7. In communal occupations, do not indulge in thoughts about the recent past; think either about the future or the wisdom of the ages. The fragments and dust of the husks of the past fill space too much. Attracted by the magnet of thought, they weave unclean phantoms which are difficult to drive away. Expelled from one corner, they camp in "another, until they are again reduced to dust by a conscious stroke of the will.

It is more practical to think about the future —  these thoughts have recourse to solar prana. The magnet of such thoughts can attract particles of cosmic dust. This dust of the far-off worlds is beneficial for new formations.

If astronomy equals geography, then cosmic dust equals history; and each aerolite is an archeological object.

The historical account about Solomon revering a particular Aerolite has a scientific basis. Thus, often a fairy tale becomes a page of a scientific work.

Galileo too, in his time, related dangerous tales. Can you possibly wish to resemble the cardinals who opposed Galileo?

One must accustom oneself to thinking about the future. When you come together you must send out thoughts about the future. The assemblies will be purer.

8. Some more counsels.

To hurry and to arrive late are equally wrong; but if one has to choose between the two, then it is better to hasten. Just as it is better to omit than to add.

If complaint appears in a community, then the community is turning into a police station.

If self-love appears in a community, then the community is turning into a zoological garden.

If My Teaching is not applied in a community, it means there is someone who is masking himself.

Each one who has entered may depart, but he who leaves takes with him his acquired and real possessions.

It sometimes an excessive load is light as a feather, then often an ounce of falsehood is heavier than two score pounds.

If there appears a vehement comparison of self-merit between members of the community, this leads to a horrible manifestation of defeat.

Grievous is the path for those who, having been summoned, have not entered easily. I urge you not to weaken yourselves.

In a tensed tempo of labor there is concealed a remarkable occult quality. No tension of the will whatsoever can yield the results attainable through strenuous labor. The tempo and saturation of rhythm can coalesce with cosmic tension.

9. You have already heard about the saturation of rhythm of labor as a particular quality possessed but rarely by people. Its beneficial influence has a far deeper significance than it may appear to have. Yet the ancient mysteries used these two expressions: "to labor in the wave of Sublime Nature" and "to work with the heartbeat of the Mother of the World."

Those who have studied profound subjects must have known this labor of saturated rhythm, so that nothing could hinder them. The Teacher Buddha took much care that His disciples should know about changes of rhythm. Before great attainments He advised not repose but labor of saturated rhythm. Keep this in mind.

Among the problems of future evolution, remember that after solitary work it is necessary to pass to the organization of far more complex units.

One may have had occasion to see examples of the labor of saturated rhythm in separate individuals, or in very small communities, but a large crowd or assembly of people does not know how to utilize this principle.

There is an old saying — "Be cautious of the crowd." But there is another, equally old — "The crowd must be taught to work in spirit."

The external aspects of labor may be very diverse, but let rhythm be sensed and then the work will be of a completely different quality.

If the majority of contemporary families were not nurseries of vulgarity, then precisely they could be the guides to work united in spirit. But mechanical mothers and fathers know only how to chirp, "Do as everyone else does!"

Teach the children to build their own cities.

10. About manuscripts.

The significance of manuscript has been completely forgotten.

Even the simplest physician understands that infection can be transmitted on a small piece of paper.

Pious kings and most holy cardinals have more than once used this to enhance their prosperity. Likewise, you know the experiments of contemporary hypnotists wherein at a command sealed letters are read. Even in circuses this exhibition is offered without additional charge.

This means that both the outer and the inner significance of handwriting is important.

With one rubbing of the hand it is possible to cause little cork figures to leap up. Think how much energy may be impressed upon a sheet of paper through cooperation of the nerve centers.

One can observe the radiation of energy from the finger tips. In darkness these flashings can be seen. When the emanations are especially strong one can see even in daytime a blue light. Together with the radiation there is stratified on the paper an ineradicable energy similar in influence to the word and thought.

The writing carries not only the conventional connotation of the words used, but also a powerful communication of the human essence. From this point of understanding, one letter it may be preferable to hold in the hands, reading it over again, while another it is better not to touch at all. Of course, there are flying through the world many empty sheets of paper on which there has not remained a spark of the human consciousness.

How then is the difference to be understood? By spirit-knowledge, by that which decides where one can engage in handclasp.

Handwriting is a handshake at a distance.

11. It may be asked how the final Gates may be reached. We know the laws and signs; we waste no; we remember to guard the Teaching; what shall we do if we find the Gates closed? For reply let us turn again to the Mysteries of ancient Egypt, as of course these Mysteries were scientific paths of life.

