11. You may have noted in My Words cryptic passages or separate words not clear for today. Remember, guidance is on condition that karma be not infringed upon.

The understanding of Good must prompt one how to put milestones along the road.

12. It is best to strive onward: everyone has his own path. It is useful to attune the organism for receptivity to the Teacher's Teaching. Our Ray is working constantly, but concentration of the spirit is necessary. It is best to seek the Teacher's Indications in various manifestations of life. It is good to be able to pray. Prayer, or spiritual communion, is the highest manifestation; but for this, mental refinement and spiritual strength are indispensable.

The knowledge of communion is dangerous and can involve the weakening of the organism, like narcotics

13. People often lack discipline of spirit and a sense of co-measurement. The key to the next attainment is the most difficult step on the path. Therefore, many beginners consider the path of an Adept like galley slavery. Not a flattering opinion, but I prefer the austerity of the spirit's drive.

The despair of spiritual emptiness before the anointing was well known to the initiates into the mysteries of Isis. On the night of the anointment the neophyte was locked in a special chamber where he emptied the full chalice of despair and rent his garments, enduring a mortal anguish in spirit.

Before dawn he sank into a stupor, and at daybreak, when the sun illumined the pylons of the temple and the priests intoned the morning prayer, the High Priest unlocked the door, awakened the neophyte, and led him into a dazzling hall, where he received his new name and was reborn in exaltation of the spirit.


1. On certain steps a clean place is indispensable. Our Ashrams are distinguished by cleanliness. The hygiene of the spirit presupposes the hygiene of the body. Human emanations are harmful for a certain aspect of spiritual life. Many of Us with a special sensitiveness cannot endure the emanations of the world.

Ritual ablutions must be understood both literally and symbolically. The highest and final act of all mysteries was distinguished by the absence of ritual. Often the Initiator said to the neophyte: "Here thou com'st to Me, armed with the Secret; but what can I give thee, when the crown of fulfillment is preserved within thyself. Sit down, open the last gates, and I in prayer will alleviate thy last ascension."

2. Let the best warriors of the Holy Grail assemble for the achievement. Above all joys is the smile of achievement. Smilingly, accept the baptism of achievement. Smilingly, pronounce the sternest command. The Teacher walks beside you. In the battle He will support your arm, and in the council will indicate the solution.

Everywhere guardians are walking behind you. Time Hies — hurry to store up knowledge! Joyously accept the austerity of achievement.

3. Joyously quivers the air of the hour before dawn, the hour when Buddha cognized the greatness of Cosmos, and when the Lord Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.

4. Few are the workers. Man, in pursuit of the miraculous, has lost the Guiding Hand. Again We come into the world. Again We bring the testimony of spirit. Now We shall decide the victory in battle and in the laboratory of the scientist. Man will be in tremor when above him the sword will be raised and a voice will shout, "Awaken!" Austere is Our manifestation, and the barriers of the world will be destroyed. By fire will I manifest My envoys, because I Myself lead.

5. It is better to know human weakness than to be nurtured by the images created by weak thoughts. The truth is distressing, but it is time to know that the world is peopled with shadows. Before a catastrophe there always walk shadows. The hammer is raised; and terrible is the dance of shadows who have forgotten the spirit!

Shadows who know not, shadows who are bereft, are not aware of the New World. I foresee that the enemy camp will fall. I see the gold of their attire growing dim. I see the temple of amusements becoming hateful. Radiant is Our way.

6. The human mechanism is complex — a special conscious evolution. From the moment of inception of consciousness there is no common evolution. All is constructed upon an infinite variety of species. General laws are established with difficulty. Even such basic and immutable laws as the law of perfection and the law of compensation cannot be expressed by a single formula.

Book statements are not so simple in practice, and only an especially enlightened mind can penetrate into the structure of the evolution of man. Many lances were broken upon this question, but one may ask for enlightenment.

