4. Do not make enemies. This is an enjoinment to all. Know your enemies, beware of them, stop their actions, but bear no malice. And if the enemy comes of his own accord under your roof, give him warmth, because large is your roof and the newcomer shall not take your place. But if it is difficult to overcome a deep feeling, then cover it with the smile of Light.
The sentiment of old fictitious accounts is verily incommensurate with the Plan of the Lords. For if we put upon a scale the works in their original form and the fictions devised through the exertions of hatred, the latter will be the weightier.
In the name of co-measurement one must find a right place for people; otherwise, we might as well speak with the same intonation about the center of the planet and an ink spot.
A piece of music played in one tonality evokes distaste. Therefore, We bid you to understand the practicality of co-measurement. But if you notice a long conversation about an empty shell, arrest the attention of the speaker upon the impracticability of naught. With many people this discipline is indispensable.
Do not be afraid if you be called insane, for the path is open to you. Do not forget to praise the enemies.
Let us conclude about the enemies.
5. About the non-comeasurement of dates. Along with an ocean wave small streamlets of events are given. Can one confuse a streamlet with an ocean? But upon Earth one always hurries to confuse the personal with the world-wide. As the hand feels the thickness of a fabric, so must the spirit discriminate the depth of the events. Do not be fascinated by the seeming magnitude of events, because among the basic nodes there may be motley Phantoms, and the streamlets can temporarily change their beds.
An incidental moment, or silence, or indisposition should not be attributed to the wave. Thus, if the traveler stops for rest on his way this does not mean that he has deviated from the path.
The manifestation of a nodal wave rises instantaneously but before each wave the boat hesitates. The more sensitive boat will shudder the stronger because the dust of the explosion already fills the atmosphere.
Therefore, the co-measurement of the dates and events must not be forgotten.
Acceleration of the current can especially affect the organism. The complexity of events sometimes even seems to sever the thread; but this is only temporary, while the organism digests a double portion of the world's course. The complexity of physical conditions can augment the physical sensations One should not then overtire oneself, as the waves of the ocean augur an approaching change.
6. Acceleration, as well as retardation, proceeds in waves. Therefore, when perceiving a wave of acceleration one must succeed in casting into it as many seeds as possible.
7. The laws of appearance of Teachers coincide with the plan of the whole culture. Karma rolls up like a scroll, and signs of the departing earthly power begin to flash out.
For those who know the future it is hard to observe these departing flickers. Like yesterday stands tomorrow. And the step is measured not in feet but in three year periods. Thus is obtained the stride of Giants, to whom it is not frightening to step over whole centuries. Thus does the psychology of the spirit reach the Earth.
For earthly shells each century is like a menace. But the bridge of the spirit bestows wings of truth.
To those overstriding the span of three years it sometimes seems that they do not live. A specially propelled aerostat sometimes seems to be motionless because its apparent inertia does not correspond to the surroundings.
8. He who carries the knowledge of the future can walk boldly even upon shaky stones.
Success is then when the consummation is beautiful. Success is then when one can set forth upon a new journey.
The wish is already a part of the fulfillment. Courageously advance to Light!
The parting is the forerunner of the meeting. And St. Sergius used to say: "You must depart, otherwise you cannot meet again."
9. I wish to recall the cult of the high priestesses. There was one group which was brought into an exalted state by means of chemical preparations; another by way of magnetic currents; and there were also low grades of conjurations and mechanical whirlings. Then began the inward concentration oh the threshold of sleep or the concentration upon a brilliant object. The knowledge which came from within, without any apparent conditions, was considered the highest.
The path of the world evolution proceeding under your eyes requires different conditions, and the time is coming when psychic forces must be strongly restricted for the sake of the spirit. For the last decade the lower strata of nature have taken possession of the lower psychic manifestations to such an extent that a danger to evolution is arising.
You can progress not by the way of the lower strata of phantoms and encumbrances but through cooperation with the Higher Planes.
