6. Let us send seven servants to the market to bring some grapes.

What do I see? The first has lost the money. The second has exchanged it for intoxicant wine. The third has hidden it. The fourth did not notice that the grapes were unripe. The fifth, testing their ripeness, crushed the entire cluster. The sixth chose wisely, but brushed them loose and scattered them through carelessness. The seventh brought a ripe branch and even found leaves to adorn it.

Thus seven passed along one road and at the same time.

Maintain the statute of the New World. We will bring together spirit and body, for there has been no achievement more beautiful. I consider that we are living through a most complex time. Reflexes of events are crowded against the gates.

You know how a ship rushes forward on a wave. Therefore, verily, one should nurture not the hearing but the spirit.

7. About the laying of magnets.

The magnet forges the projection of the evolution of the planet. The magnet manifests immutability. The magnet affirms the path of humanity. There are several aspects to the magnet: either the unsplit body of the leading planet; or a part of that body, connected with other parts; or an extraneous object which has acquired a link with the magnet through contact. The magnet either remains invisible, attracting the flow of events; or it serves as a center of conscious action; or it enlightens the man who found it.

One can trace in the history of humanity a network of magnets, which have flashed forth like guiding fires.

How then does a magnet work? It transmutes into action the ideas of space. Many magnets are lying under the foundations of cities. Many have been discovered.

I repeat that the symbol of diamonds in a meteor sent from outer space must be understood scientifically.

One must gather up all the minutes of morning and evening. The life of the denizen is ended; the dawn of an achievement has begun. Destiny is ready to account for all burdens, but accept them.

A ray can shine in through a window.

8. The quality of being invisible is often a salving one. The quality of being silent is often a salving one. The status of being the keepers of secrets is honorable. The position of being entrusted is honorable. The power of aspiration helps the growth of spirit.

9. I consider that all signals must be lit up, so that the signs may be easily understood. To each of the summoned ones I will give signs, but these must be accepted. I can say that at times one has to resort to excessive signs, but they cannot always be made use of.

Let Me recall: Once We succeeded in saving a man from a fire, but he did not harken to the signs and broke his leg. At another time, to save someone from penning a disastrous signature, there had to be applied, besides spiritual influence, such a muscular force that his hand became numb for a long time. In order that a man be saved from a dangerous beast he had to be pushed off a footpath. Hence, one should not compel the use of extraordinary measures, and one must sensibly harken to the saving signs.

10. A spiritual uplift must be bestowed. We reverence the Teacher in action. We live aspiring to a wondrous vision. Our road is strewn with horseshoes of achievement. Above Our tents shine the rays of valor. Our joy is to be singed by the flame of Truth. Our way is triply lengthened. Is it not a joy to strive against lifeless matter, and to kindle the sparks of creative spirit with the lance of spirit, by displaying activity?

Teacher, Teacher, Teacher, walks holding the arrow of Command. Never will I choose a calm surface of water; rather will I accept all thunderings, and My Scrolls, as lightnings, will transform the Dome of the Universe. I will send a dove as messenger but I will descend as the Eagle!

Thus, let each of My warriors prepare his armor!

11. You already know about the two commanders of Akbar — let us add something about a third. This one asked: "Why are tardiness and prematurity equally condemned?" Akbar replied: "My friend, there are no equal values. Hence, if the prematurity embraces resourcefulness its merit is the greater, because tardiness is linked only with death. Prematurity is to be adjudged, but tardiness is already condemned."

12. My Command is that you understand the importance of what is happening. As I promised to issue today a Decree, so be you ready for action.

If I see that one should go by camel, go!

It I see that one should fly, fly!

If I see that one should sail, set sail!

If I see that one should creep into a burrow, creep!

If I see that one should appear by midnight, appear there!

If I see that one should arrive before dawn, be on time!

If I see that one should cover the Shrine with a shield, cover it!

If I see that one should not fall asleep, do not slumber!

If I see that you must trust Me, trust!

And let your mantram be: "I will help to build Thy Country, in the Name of the Mother of the World and of My Father!"

Let us increase our strength by the fire of readiness; and we shall walk upon golden sands, because we are going to the Lords.

13. You may proclaim My desire to see all at work. One must exert one's aura; it cannot grow otherwise. It should be clearly understood how useless the heavenly rays are if they are not met by the emanations from the nerve centers. I have already spoken about numbness of the tongue and broken arms as the result of heavenly action without earthly response.

