, but after this mechanical fever they will pay attention to the powers of a man contained within himself. Man has constantly apprehended all the mysteries having forgotten that the key for the Sesame is within himself.
Thus, it is necessary to remind how many miracles are contained within a human being. Indeed, the existence of a thinking man being filled with the subtlest apparatuses is a real miracle itself.
A great number of cells of the organism are to be found in a dormant state. It has been pointed out that their awakening would make a man luminous and able to fly. Is it conceivable that people in their present state could achieve such an awakening of light within themselves? Reflect that people are fully equipped for the furthermost evolution, but the treasure must be left asleep. The state of their consciousness does not permit rapid advances.
Each of our cells contain millions of millions of currents. Not for somnolence have the subtlest apparatuses been given. Not for the sake of doubt are there being made calculations involving such huge figures. They surely remind one about Infinity and the saturation of all that exists
How powerfully is cosmic energy reflected in the human organism! Each cosmic fire meets consonance in the human organism. If one were to consider the human organism as a reflection of the manifestations of Cosmos, many consonances could be perceived.
The centres of Cosmos are identical with the centres of man.
Man bears within himself all manifestations of Cosmos. Significant are the evidences in man of the functions of Cosmos. When he reflects in himself all cosmic functions, he measures through himself the possibilities in Cosmos.
But now all centres of higher consciousness of people are dormant and inactive. Man expresses only a small part of his life, with minor activity of his centres. One need to develop this endless apparatuses of a human being. If people try to perfect even the scientific devices, then how much desirable is the refinement of the human apparatus itself!
People already have at their disposal rays that are not recorded upon the flesh; so, also, rays will be discovered that can capture the fiery centres on a film. Of course, to succeed in such instructive experiments it is necessary to develop the fiery centres in oneself. They exist in every organism, potentially, but soulless beings can not project on a screen even a faint glimmer from extinguished fires.
Legends say that there are 49 centres of the higher consciousness in a human organism. These are some hints on the main ones of them:
The centre of Chalice is located above the solar plexus. The treasure of sensation predestined for the future evolution is kept in the Chalice. Earlier this sensation was called intuition. It is made up of the accumulations from the previous lives.
The Chalice is one for all incarnations. Untold treasures are accumulated in the Chalice. Sometimes, much that has been gathered in the Chalice remains concealed for entire lives. The opening of the centre of the Chalice endows one with the possibility to use the whole multiform and multiage experience of former lives. It endows with the knowledge of former incarnations.
The kindling of the centre of the lungs endows the yogis with mastery over water and air; specific gravity becomes relative. The centre of the lungs is at the foundation of all these so-called miracles. All the pains of martyrs disappeared through the control of this centre, and only the Chalice of ecstasy was functioning.
The kindling of the centre of the lungs endow s the yogis with mastery over audio-visual perceptions. By this centre the special thoughts and everything coming from the Higher Spheres and Worlds is apprehended.
The eye of Brahma, or the Third Eye, is located above the eyebrows. The physical organ of this centre is the pineal gland on the occiput. The opening of this centre endows with clear audience and clear vision—conscious vision of the past and future events beyond time and space.
A physical organ of the larynx centre is a thyroid gland. The opening of this centre enables man not only to understand any language but also to influence a listener with his speech, so that a person would understand this speech no matter what language w as used for that.
The Kundalini centre is located at the end of the spine. The cause which evokes kindling and the beginning of action of the Kundalini current is the impulse of internal spiritual kind. Only the true fiery striving to knowledge. Light and Truth results in the fiery consequence—the kindling of that centre.
More detailed information about those centres will be obtained by the one whose time has come.
Every opened centre is a great creative force which gives the access to the cosmic life and cosmic creativeness. Thanks to the constant connection of the opened centres with the fire of space the whole organism is refined, all organs of senses sharpen. The man with the opened centres is able to perceive the subtlest energies. He feels more things that arc completely unattainable for rough senses. Opened centres are the means for communion with the Higher Spheres and the bridge between the worlds.