10. Now about the circles of receptivity. The circles of keen sight proceed centrifugally and those of receptivity proceed centripetally. From symbols and dim outlines they advance spirally to sharp fact, to clair-call, clair-audience, clair-voyance, clair-understanding, clair-achievement, clair-knowledge.
One must understand that into the category of the call the fact does not enter, because in this category a precise action can be misunderstood and will only increase the danger.
I do not wish to imply anything demeaning about those who need the call, but a fact in their hands would be like a loaded gun given to one ignorant in handling weapons.
Of course the boundary of the call is quite relative, but when one can pass over to the circle of understanding We greatly rejoice.
Each circle is like a caravan. Of course a whole caravan carries more than a single horse; yet, on the other hand, a single horse can delay the whole movement. Shyness or misstep can upset the march. Therefore, the concepts of achievement and clair-achievement differ very distinctly. It is possible to check the flash of the achievement, but not the fire of clair-achievement.
The flame of clair-achievement may flicker from the effect of Cosmic vortices, but it cannot be removed from the head. You will understand why a symbol, as an identifying sign, is necessary up to a certain degree. Later on it becomes unbearable and begins to fall off like a husk.
Like the music of the spheres, the all-existing resounds along the ways of Boundlessness and Non-recurrence.
As a bird flutters and then flies, so does a word gush from Our Furnace, and afterwards it can only be confirmed. Occultly the first moment is more important than a repetition. But when one can catch the boiling of the Furnace, it glows more powerfully than a command.
11. I have already told you that the Mother of the World conceals Her Name. I have already shown you how the Mother of the World veils Her Face. I have already made mention about the Mother of Buddha and Christ.
Indeed it is time to point out that the one Mother of both Lords is not a symbol but a Great Manifestation of the Feminine Origin, in which is revealed the spiritual Mother of Christ and Buddha.
She it was Who taught and ordained Them for achievement.
From times immemorial the Mother of the World has sent forth to achievement. In the history of humanity, Her Hand traces an unbreakable thread.
On Sinai Her Voice rang out. She assumed the image of Kali. She was at the basis of the cult of Isis and Ishtar. After Atlantis, when a blow was inflicted upon the cult of the spirit, the Mother of the World began to weave a new thread, which will now begin to radiate. After Atlantis the Mother of the World veiled Her Face and forbade the pronouncement of Her Name until the hour of the constellations should strike. She has manifested Herself only partly; never has She manifested Herself on a planetary scale.
One may cite many examples when even high Magi left behind them unexpected consequences and a desire to find support in the lower strata of matter. Such perversion could be termed the channel of the intellect, and can arrest for a long time the communion with other worlds.
Now people mechanically search for the already spiritually predestined.
The Teaching of the Future Epoch will be reunion of the spirit and intellect.
The course of the planets permits the hastening of the communion between the worlds, and the development of the human spirit will proceed along new ways.
The luminaries permit the acceleration of the course of humanity.
12. Now, more about the Mother of the World. The Mother is Beauty; the world is self-sacrifice. Precisely by these two fundamentals are the Gates opened.
The bridge between the planets, and the shortening of race cycles, rests upon these two fundamentals. Why the path of gradual progress, if a single flash of illumination can lift one over the boundaries?
The one whose path is to a far-off world usually meets a messenger upon departure from Earth. The liberated one tells this messenger whether he prefers to embrace a new path or would return to help the Earth. Of course many prefer a new path, but there are some who decide to continue the path here.
Verily, it is better to wait awhile in the vegetable kingdom and by-pass insects. One can even avoid a whole planet.
13. Just now, during the grave days of the approach of Mars, when the lower past currents are disturbing, We think only about the future.
The unprecedented deviations of planets help the awakening of consciousness. The Space is becoming dense, and the ray of Mars will be drowned in the light of the Mother of the World.
14. Healer, tell the ailing ones that the use of wine diminishes by halt their chances, that the use of narcotics takes away three quarters of their vitality. Certainly in My pharmacy there is no place for narcotics. Before using My medicines one must spend three years amidst prana.