14. I wish to see cooperation not on paper and in assurances, but in action. It is right not to speak about love but to show it in action. It is correct to abolish assurances of devotion, for it is manifested in action. It is correct not to utter superfluous words, as they are needed in action. It is deplorable if during an assault the warriors break ranks and begin to assure the leader of their love. Verily, the current time is one of assault, and each stone must be taken by an adroit move. Aim the arrows skillfully.

I have spoken from the very beginning about the ineffectualness of rays when there is non-correlation of emanations. Fatigue and irritation can deprive one of an urgent message. One must know how to reach Us over and above one's sensations.

15. Thus, after Cosmic designs let us turn to the carrying of stones, and on each We shall inscribe the symbol of the cross. I shall remind you how Buddha selected disciples for an achievement.

During work, when fatigue already possessed the disciples, Buddha would ask the most unexpected question and await the promptest reply. Or, placing the simplest object before them. He would suggest that they describe it in not more than three words or not less than one hundred pages. Or, placing a pupil before a locked door. He would ask: "How will you open it?" Or, summoning musicians beneath the window. He would have them sing hymns of entirely dissimilar contents. Or, noting the presence of an annoying fly. He would ask the pupil to repeat some words unexpectedly pronounced. Or, passing in front of the pupils. He would ask them how many times He had done so. Or, noticing a tear of animals or of natural phenomena, He would give them the task of mastering it.

Thus did the Mighty Lion temper the blade of the spirit.

Remember and apply!

16. The Ushas of the New Dawn may now be manifested. Already the power of Light is consuming the darkness. M. is an invincible Spirit.

My Spirit knows how the power is being forged. I advise not to pray to Me but to invoke Me. And My Hand will not delay in manifesting Itself in the battle.

How did We cross deserts? How could We avoid black arrows? How could We bestride untamed steeds? How could We sleep under the same tent with a traitor? How were We able to better Our lot while facing the fire of feather-grass of the desert? How did We conquer the stones of the torrent? How could We find the way in the night's darkness? How could We comprehend obscure wishes? How did We discover the path of life? Verily, by vigilance of the spirit.

Every moment We are ready to give the bread of life to him who will choose the same path of vigilance of the spirit. My Ray can illumine the actions of the spirit.

To My Ray respond the beings who have clothed themselves in the protective purple of valor. Where there is the dusty mould of fear, there the glaive of the Ray is turned into a whip!

17. Know how difficult it is to reach the hearts of people. The spirit does not pierce through, and the carnal envelope is becoming dense. How much more, then, should one welcome those who look around like eagles, and to whom the mist of the future is like a clear mirror.

Although the events of the conflict are great, still one thing I can promise to the faithful ones: in every situation We will safeguard their dignity. Those hostile currents We will turn to usefulness.

A Command to My warriors is not spoken twice. Let us build better our ways, marking the possibilities. Let us not be afraid if at first glance these possibilities appear too scattered. Grass does not grow instantaneously. But fortunately I see youthful heads worthy, to be entrusted with the loosened strings.

You must rely upon the unknown ones and the Unseen Ones.

18. When people leave they feel one of two ways: either that they have lived long in this place, which means that their aura had become attached to objects, or that everything has come to an end around them, which means that their aura is surging in aspiration.

It is very important to distinguish these two kinds of people. Often by an external sign one can form an opinion about the fundamental category.

Who then are My people? Those who do not feel any place to be their home; those who do not attach any value to objects; who love to ascend mountains; who love the singing of birds; who value the air of the morning hour; who value action more than time; who understand flowers; who display fearlessness without noticing it; who abhor gossip; who esteem the manifestation of the joy of beauty; who understand the life beyond the limits of the visible; who feel when one can partake of Amrita; who hasten to fulfill the prophecy. These, My people, can use My Power.

As King in the Land of Whirlwinds, I can send them a drop of dew from the tree Elgario, which reveals the life of the future.

19. Let Me tell you how a great warrior achieved one of his greatest victories. He set fire to the steppes behind his own troops and gave a thousand horses to the prisoners, offering them escape. In terror they rushed to his enemy and spread fear there. On their heels his hordes came rushing, seeing no other way out. Quicker than flames they trampled down the toe.

A short-sighted leader sets the fire behind the enemy forces, but the wise one kindles one behind his own.

Similarly, when the first wanderers from Asia were on the march they destroyed bridges and crossings behind them, so that retreat would not enter their minds.