Without slackening the rhythm of his pace, the accepted candidate had to proceed to the Teacher. Before him stretched a luminous line and he had to follow it, not deviating nor brushing against it. The chambers through which he had to pass were lit by different colored fires. At times the line almost disappeared. But at last die line began, to shine, and it was as if a dazzling ray passed on under a massive closed door. The door seemed to be impassable; it was without lock or handle. Bars and plates of various metals adorned and reinforced it.

The timid in spirit became disconcerted and upset the rhythm of pace; but he who knew the significance of immutability went on resolutely. And when his body encountered the stronghold it fell to pieces, and he entered into the last chamber.

This irresistible impact of our earthly body is indispensable for the creation of the rhythm of ascent.

Spirit-knowledge indicates to us how the dimension of the goal governs the dimension of possibilities. The symbol of the heavy door tailing to pieces exemplifies best of all how one should act.

Contemporary wiseacres ridicule breaking the wall with one's forehead, but the ancient Egyptians made a beautiful symbol of the power of our essential nature. Hence, proceed along the line of the ray.

Therefore, learn how to begin the new by assimilating the antecedent.

Be able to ignore derision directed at your courage, because you know whither you are going.

12. Again people will approach with the question as to how to deal with obstacles. Some are handicapped by family, some by distasteful occupation, some by poverty, some by attacks of enemies. But a good horseman likes to practice upon untrained horses, and prefers the obstacle of rough ground and ditches to a level roadway. Every impediment must be made the birth of a possibility. Disconcertion before an obstacle always emanates from fear. No matter how the cowardice be garbed. We must reveal the page about fear. Friends, until impediments appear to us as the birth of possibilities, we will not understand the Teaching.

Success lies in expanded consciousness; it is impossible to approach it in fear. The ray of courage will lead above obstacles; because, as the world now knows, the seed of blood grows, the seed of knowledge grows, the seed of beauty grows!

If the path is strewn with bones, one can pass boldly; if people speak in different languages it means the soul can be revealed; if it is necessary to hasten, it means somewhere a new shelter is ready.

Blessed be the obstacles, through them we grow!

13. It can justly be asked how to treat animals. Usually either cruelty is employed toward them, or they are sentimentally made into parasites, or they are used as mediums for mechanical cross-breeding. Indeed a reasonable attitude toward animals must be established in accordance with the unity of world rhythm — this attitude is everywhere the same. Since man must be a coworker of evolution, animals too must conform to this law. Species which do not conform to evolution become extinct. Those adaptable to evolution must maintain their capacity for labor.

It is necessary to study the true usefulness of animals. It is vain to think that plesiosaurs are needed for the future. Grandmother's dress is very touching in a museum but poorly adapted to present-day life.

Successful progress of the world can be attained without the hippopotamus and the rhinoceros, who conformed very well to the former periods of strata deposits.

If a certain kind of men have a resemblance to the hippopotamus, then they are of the same evolution.

Animals must work, they must win the right to life; hence, both cruelty and sentimentality are inapplicable. One cannot but love everything vitally laboring.

14. It being necessary for animals to labor, then how consciously must human toil be applied! Let us not differentiate between labors. The only distinction is between consciousness and senselessness. It is necessary to discern also the difference in age of the spirit. One can identify a recent spirit as compared with an old spirit by noting the difference in striving. A recent spirit does not have the deep perceptions that are inculcated by the experience of many lives, but often it has less egotism and is more adaptable to evolution.

An old spirit sometimes takes on the similitude of a funnel which draws the all-existent "I" into transformation by the personal ego. When such an abscess has formed, the sole cure is through achievement.

Beautiful and brilliant achievement promotes the regeneration of the subtle body. So long as such an old spirit strives for achievement, it still has vital capacity.

Since there is such a thing as gangrene of the body, there is also gangrene of the spirit. A dead limb can be removed in time, but gangrene of the spirit can be removed only by shock.

The spark of the blow gives birth to achievement. Of course, that achievement is preferable which grows consciously, when all one's being knows that the Teacher of Light does exist.

We knew a little girl in whom this knowledge immutably flashed out. Even sickness could not destroy this spirit-knowledge. Its forms were retracted, but the essence remained steadfast.

Thus, extend the essence into Infinity.

15. What external condition is indispensable for quality of labor? Light. Only light makes labor productive and useful. The butterfly can fly until its rainbow pollen is exhausted. Man has the same rainbow force, which absorbs the power of the light by means of photoplasm. The different plasms are intermediaries between the visible and the invisible. Photoplasm, being an emanation of the nervous system, forms a rainbow pollen which absorbs rays of light and conveys them into the nerve channels.