7. Today it is difficult to picture the times of the fall of Alexandria. Better even not recall the years of this transitory period. Horror seizes one at sight of the religious superstitions of that time. Origen walked upon the still hot coals of the Ancient World. Knowing the covenants of Jesus, he suffered on seeing the ignorance of the crowd. Knowing the sacraments of ancient mysteries, he suffered on seeing the non-comprehension of the oneness of the Source. Knowing the simplicity of the Teaching of Jesus, he suffered on seeing the erection of churches.

He labored alone, suffering from too great contradictions of his own spirit. Along with an unusual clarity and simplicity of spiritual cognition, he was endowed with an unusual complexity of the whole being. In himself Origen atoned for the tempest of the early days of Christianity. Being an apologist of knowledge, he was indignant at the decline of knowledge among the priesthood.

8. I repeat that the light-mindedness of the world is criminal. Is it possible they do not notice danger? The tongues of flame denote the approaching storm of the spirit, but people are unwilling to understand Our signal.

9. Events are thundering. I am endeavoring to restrain, to bridle the madness.

If you could see all the crimes being committed! But We will not allow the panther to leap out. Seekers of spirit shall receive the Guiding Hand. Seekers of knowledge shall receive instruction. Those in sorrow shall receive consolation. Those who raise the sword shall be stricken. The scoffing ones shall be banished. Those who caused evil shall be smitten down. Thus do I decree.

10. It is astounding how the world is going to ruin! The destroyers and the destroyed will be swept away. The new ones approach. From pure clean places will appear new ones: nomads and ploughmen, orphans and vagabonds, monks and convicts, scientists and singers — in short, all those strong in spirit. A legion of its own kind with understanding of spirit.

But one should know that among rejected people there are real pearls. Accept everyone who comes to you and says a word about the spirit. Even in the hardened eyes of a brigand at times a thought of achievement gleams. And even a convict understands self-sacrifice when on watch.

I want to see your cohorts real abodes for strong spirits. Remember that Christ prayed among thieves and that Buddha revealed the sacrament to a brigand. Judge according to the eyes. Thus write it down.

11. Let us speak about the sensitive apparatus.

Imagine yourself a fine needle, of unusual sensitiveness, which reacts to all changes in the surroundings. The needle is connected with a special apparatus which formulates all surrounding currents. The needle vibrates to all currents, all sounds, all images, and the formulating apparatus records all receivings. The sensitiveness is such that even a thought is registered. For preciseness of the work there is needed a constancy of surroundings. A predominant current creates a state of constancy. It means that the apparatus is adapted to this current. It the current is changed, then often the apparatus even stops; especially if the currents are not harmonized.


1. I rejoice when you are imbued with the significance of the future. These are especially crucial times. In old prejudices a mountain of incomprehension is revealed. Obscure are the people's ways. Verily, only Our exertion can alter the course of events. Brutal habits have filled the leisure of mankind.

Christ taught compassion, yet trampled is the law of love. Gotama, called Buddha, besought courage and energy, yet His followers surrendered to laziness. Confucius taught about an orderly system of government, yet his followers have succumbed to bribery and corruption.

It is difficult to say which crime is the worse. Therefore, it is impossible to speak about nations; one can speak only about individuals. Indolence is dreadful and can border upon crime. It is difficult to see the consequences of laziness, but it transforms a man into an animal. I assert that it is one of the chief obstacles on the path. On the spiritual plane at times a murderer is more mobile. Also, bribery deprives a man of the confidence of the Brotherhood, because the treason of such people is great. Also, lack of compassion makes a man unfit for achievement, because such souls are lacking in courage.

2. Truly, the whole Universe consists of many varied origins. By "origin" I mean a series of basic elements. We call those elements primary which are to be found in a free state — that is, not having entered into any combination. One of the principal traits of the creative power is the necessity for combinations.

For Us the universal principle is the basic law of Cosmos, which can be only partially investigated. Of course this cognition is difficult, yet there are possibilities. Many of Us have cognized it spiritually, but it is impossible to express it by a general laboratory formula so long as there are uninvestigated cycles.

The play of the Cosmos is like the flashing of a many-faceted crystal. The mind is capable of grasping only one of these flashes of the crystal. This is not sad but joyous. Of course, butchers cannot transmit the whole subtlety of conceptions.