Cosmic cooperation is conducted by the psychic energy with the help of currents and rays. Psychic energy, in other words the fiery energy or Agni, is produced by the opened fiery centres of a man. The power of the psychic energy is the fiery might. The means for compressing psychic energy are highly multiform. Exalted thought or joy of aspiration, transports of the spirit and each inner saturation with power can multiply the manifestations of psychic energy. Precisely, it is from within that this sacred source can be replenished. Striving to the higher achievements inspires the spirit and forces the store of the psychic energy. Fiery aspiration appears as such a powerful accumulator of psychic energy.
Psychic energy is the true daughter of fire! Every bit of enthusiasm already precipitates a particle of the treasure. Each transport before beauty gathers the seeds of light. Each admiration of nature creates a ray of victory. Thus, enthusiasm will be the shortest way toward the accumulation of psychic energy.
The nursery of the beautiful garden of fiery energy is in the joy of beauty. But learn how to embrace this joy of Light. Learn to rejoice at each awakening to life. Learn how to respond within your centres to the call of joy. Learn to understand that such joy is not idleness but the harvest of the treasure. Learn to accumulate energy through joy, as by what else shall we tie the thread of the far-off worlds!
The working out, within oneself, of a constant unbreakable striving to Light in all its manifestations will be the development of psychic energy. Psychic energy is the love for striving. One can say that striving and psychic energy are synonyms. One cannot exist without another. The heart that aspires to higher quality of all life will be the conductor of psychic energy.
"Love one another"—this commandment was wisely given. Nothing can harmonize psychic energy better than love. It is highly indicative that psychic energy is renewed first of all by feeling, and not by physical repose. If man knows how to judge his feelings, he will select the worthiest of them, and it will be love.
To Attain Cosmic Consciousness
Someone says that he wishes to attain cosmic consciousness; let him better think about purifying his heart. Let him not so much imagine himself as conqueror of the Cosmos, but rather let him wish to cleanse his consciousness from dust. Knowing how to purge the consciousness of unneeded concepts means already to get set for the distant journey. Only in such a liberated state is it possible to think about a new consciousness.
It must be understood that the process toward perfection lies at the basis of evolution. He who does not yearn for self-perfection will not think on a planetary scale. Let's understand life as self-perfection and we will resolve both ethical and economical postulates through that.
Self-perfection is possible only through refinement of consciousness, by its seeking to surround itself with worthy manifestations. It is right to imagine that people's community is the crown of achievement. But it requires unified refined consciousness.
Why are we living? In order to perfect ourselves and to cognize. Only continuous discipline of cognition can be the living source of perfection.
Let us not understand cognition as something finite; in this limitation we lose the joy of Being. The concept of Infinity excludes the possibility to reach the absolute knowledge some day, and the entire grandeur lies in that. The Arhats cognize and deepen their knowledge all the time. Life is infinite; so the achievements and possibilities too are infinite.
Soon the machine will enable people to be at leisure a considerable portion of the day. One must ask oneself what this free time will be expended for. Only broadening of consciousness can help in a sensible apportionment of the day. But the manifestation of expansion of consciousness results from the love of cognition and from the striving for higher quality, Synthesis will help us to learn to love the quality of all life.
Amid the monotony of conventionalities only a few sense the reality of Cosmos. Only a few know how to overcome the dragon of everyday routine. The consciousness of humanity has become so saturated with the dust of usualness that it is necessary to break through this wall. One should learn to feel oneself beyond trivial usualness and to adhere in spirit to the manifested world of Beauty.
Let us not rush to the smaller w hen we hear the knocking of something great.
The manifestation of Infinity can overshadow earthly accumulations. Earthly terror is eliminated only by the radiance of the far-off worlds. We must strive to all that can lead our consciousness beyond the boundari9s of our planet. The mist of know ledge can be illuminated through Infinity.
What else can help us to temper the comeasurement of our thoughts and deeds? Verily, in comparison to Infinity we realize the dimensions of our grieves and celebrations.
Each action can be measured only in accordance with its relation to the Hierarchy and Infinity. Thus, these concepts will be like signs leading to reality. He who feels the grandeur of Infinity will certainly understand the entire incommensurability of illusory possessions on so transitory a place as Earth.