15. M. has left many magnets on Earth. Therefore, I say, My path is easy to walk. The work toward cooperation with highest planets demands that on these planets abide harmonized spirits in conscious work. Usually the quest is from below and the answer from above. The higher, the more unity.
The created state of Earth's isolation must end, and it must be finally brought into the predestined circle. Otherwise, not only the Earth but also Mars and Saturn will fall behind in development.
Why do only a few go to Jupiter, when the atmosphere of the Earth is so encumbered?
One wishes to say: "Dear travelers, look upward. And if instead of clinging to the illusions of Earth you wish to fly farther, then your wings will grow. Instead, you have encumbered by the same miserable hovels the whole astral plane. The same slander, the same illusory smoke, but you forget that your phantoms fume malodorously. The rays of the sun are dimmed by your feasts of dullness. Empty shells create empty shells."
But imagine if the ghosts were to strive toward the creation of a beautiful movement. Then the rays, instead of only being disinfectant, could be transformed into rays of enlightenment.
Actually, thought creates beyond the earthly limits. Therefore, learn to govern the thoughts.
16. For a consciously developed spirit the period of sojourn on the astral plane could be limited to an interval of forty days, but various earthly conditions have prolonged this time to an interminable period. The misery and grief of those who are carried away from Earth binds them thereto.
The best instance of this is found in the Biblical legend about Lot. For a new life they walked out of the city, and only one condition was imposed upon them — not to look back. But the wife of Lot looked back, and bound herself to Earth.
Religion says: He who goes to his fathers will dwell with them; he who goes to the angels will dwell with them; and he who goes to God will dwell with Him. It means that he who has ordained for himself the utmost progress arrives at the best attainment. Therefore, the best bidding to the one who departs from Earth will be — "Hurry, without looking back."
What about the dear ones? But the higher you ascend, the better and closer you will see them. Of course, 'the cause of the delay is usually in the last remaining near ones. Therefore, the abbreviation of the sojourn on the astral plane depends upon a proper cooperation.
The higher up, the more pleasant the stay; and on the border of the mental plane the spirit can rest, because there the spirit is already subject to lofty attractions. But one must consciously avoid the lower strata. It is necessary that an explosive impulse of the consciousness propel the kernel of the spirit upward as far as possible. Therefore, the moment of transition is so important, for in it one may dispatch oneself to the higher strata. Once the lower strata are contacted, it is very difficult to rise afterwards.
If the condition of spirit permits, it is far better to use the last flash of the nerves' emanation for flight. Thus the lower strata will be more sparse. It is important to dissolve the atmosphere of the lower strata so that it will not press upon the Earth. Cooperation from above and below will give the speediest results.
Transition without consciousness has been correctly noted. It is easy to assist in this, if beforehand there be strengthened the desire for lofty flight. Then the emanation of the nerves acts almost automatically.
Very helpful are prayers about the "wandering of the soul." The one thing wrong in them is that they reiterate about rest, whereas it would be better to stress haste.
Everyone should read and remember this, for it will not only help the individual but also advance the world plan.
1. The manifestation of labor for the future will transform the present. If people would understand that only the future exists, cooperation would approach.
There are two kinds of knowledge — one expressed in words, the other an exact one realized by spirit but not to be put into words. One cannot even explain in words how this understanding arises, but it is truly wondrous.
Our experiments and flights bring straight-knowledge. And if the spirit's subtle body prevents its penetrating farther than certain spheres, the illumination of the spirit contacts the most distant radiations of the Cosmos.
It would be stupid and crude to try to transmit by rough words the Light of Knowledge. It would be as ridiculous as are the absurd conventional terms.
I can whisper one thing: that you, foreseeing the possibility of knowledge through the window of individual flights, are correct in revolting against its belittlement.
2. I consider that the miracle of nature-spirits can be explained. Their main property is elasticity. Their form depends on the aspiratory conditions. Falling into the focus of human sight, they are sucked into human form. Men will see them in human shape and animals will see them as animals, because they have no shell.