20. There is an Oriental riddle: "What is it that likes to be buried?" Answer: "A seed."

Precisely, the seed of a plan must be buried in the ground, but when it begins to come to life it grows only upward.

The Teacher sees new possibilities, and the fire of the steppe chases the riders in one direction.

21. Amidst dusty daisies rises a lily of Heavenly Purple. It is better to live near the Celestial Flower, for earthly flowers are the sole living bond between Earth and Heaven.

In the creation of floral pollen there are precipitated, as it were, crystals of prana. Without frivolity one can say that in flowers the Heaven settles down upon Earth.

If the Earth were deprived of flowers, half of its vitality would disappear. Just as important is the snow, and like beacons of salvation stand the snowy mountains.


1. When the scope of the work grows, the floors and ceilings begin to crack. Men understand with great difficulty the difference between "it can be" and "it will be." It seems to them that if it can be it already will be. But where is the achievement and where the desire to pass over all walls?

2. Let us imagine the Earth crammed with wireless stations. But a few of them will be of very high tension. Only these few will direct the life of the planet. Exactly so do there exist spirits of high intensity who have fully charged their accumulators in past incarnations. Their characteristic feature will be a firm consciousness of the indissolubility of their inner ego, whence is born the concept of the higher freedom. And to the station of high tension is adjoined a network of smaller stations which receive its continuous waves. Thus does a spirit of high tension nourish its surroundings; it is analogous to a solitary tower reigning over the space. That is why people are attracted from early childhood to such magnets, even overburdening them.

Achievement is not renunciation; it is containment and movement. Thus, when I say, "he who has renounced," it should be understood as, "he who has contained." It is impossible to present the substance of renunciation, because beside it nestles prohibition. But containment emphasizes conscious understanding.

And how did the Great Mother renounce the worlds? In that She contained the greatness of the structure of the future, and henceforth nothing could hinder the growth of the spirit.

Loyalty is a quality of the spirit of high tension, and the evincing of containment makes true achievement a joyous acquisition. Thus can the achievement be developed, for a luminous attainment brings forward a following one.

Holy Heroes have been represented correctly as sailing in a boat. Thus does the wave of world energy carry along those who have entered its current.

Again one has to remember the difference between threat and solicitude. When I warned an illustrious horseman to learn how to jump off a speeding horse, he considered this contrary to the customs of his steppe country. But when a frenzied steed brought him abruptly to the shore of a rapid, he had to jump off awkwardly, and remained lame thereafter.

Yet it is easy to adhere to the world current through faithfulness. We are striving only toward joy.

3. Strive into the future, by-passing the soot of the present.

4. Learn this: One should not be destructive but should summon the best patience.

It is terrible to see how few are those who respond to the call without evasive excuses and complaints. One may give to men the most precious, but at the hour of the call they will forget all they have already received.

How can one think about the New World it the old one has not been realized? A hedgehog has many needles, but these will not make him a king.

Our mentioned Help can flourish when it is accepted by those to whom it is sent. We rejoice when the Hand is not rejected.

5. Do not live on income from money. This profit is stained. The best interchange of goods is by direct exchange of objects; or it necessary they can be allowed to be exchanged into money to be reconverted immediately.

Do not be displeased except with yourself. Do not let others do what you can do for yourself, and in this way you will abolish the thralldom of servants. Do not say twice what needs to be said once. Do not re-tread the same path, for even a stone threshold will wear away. Do not swim where one has to fly. Do not turn back where one should make haste. Do not distort your mouth in ill-speech where you should pass in silence. When the steel of achievement is needed, do not cover yourself with rays. No need for a saddle where wings are growing. Not the fist but the hammer drives in the nail. Not the bow but the arrow reaches the mark. Not by my God, but by thine. Do not be bounded by a fence but by the fire of thought.

6. Regard nothing as belonging to you; the easier for you not to. damage things. Think how best to adorn each place; the surer will you protect yourself from rubbish. Consider how much better than the old must each new thing be; by this will you affirm the ladder of ascent. Think how beautiful is the morrow; thus will you learn to look forward. Think how cruel is the condition of animals; thus will you start to pity the lower. Reflect how small is the Earth; thus will you improve your understanding of relationships. Think how beautiful is the sun hiding behind the Earth's sphere; thus will you restrain yourself from irritation. Think how white are the doves in the sun's ray; thus will you strengthen your hope. Think how blue is the sky; thus will you approach eternity. Think how black is darkness; thus will you guard yourself against the cold of retreat. Think courageously about the Images of the Great Ones; thus will you follow the line of unity. Think what happiness it is to walk upon the crust of the planet, imbuing it with the consciousness of the spirit* Think what happiness it is to walk under the rays of constellations, being a focal point of rays millenniums of years old. Think about Our Hand, which guides vigilantly; thus will you prolong the thread of life.