But let us look beyond the boundaries of human consciousness and knowledge; let us find a minute grain of cosmic understanding. How beautiful is the vast horizon! How powerful is the thought penetrating space! What new ways are disclosed by communion with Infinity! Only those striving to Infinity can understand the beauty of Being. In the radiance of the microcosm can one envision the parallel with the Infinite. One must learn to value each drop of dew reflecting the myriads of worlds. Love of lilies or of the far-off worlds has as its basis the same cosmic principle. We shall measure through cosmic love!
The young generations should be made to confront the great problems. Motion will be the basis to start from. Let our planet, with its great motion, be converted into a small globe. Let us not be afraid of realizing ourselves to be in the vortex of Infinity.
The Great Architect builds eternally. It is senseless to suppose that certain parts of the Universe are completed and remain static. But does not the heavenly vault evoke thoughts about eternal motion? Only through such evolutionary concepts can one absorb the beauty of the earthly pilgrimage as the sojourn for ascent. The very briefness of the path should not disturb one; on the contrary, it should give one joy, as does the rotation of the sun. Evolution is incessantly in the hands of the Great Architect of the Universe
One should feel that the planet is in space. Just as seamen know that the vast ocean is beneath their ship. Every inhabitant of the planet is on a similar ship—below him is the abyss. The seamen cannot depend entirely upon their ship and scientific calculations; if they could there would be no shipwrecks. Astronomy knows a few heavenly bodies, but it does not know the starting point of the comets, and it does not anticipate the gigantic meteors. Only upon their obvious appearance are people notified.
To observe the life of space is knowledge; it is partaking in the life of the Cosmos. It is difficult to remain without water even for a day. It is likewise difficult for our consciousness to remain without illumination from far-off worlds. As with food or water, one may become used to thoughts of a great life.
Only that consciousness which embraces the world in the scope of vast actions can become a true co-worker of Cosmos. Think of yourselves not as inhabitants of Earth, but of the Universe. In this way you will assume a greater responsibility.
The understanding of responsibility must be developed limitlessly. The human spirit, being a creator, bears the responsibility for all its actions We are responsible not only to ourselves but to Cosmos. The evidence of responsibility before Cosmos must be affirmed in human consciousness.
One need to train one's consciousness to the oneness of life and Cosmos. From this point the feeling of great responsibility for even thought, even word and action should appear. Cause and effect continually operate in the Infinity Ft is oneness which one need to understand on a cosmic scale. When humanity w ill come to understand the Cosmic Oneness, the cosmic construction will be affirmed.
To Learn to Think
No being can act without influencing his surrounding. As man rising in his understanding evinces through this a substantial aid to someone. A man falls in spirit and thereby perhaps kills someone. One may cite numerous examples, such as how a man who became insane in Asia was the cause of the ruin of a man in Europe, or how a man who rose in spirit in America healed another in Egypt. It is not easy to decide w hen one is a murderer or a benefactor. Hence, man must realize his responsibility toward the Universe.
Each instant, man either creates or destroys. The world is filled with conflicting thoughts. A multitude of illnesses have been implanted by thoughts of destruction. A great number of murders take place at long distances from thoughts. But it is almost impossible to make man realize that his pre-eminence lies in continuous flunking. It is impossible to impress upon man how responsible he is for the quality of his thinking. The heartbeats unceasingly; equally incessant is the pulse of thought. Man either creates or destroys.
Since thought is energy and does not decompose, then how-responsible is mankind for its even, thought! People think that their thought is insignificant and can reach nowhere, whereas the potentiality of thought is great, and for thought there exists neither space nor time. But those who think chaotically are like those who wave their hands in the dark, unaware of the object they hit.
Moreover, thought accumulates in space One can conceive of a mighty choir of harmonious thoughts, but one can also imagine a flock of chattering black jackdaws. Such congregations also fill space and disturb the Higher World. Dear thinkers, you are also responsible for the quality of your thoughts, Thus, even you create your future.
Therefore there is no way one can escape responsibility Even the smallest thought enters into the megaphone of space and attracts to itself the same kind of locust, causing the smoky atmosphere of the planet. Each thought can either obscure or purify space.
Insignificant thoughts form ugly conglomerates and pollute space. We call them spatial slime. The average result of civilization is complete degeneration in quality of thought.