I attest that whether the forms are fearful or beautiful depends upon the reflex of the nerves. The potentiality of the elements is such that it is always ready to respond to nerve reflexion and thus to doubly reinforce Our sending in a definite direction.
One should not think that the elemental spirits are Our brood. Their manifestation may be likened to the spark at the moment of contact with a tense reservoir, of dynamite. The consciousness of this spark becomes kindled upon contact with the human spirit. Of course their grade varies, as does the intensity of the dynamite's energy.
One can evoke mechanically the intensity of this energy, but We are against this magic; because it disturbs the regularity of the waves of the elements and is full of repercussions. One can use this energy outside of the usual earthly conditions. The rays can bring the waves of elements into balance. Of course you also make use of them, but as long as this action is from spirit it is less dangerous.
It is easy to transform many factories into focuses of magic. True, it is difficult to transmit in ordinary words the cooperation of the elements. Thus, the dynamo and the conjured circle both have a scientific basis. However, people at present work so zealously in the mines of evil that it is inadvisable to give them access to close possibilities.
The collision of the two Principles is unavoidable, and the sooner the better.
3. The spirits of elements strive toward union with man. They undergo the development of consciousness in lower forms of elements, and rarely possible are cases of their growth up to the consciousness of man. Man, however, in extraordinary cases can bypass a whole planet. But, of course, in strict classification one may place the bulk of the elemental spirits into the primary forms.
You know how varied are the evolutions. The understanding should be expanded.
One can devote a special discourse to the elements. This domain is very beautiful.
4. The path of construction is absorbing, but it can be vouched that the steps of self-denial will also bring joy. Precisely the beauty of Cosmos brings selflessness closer into the consciousness.
The feeling of Cosmic loneliness is but the realization of direct paths, as only in this consciousness can man fly into other worlds, helping others for their sake alone.
5. Let whirlwinds and waterspouts darken the air; amidst their dust gleams the generative silver which spiritualizes the colors of Earth.
During the pressure of turmoil distressful moments can occur, because the eruption of a whole part of the world is a mighty volcano.
Since ancient times, people have been advised at the hour of turmoil to repeat a short invocation and by rhythmic repetitions to repulse the wave of influences. Later, these measures deteriorated into the senseless repetition of religious words; nevertheless the principle remains sound. Sometimes our spirit demands certain reiterations or enumerations.
During the best periods of priesthood's reign the chosen words were: "Adonai," "Ishtar," "Alleluia," and "Aum." Also, the repetition of the alphabet or of figures was in use. Of course, actually the power is not in the words themselves but in the creation of waves.
The fact is that sometimes through the invocation of the spirit a useful wave can be created. But habits are like numbness, under which even a powerful remedy ceases to act.
Sometimes during vortices one can create one's own purifying wave. When a poisonous breath is about to touch one, it is best to exhale. Likewise, one can create by will power a protecting veil. During the Mystery rites the priestesses were so deeply enwrapped in an almost invisible veil that they ceased to hear and to see, as if the thread of existence had been severed. It was a kind of purification, in an atmosphere full of turmoil.
I am reminding you about the mystery of the protective wave, because it had its origin in Asia.
Humanity is in need of new ways, and the window into the Astral World must be open. The wise one feels cold upon the blasted Earth.
6. I have said, I say, and I will say, "Help build My Country." And remember this Our request not in warmth and abundance, but in the cold and in moments of hardship.
It has been told that there will be instances which require courage, that there will be sharp precipices which can be crossed only in the Name of the Teacher.
They will say, "It is warm by the fire." You will answer, "I hasten into the cold."
They will say, "Fine is the fur coat." You will answer, "Too long for walking."
They will say, "Close the eyes." You will answer, "Forbidden on watch."
You can cross the bridge with invincible strength, and at the moment of weariness remember Our request, for the Plan is as beautiful as the radiance of elements.
7. The elements are spacial substance, imponderable and immeasurable — semi-amorphous crystals in the aspect of the so-called elemental manifestations. The essence of the unmanifested spirit permeates the substance of space.