7. When someone bars your way, step aside in silence if you know your path. When you have to find shelter, find good words for the host. If your path is broad, when the hour of departure strikes, find good words for those remaining. When a tree blossoms by the roadside, do not break it; maybe it will give joy to those coming after you. When you hear a call of greeting, do not spoil it. When you hear a singing bird, do not shake the tree. When you see children approaching, say, "We have been expecting you." When you are hurrying for supper, step on dry stones. When you go to rest, set your thoughts in order. When you hear something pleasant about yourself, do not write it down in a note book. When you think about an offense, look back for the dust on the floor.

8. "It is better to accept an urgent message than to hide from the messenger. It is better not to paint brightly the gates on a dusty road. It is better to let one's horse into a vegetable garden than to make it step on stones. It is better to forgive a village policeman than to have a lawsuit with the magistrate. It is better to give up carrots than to be deprived of peas. It is better to fall asleep on a wooden plank than on an ant hill. It is better to receive sound reprimands than to smirk at syrupy speech. It is better to be friends with a donkey than to listen to a fox. It is better to call a physician than to bleed a demon. It is better to shudder at the torments of the past than to be in doubt about the future. It is better to judge in the morning and forgive in the evening. It is better to think by day and fly by night." Thus is it said in the book "The Pearl of Dreams," written in China.

9. The Teaching of new possibilities of life attracts practical heads, and when the manifestation becomes possible it will be accepted as readily as telephotography. It is gratifying to realize that two worlds will unite under the very eyes of humanity. The condition of spiritual purity will be understood as a practical requisite in life. And again, as in the most ancient times of priesthood's prime but in a popular application, the fire of knowledge will begin to shine. The chief necessity is to bring into balance the forces of visible nature and the Power of the Invisible Sources.

It is easy to attune the apparatus of visible science with the conduits of the Higher World. For instance, clairaudience will be as, easily understood as the wireless telephone, which will be very soon established. But just then attention will be paid to the differences in the quality of communications, and in comparing the peculiarities of the mediators the practicability of spirituality will be understood.

As photography will never replace creativeness, so too a physical apparatus can never substitute for spirituality.

A special harm can be found in "phenomena," because the discharge of the forcibly disturbed matter produces a repelling atmosphere of tossing electrons. Nothing harms an organism so much as useless phenomena.

10. I rejoice to see how the lightning flashes of foresight regarding the people's welfare sparkle amidst your thoughts. These thoughts have to be launched into space. If you could daily spare half an hour for the future! Verily, the bonfire of your thoughts would receive Our welcome.

Let the things of everyday life vanish, but let the country of the future be embodied in thought. And what cleanses the spirit more thoroughly than thoughts about the welfare of others? And what tempers the armor of steadfastness better than the wish to lead others to Light? And what weaves a better smile than a desire to see the very last child laughing? I urge you to think thus about the future, to place daily a pearl into the necklace of the Mother of the World. And so, concisely and simply think how to adorn the Hearth of the World.

There should be no comparison with the past, for a wrinkle of the past is usually a nest of errors. One can sail past alien shores; one has only to admire the world of light bestowed upon all that lives. Light is the best bridge between the visible and the Invisible. When one can think about the future not by the evening fire but in the radiance of the sun, then the dew drops of prana illumine the thinking brow.

11. Let new countries also realize the power of the aspiration of the pure in heart. Let them understand that hypocrisy of thoughts is an obstacle to the attainment of communion in spirit.

Say to all who hope to be with Us that they should keep their thoughts pure. Achievement is born of pure thoughts. No display of action will yield fruit unless it has been uplifted by the wings of a rainbow thought.

I understand how difficult it is to catch the fleas of thinking. That is why I repeat: to ventilate the convolutions of your brain so that the tiny jumpers will have no chance to settle their progeny there. Chaotic thinking begets small insects and cuts off the best paths. Vermin of the body cause a man to be shunned. How much more repellent must be the vermin of spirit.

When thoughts flow broadly, then even their unpleasant direction may finally be not harmful. But when the thinking resembles in content a drop of stagnant water, then there is no possibility to reveal the image of the New World.