If thought contains the creative energy, then it is useful to send a good thought into the space. When humanity reaches the agreement to send a good thought simultaneously then the infected atmosphere of the lower strata will clear up at once. Thus one should send a thought of the World, but not of oneself, several times every day. Thus the thinking will get accustomed to non self-interested striving. As the Saviour of humanity thinks of the Whole World, we can apply our thoughts for generation of the creative energy, following that great example. One doesn't need tiresome meditations. The thought of the World is short. And self-renunciation is so easily expressed in it. "May it be good for the world!"
Let the harmful thought of a canting hypocrite—-what does my thought mean for the world?"—not enter your mind. The one, who thinks in that way has renounced oneself. Of course even warrior will shoot only one arrow, but if every one of them will regret about that arrow then the whole army will stay unprotected.
Wherein is the chief utility of sending thought Besides usefulness for good works for the sake of which the thought is sent, the principal advantage is in the strengthening of space itself by means of good.
Such saturation of space is a great defense of the planet's health. To this end, it is possible to become accustomed to send out good thoughts many times daily, as special arrows. The thoughts may refer to individual persons, or they may be impersonal. The manifestation of good is of great value, and it is not lost in space.
Each pure thought creates an apparent zone of light in space. Like a purifying fire, bums the pure thought of an Agni Yogi. Into this zone various cosmic rays are attracted. Hence, space has its rainbow-like zones. Thus does the pure fire of an Agni Yogi create.
To Bring up a Great Heart
A certain teacher asks a pupil, "Where does stupidity dwell?" The boy answered, "When I do not know my lesson, you tap upon my forehead. Probably stupidity dwells there." One must understand why We now tap at the heart and not the forehead. The head has stored up many calculations, but the heart has been laggard in improving. Thus one must straighten out that which is backward.
The spiritual consciousness was lagging behind the physical knowledge. Ethics were lost amidst accumulations of formulas. Machines attracted man away from the art of thinking. Now they are content to be robots! For the equilibrium of the World the heart is needed, and in this decree is contained undeferrable salvation.
One can think by a heart or brain. Now is the time of the heart. And we should concentrate our strivings in that direction. Thus not releasing the brain from labour we are ready to admit the heart as a mover.
We should introduce the whole world in the sphere of the heart. For the heart is the microcosm of the existing. The one, who will not be aspired by the great concept of the heart, will diminish his own significance. We recall about the far-off worlds. Not brain but the heart can remember about the Infinity.
The great discord set in between heart and mind is the calamity of our time. Modem disastrous condition has been created by the perverted intention of a brain. One need to accept the heart as a guide of one's life. Thus there is the heavenly above the earthly. Thus there is the heart above the brain. But what is the heart? The highest part of a human "soul" is called the heart in the legends. Soul or "psyche" consists of four "principles". The lowest part is a "subtle body": feelings, desires, emotions are the third principle of a dense human being. Then goes the fourth principle - "the body of thought": this is the concrete mind, intellect or reason. The fifth principle stands above it - "the fiery body" or Manas; it is the immortal part of a human being. And finally, the highest part of the soul, immortal as well, is the sixth principle: the spiritual consciousness. Buddhi - intuition or sensation. That is "the heart". There is only the seventh principle above it - the Highest Ego of a human being, Atma a spark of the Divine Fire, the Spirit, the Absolute, invested with the sixth principle, Buddhi, and estranged by that from the ocean of the Cosmic Fire.
Thus the heart is the supreme part of a human soul. This is a center of "heartedness", sensitiveness, sincerity, a centre of generosity, faithfulness and heroism. The heart is what is called the conscience of a human being. The heart is also the organ of inspiration, illumination and cosmic consciousness.
With the end of the Fifth Race Manas or mind - the fifth principle of a human being - has already reached the culmination of its development. And with the generation of the Six Race or rather with its affirmation, because now there are many people who belong to the Sixth Race, we will enter the epoch of the sixth principle's development. That principle is the spiritual consciousness which has its foundation in the heart.
So the brain is the past and the heart is the future. The stage of evolution where the human brain plays the main role is over. The further progress of humanity depends on the heart, not brain.
To Become Heroes
Putting on the earthly envelope man has to create good, thus perfecting himself - so speaks the wisdom from times immemorial. The greatest benefit that we can bring is to strengthen our radiations through broadening of the consciousness, improving and enriching of thinking and purifying of the heart. With such raising of the vibrations can we influence upon the surrounding, bringing it into a healthy state. One need to clear the poisoned atmosphere around the Earth which does not let the beneficial rays of the Luminaries to penetrate it. But it can be done only through raising of the vibrations or through awakening of the spirituality in a human being.