It is said of man that he is born and he dies. About the elemental spirit it can be said that it flashes and becomes extinct. Like an arrow, the consciousness of the manifested spirit pierces into the substance of the elements, and like a magnet it gathers the molten substance. The birth of an elemental spirit is conditioned by the contact of a manifested consciousness. Verily, boundless is cooperation!
The quality, appearance and dynamic force of the spirit depends upon the spirit of the creator. Therefore, evil thinking is condemned as the begetter of monstrosity. The force of consciousness produces a corresponding reflex in the substance of space. And the flared-up focuses of space remain close to him who created them. A mediocre consciousness will beget easily extinguishable sparks, but a potentially growing consciousness can create giants. It is a factory of good and evil; therefore, the quality of thought is so important.
Thus, We have hewed out a picture of the evolution of life of the space, and We can urge humanity to do better and not to besmirch the waves of the beautiful Light.
The spheres of the elements are of dazzling beauty, and besmirching them is like destroying a wonderful flower. I feel that the teaching of pure thoughts will penetrate into people's consciousness. The sower of thought gathers the harvest. Therefore, with the Mother of the World all-seeing cooperation is unavoidable. The state of the substance of the space, pierced by the combinations of new rays, permits the beginning of the New Era. All Good should be gathered.
8. The Blessed One told this parable about the Wheel of the Law:
To a skillful scribe there came an honorable man who commissioned him to copy, upon an ample parchment the man supplied, an appeal to the Lord. Immediately afterward a man came with a request to copy a letter full of threats; and he also provided a parchment, urging that the work be finished quickly. In order to give this letter priority, the copyist changed the sequence and hurried with second order taking up the parchment of the first man in his haste. He of the threats was very pleased, and rushed away to pour out his venom.
Then the first customer returned and, looking at the parchment, said, "Where is the parchment I gave you?" On hearing what had occurred he said, "The parchment for the prayers bore the blessing of fulfillment, whereas the parchment of threats was devoid of effectiveness. Unfaithful man, in violating the law of dates you have bereft of its power a prayer which could have aided the sick. But besides this you have brought into fulfillment threats which are full of unparalleled consequences. The labor of the Arhat in blessing my parchment is wasted. Wasted is the labor of the Arhat who stripped evil of its power. You have loosed upon the world a malicious curse which will inevitably react upon you yourself. You have pushed from the path the Wheel of the Law so that it will not lead you onward but will break your way."
Do not write laws upon a dead parchment which may be carried away by the first thief. Bear the laws in spirit, and the breath of Benevolence will carry before you the Wheel of the Law, illuminating your path. Such unreliability as that of the scribe may bring catastrophe upon the whole world.
9. My Ray manifests the sign of spirit and presages a fierce battle. One can conceive the New World as the destiny of the spirit; it can be recognized according to the importance of knowledge. The spring of the spirit brings health. The years fly, carrying to the spirit a foothold. The spirit summons and transforms the sign of priesthood into spiritual wonderment before the destiny of man.
10. Friends! Place four stones into the foundation of your actions: First — Reverence of Hierarchy. Second — Realization of unity. Third — Realization of co-measurement. Fourth — Application of the canon, "By thy God."
For the affirmation of the First, evoke all your love. Recall from your childhood the best smiles, the brightest rays of the sun and the first song of the birds beneath the window.
For the Second, gird yourselves in the armor of the day, take up the weapons of your actions, and refresh your perception by a draught of cooling water.
For the Third, select in your workroom the longest vertical line and call it the dimensional scale of the Plan. Apply mentally all discontents, irritations and fatigues to the scale of the World Plan, and, upon comparing, you will not find even the smallest place for illusory moods.
For the Fourth, picture to yourself all the boundlessness of the stellar universe. Verily, Our Father has many abodes; which of them shall we stain? Recalling the given canon, imagine that out of a closed house you are coming into the light. Thus, all that you need will come to you.
Inscribe upon the first stone A Dove; upon the second A Warrior; upon the third A Pillar; upon the fourth The Sun.