The best connections with the light are obtained in the morning. Therefore, do not shut out the morning light. Work in the light, make decisions in the light, pass judgments in the light, grieve in the light, rejoice in the light. Nothing is to be compared with the light wave. Even the best electricity, even the bluest, yields eight thousand times less light than a ray of the sun.

Soon the study of photoplasm will give a new direction to methods of labor. One may see how the pollen of photoplasm effervesces, and how by tiny whirls it carries the received treasure into the pores of the skin.

Not only the problem of a spaciousness of workrooms but also that of a proper access for light must be studied.

The sun's rays must be appreciated as a world treasure.

The scientist will easily analyze the flow of ray from the other luminaries.

Why should people shun the treasures of the universe ordained for them?

Magnetic vortices of light constitute the rhythm of the planets. Cannot they be made use of, as is the power of the waterfall? Inexhaustible are the allotted forces.

John of the hundred-thousands, take your share! Soon, when endeavor turns into victory, the seed of the Common Good will give each one the power of the ray.

Thus let us remember when beginning the morning labor and courageously continuing it on into Infinity.

16. It is especially difficult for humanity to understand the relationship between quality of labor and infinity. The average man assumes that a higher quality of labor leads to the finite. For him quality is inextricable from finiteness, which We call deadliness. It is quite impossible to explain to the average man that higher quality aspires on into infinity. Precisely in the endlessness of higher tension lies the discovery of knowledge. One must find courage to labor for Infinity.

One can develop within oneself a continual learning, which is important not as a cataloguing of facts but as an expansion of consciousness.

It is not important by what means the consciousness grows, but its volume enables it to assimilate the scope of great events.

What teaching leads more swiftly to the broadening of consciousness? It is necessary to admit people completely individually to this meadow. To each one his own herbage, provided the inner fire conforms to human merit and dignity. The sluggish, the conceited, and those raging with suspicion and doubt will not find any nourishment.

Tell pupils and friends that they must learn. Let them learn in tension of the spirit; learn through opened eyes; learn absolutely endlessly, for there is no end. This simple affirmation fills many with terror.

But We are with those who say that there is light unto infinity and that whole eons glow like a string of pearls.

In learning let us not belittle.

17. Upon assembling the pupils, consider what to begin with. The usual mistake is to begin with the alphabet, disregarding the nature of the student. It is Our rule to give, along with the primary proposition, fragments of the highest possibilities.

Likewise, there must not be forgotten the favorite game of Buddha with His disciples in moments of relaxation, wherein the Teacher threw into space a single word upon which the disciples constructed an entire thought. There is no wiser test of the state of consciousness.

Picture it this way: The Teacher says, "Death," having in mind the death of vulgarity. Yet a disciple may exclaim, "Death to the poor!" Like guide-posts, such single words can weave a complete design of the spirit, and according to this pattern one can see what sort of fires are burning.

Such a case gives occasion to say, "Your consciousness desired death to the poor; therefore the riches directed to you have departed." Along with this primitive law one can launch a spark about the evolution of distant worlds. The comparison of the evolution of worlds with a small everyday matter can produce an enlightening stroke.

It is most difficult when a student wishes to cultivate the spirit by means of methodology. He may open a business for glossy paper advertisements, and sit, tapping with his pencil, enumerating the slogans not yet used.

We are not organizers of funeral processions or of zoological gardens. You who wish to follow Us, walk as fully and luminously imbued as irrestible life itself; and love every expansion of consciousness, because (his is the primary aim.

One can forgive everything, but mouldiness of consciousness is worse than the decomposition of a corpse.

18. Even in children's periodicals, photographs of known persons are placed and along with them there may be discerned faces unfamiliar to anyone. Even a mechanical plate takes in more than the eye. And perhaps this is better, for people do not trust then-eyes but are full of respect for the photographic plate.

Astral guests crowd into the midst of life without attention being paid to them. Of course, it is not always easy for them to reach different people, and then one's earthly visitors serve as their mediators. Communication encounters difficulty, but the emanations of auras left by visitors or servants constitute a bridge for the invisible guests. The merit of these is very diverse — from the touch of a butterfly to the jaws of a tiger. Therefore, it is more practical to admit fewer people into your sleeping chambers and your workroom, if your own aura is already sufficiently steady.

Especially dangerous are the educators of children who come in with most horrible companions. The best sendings are often paralyzed by the presence of children's nursemaids and nurses. Therefore, self-activity is always useful. And again it is necessary to pay attention to secretaries, as they have ruined so many affairs.

Do things for yourself, and you may rest tranquil as to the quality of your own emanations.