One must affirm one's thinking, and steadfastly keep in mind the four given precepts. One has to remember this; one must avoid confused thoughts. I strongly urge you to emphasize the beauty of the firmament and to link it with thoughts about the future.

12. The dates of nations' destinies can be cognized according to the waves of the understanding of religion. Where there is obvious unbelief, there the harvest of God is already near. But where there is hypocritical splendor, there the sword is ready. The example of Saul will be instructive.

Nowadays, on the day of an annual festival we understand how the most ragged vagabond can manifest an achievement, and how a chiton can conceal noisome ulcers. Thus we see a new dividing of the world. One can forgive ragamuffins much, but the blinding gold of sumptuous chambers cannot outweigh the chalice of justice.

13. I have already told you about the inner understanding of languages. Write down this legend:

It was once proclaimed that a certain high priestess could understand any language through the inner consciousness, and wonderful results followed. Envoys from far-off lands spoke to her in their own language and she understood them. Thus there was created a legend about the eternal language.

But crowds of people wished to be convinced about it. Many foreigners were brought forward, and the priestess was led down from the eighth floor in spite of her protests. But nothing was manifested for the people, and the strangers reiterated in vain their speeches.

Thus was ruined one of the best possibilities. Yet it would be possible to put this into practice by studying the quality of aura, because this is the bridge of both bliss and contagion.

The ability to understand even one's own native tongue depends not upon the ear but on the contact with other centers through the aura. Therefore, it is better to say, "I have understood," than to say, "I have heard."

Therefore, as to the question of aura, its color is not to important as is its inner intensity.

14. My Hand will not tire to lead, but you do have to walk, each one with full strength. It is correct to apply one's strength to the difficult, because everything easy is incommensurate with the future.

What does a mother say to her son upon his leaving for war? "Know how to defend thyself." Thus, My warriors also must understand how to fight single-handed.

The chain of the circle may facilitate, but resourcefulness is tested when one is left to oneself.

15. Seldom do We choose the water routes. The element of water is in opposition to the magnetism of the mountains. The arrows of the lightning pierce the water without accrual of results. But We strive to insulate each current.

Metals are to be selected not according to their costliness but to their resistivity. One should not wear copper things. The ancients knew how much more useful was bronze. Also, zinc should no longer be used in the household. Not only is infection possible through contact with copper, but the channel of this metal brings maladies. Therefore, the copper coin has to be abolished. A tiniest silver one is better.

The crime of speculation has to be prosecuted relentlessly, because the Earth is sick from speculation. Each epoch has its own plague. At present it is the epidemic of speculation. It must not be thought that humanity has always been plagued with this disease. But this disease brings promise of a radical change, because it cannot pass gradually and a paroxysm of evolution is needed in order to root out this infection.


1. Prayer is the realization of eternity. In prayer there is beauty, love, daring, courage, self-sacrifice, steadfastness, aspiration. But if in the prayer are included superstition, fear and doubt, then such an invocation is related to the times of fetishism.

How then should one pray? One can spend hours in aspiration, but there may be a prayer of lightning speed. Then instantaneously, without words, man places himself in continuity with the whole chain into the Infinite. Resolving to unite with the Infinite, man inhales emanations of the ether, as it were, and without mechanical repetitions establishes the best circuit for the current. Thus, in silence, without wasting time, one can receive a stream of refreshment.

Only developed spirituality can uplift the human consciousness in a single sigh. But We must repeat about prayer, because people will inquire about it.

Needless are conjurations, needless are entreaties, needless is the dust of humbleness, needless are threats, for we alone transport ourselves into the far-off worlds, into the treasuries of possibilities and knowledge. We feel that they are predestined for us, and we approach them daringly.

Thus understand the Covenant: "Pray in no wise but in spirit."

2. If we begin to decompose matter, we see that the liberated atoms begin to arrange themselves according to the basic tone, and, escaping into the ether, they form a rainbow that resounds with the music of the spheres.

If an entire planet be decomposed, then indeed the result will be a rainbow. This can be observed in every dissolution of visible matter.

Our Ray dispatches myriads of purified atoms, which enwrap the man if there is no astral whirlwind around him. This is the reason for the calmness of the spirit, as otherwise the remnants of Karma will obscure the object of the sending.

The lower spirits rend the Ray like monkeys, tearing the precious fabric without any benefit to themselves, because the atoms of matter are useless for restless shells.

This must be remembered while uniting the spirit in prayer with the Infinite.



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