The character of a future construction will be based upon the people's realization of the Great Service to the General Good. Not "me" but "We"—this is the key to the future success! Thus the Teaching of Life is a summon to Love, to the service for the General Good which is the highest form of love. For it is free of a selfish feeling. The love to the mankind is full of self-denial and selflessness.
One of the great concepts, often incorrectly interpreted, is precisely the great concept of humility. It has been interpreted as non-resistance to evil: it has been interpreted as good-heartedness, as compassion, but very few accepted it as self-denial. For only self-denial and self-sacrifice can give an understanding of humility. Truly, we see the giants of spirit and the heroes who devote themselves fully to the humble tasks for the good of humanity. We know of great experiments being humbly carried out in the earthly laboratories for the benefit of humanity. Truly manifold is humility manifested through self-sacrifice and self-renunciation. Heroism is a manifestation of various aspects of humility. The heroes of humility drain the cup of poison for the good of mankind.
The strongest index of achievement is self-renunciation. Indeed, it is necessary to understand this cosmic concept in all its beauty. Not only in the field of battle is the spirit adorned with the power of selflessness. To traverse the path of life impetuously, to cross all lives as upon a wire to pass over all abysses in song, is possible only for a selfless spirit. All structures which follow the cosmic designation are erected in fiery striving.
The heart of a hero knows self-sacrifice m the name of Common Good. It knows self-renunciation and Great Service. The path of the hero is not always strewn with wreaths of human gratitude. The path of the hero proceeds by thorny ways. The community of labour should cultivate these heroes, because the pillars of a nation stand erect only on the qualities of heroism of the spirit and heart. The concept of a heroic deed must be brought up through the affirmation of examples of heroes.
It is necessary to remind about the heroes, fulfilling the most superhuman tasks.
There are few who love the struggle for achievement. However, it is inevitable to get used to the struggle, because otherwise it is impossible to temper the blade of the spirit. For earthly progress, as w ell as for the far-off worlds, obstacles and the ability to conquer them are needed. The concept of a heroic deed must be introduced into our sense of life. Because only the heroic deed can nourish our spirit and hasten the evolution.
The understanding of a heroic deed in life has never been so much needed as now. People should understand the heroic deed in even day life. Life is senseless without a heroic deed. The words "heroic deed" are so beautiful! And the Russian word for heroic deed is so expressive. It does not have an equivalent in any Western language. In this word are expressed the whole sense and all the quality of action striven forward to the selfless heroic deed, to the future, to the evolution.
Self-perfection and self-sacrifice are jointed together in this word. The result of it is a shift of consciousness, not only personal one but also the consciousness of the nation or country. One need to bring up joy of the heroic deed in oneself and in the others. It is the main thing, for only in that joy is there the guarantee of salvation of humanity, the guarantee of coming of the New World! The devotees and heroes are needed! Thus emerge heroes! The precept of the Greatest Spirit, upon leaving our planet, to the remaint Brothers was: "Create heroes! 'The time has come when we all must become heroes and create heroes
How to traverse life?
Like crossing an abyss upon a taut string -
Beautifully, carefully, and fleetly.
Of all creative, thought remains supreme. What may be the crystal of this energy? Some may believe that precise knowledge is the crown of thought, but it is better still to say that legend will crown thought. In legend is expressed the sense of creative energy. And in a short formula is defined the hope and the achievement.
It is a mistake to believe that legend pertains to fantastic antiquity. The impartial mind will discern the legend spun thought all days of the Universe. Each achievement of the people, each leader, each discovery, each cataclysm, is veiled in a winged legend.
Therefore, let us not disdain the legend of Truth, but let us discern keenly and cherish the words of reality. In legend is robed the will of the people, and we cannot cite one legend which was false. The spiritual striving of a powerful collective imprints an image of true meaning. And the outer form of the symbol demonstrates the world sign for the world language is inevitable for evolution.
Right are the seekers of a universal tongue. Right are the creators of the world legend. Thrice right are the bearers of achievement!