19. "Why for him and not for me?" Thus whispers envy after midnight. Thrust this viper out of your undertakings.

Growth of spirit does not tolerate compulsion. This explains the slow evolution of humanity. The spirit cannot be forced to grow. One cannot even coerce by unsolicited counsels. One can only respond to the knock of a sensitive heart.

If you send the most obvious advice, that envy ruins the health, there will be evoked merely a new hypocrisy it there be no realization of the spirit.

But the paths of individual growth of spirit will be flooded with light.

Every drop of the ocean produces its own rainbow. Hence, how beautiful is the radiance of the Cosmos! Therefore one must give replies carefully, because they are intended for an individual spirit.

We have spoken against present-day churches, yet it is inadmissible to speak against the clergy in toto. We knew an excellent Roman Catholic priest, but instead of being given a cardinalship he was transferred to a most wretched parish. We knew an exalted rabbi, but people considered him insane. We knew an enlightened Orthodox priest, but his lot was banishment to a distant monastery. I know of a cultured bishop in America but his life is not an easy one.

Each thought about the Common Good is persecuted unmercifully, whereas only growth of the individual spirit can fill the treasury of the General Welfare. This conformity of the individual spirit with the world Common Weal also constitutes the Beauty of the Cosmos.

If each plant has its own irreplaceable individuality, then how particularly must each human spirit be dealt with. Such tremor of sensitiveness must be a sign of Our disciples, and then without a word through a simple contact, can light be shed.

And not only by day but also by night one can be in contact and can bring the help of enlightenment.

Be illumined through expansion of consciousness. As voyagers afar, accumulate knowledge through the rainbow pollen of the whole world.

20. Pure thoughts are like the ozone of space Verily, one can fill one's surroundings with them but only m a definite consonance. To launch a pure thought and muffle it with a dozen cravings is like a horrible dissonance. Consonance is to be understood as a series of resoundings in accord. Therefore in self-activity We appreciate orderly sequence of actions. Not a chance benevolent exclamation, but the conscious process of continuity produces advantages.

A parrot once knew how to screech, "Blessed Teacher! " — but by this it did not improve its possibilities. A bear chanced to leave its prey on the doorstep of a starving man, but it did not cease to be a wild animal. A bee accidentally pierced the abscess of a sick man, but it earned thereby no bliss for itself. Even a snake once saved a life by its poison. Only consciousness and staunchness yield results.

Consider the smile of achievement easy. And achievement, which grows out of staunchness, shines as a bountiful sun. Since the sweetness of a fruit does not depend upon its skin, let your activity proceed beyond the crowd. Only by avoiding crowds will you reach the people.

I can visualize a present-day minister of state or a Roman Pontiff driving up to Our Towers in a motorcar! Is there more of comedy or of tragedy here? In any case, a simple Mongol will be found to behave with more dignity, for in him the nerve of receptiveness has not been ruptured.

Friends, preserve a pure channel of receptivity, for in this furnace pure thoughts are forged. Look upon pure thoughts not as a wondrous Heaven-Dweller who descends on holidays, but as the tare of your workdays.

21. The first book summoned to attainment of beauty, simplicity, and fearlessness. The second gives the quality and the features of labor which affirm the expansion of consciousness.

The idea of the Community and of the Common Good is the first sign of broadening of consciousness. It should be understood that the necessity of labor is pointed out not for mere information but for application.

This book is not for soothing but for the exertion of the rising spirit. Strive to the utmost toward labor. Enwrap each task with the best emanation.

He who performs the most wearisome labor most joyously will be the resolute victor, for he overcomes the burden of boredom. Of course every path, even the path to Our Community, has difficult crossings. The scope of consciousness is measured not through the Bowers but across the abyss.

The labor of endless perfectionment is ordained by Us. And in moments of difficulty think about Us, knowing that the wireless apparatus will not delay in connecting you with Us. But learn to think and to distinguish the moment of real difficulty. Often people take good fortune for calamity, and vice versa. Expansion of consciousness will affirm spirit-knowledge, and this knowledge will lead to Our Community.

Will there be a third book? Certainly there will, when the labor indicated in the second is brought into life. The third book must concern itself with Our Community. But can one speak about It, if the consciousness fails to assimilate the concept of community altogether?

Therefore, if you wish to manifest Our Community in life, you must first make manifest your own community. We will help you.

Observe without prejudices the course of world events and you will see Our Hand.

The time has drawn near for a turn in evolution, and forces for it have been gathered.

Learn to apply your best efforts, and in this labor accept Our greetings.

Welcome to all seekers of the Common Good.

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