3. People will forget rest, and will begin to rave in their folly. There is too little imagination, too little understanding, too little knowledge, too little sense of co-measurement, no beauty, no achievement, no desire to renounce comfortable habits!

Be prepared also to see comical figures. One must know how to lead. One must, one must, one must!

If you but knew how often We have to praise sand-piles, calling them castles. Of course. We rejoice when 'the builder is aflame with enthusiasm at the praise and is ready to erect new piles. Keep this in mind.

4. Discipline is the beginning of everything.


1. Let us speak about Lord Buddha.

People do not realize the foundation of the Teaching of the Blessed One. The foundation is discipline. Spiritually and bodily the monk of the community was striving to hold on to the path. In the first years he endured a heavy probation. He was forbidden to kill himself with ascetic practices, but he was enjoined to conduct the battle under sole command of the spirit. Thus austerely did Buddha instruct His disciples. Verily, they knew joy only in spiritual battle; that is why the thorns of the path are spoken of.

Only when the will of the disciple had become leonine, and a silver bridle of the spirit gleamed upon the feelings of the pupil, only then did the Lord lift the veil slightly and assign a task. And then gradually the pupil was initiated into the mysteries of knowledge.

2. The Blessed One said: "Truth is the sole source of courage." The truth correctly understood is the most beautiful chapter of wisdom in the book of Cosmos.

3. Devachan is not an obligatory state. Devachan is like a reservoir of forces. The renewal of the spirit is achieved there. But many souls have a large store of strength and do not need it. They await the date for a new manifestation. Hence, it is important to grasp the true teaching about skandhas.

The law of dates is as important as the law of karma. The law of dates controls the combination of skandhas. The spirit can correct the deficiencies of the physical body. The controlling factor is spirit.

A prodigious memory does not exist; there is only the capacity to evoke facts and images.

The astral plane is still full of earthly possibilities, but further on the knowledge of the spirit predominates; so earthly consciousness exists only in me earthly shell. In the astral body, however, there is still the remnant of a personal consciousness. But this consciousness is not the knowledge of the spirit. Consciousness is only one combination of skandhas. It is a confined knowledge of the spirit. The knowledge of the spirit possesses clarity of conception, but it can be actively manifested only when entering into a combination of skandhas and fecundating the consciousness of the given combination.

In so speaking, I have in mind spirits subject to karma and to the law of dates. The evolution of free spirits is a different one.

We will now approach closer to the question of the influence of karma upon the substance of the spirit in other spheres. This is important to know, as one should comprehend the distinction between consciousness and spirit-knowledge.

4. I affirm that the diversity in the other spheres is great. Name a man and I will tell you his evolution, but to formulate a general law is almost impossible. .

Pride in the spirit is a step toward achievement. If all men would be kings of spirit, the harm would be halved.

5. Now about dates.

The law of karma and the law of dates are like the double-faced Janus — one gives birth to the other. Karma bears the fruit of actions and calls forth the date of manifestation.

Take note that personal karma, group karma, and cosmic karma must be combined — then will the date be correct. Often the development of a personal karma draws after it the group karma. Some spirits are ruled entirely by karma, which means that the knowledge of the spirit is at a minimum and karma is the sole possibility of evolution.

6. New, new, new ones! There is no place for old ones in the new construction. Why address the old ones, when already the lightnings of a new world illumine the horizon? When the traveler spurs his steed to reach his goal, and even We watch the clock of evolution! Putting an ear to the sands of the desert. We hear far-off voices which speak about an unprecedented Epoch.

7. There is no permanency in Cosmos; even a simple object in two consecutive moments appears different.



1. Of course one's own canoe, though full of holes, is better than another's ship. We value sailing only in one's own boat.

2. Certainly life is beautiful. But heretofore it was judged by animal instinct, and that is why the beauty of life could not be pointed out.

Egypt was of lofty culture, but it cannot be said that the present culture is lower. Culture used to be centered in the north of India, but only a limited class of people possessed knowledge. Castes-foolish mustiness — have hindered culture. Indeed, the Lord Buddha wished to abolish this caste foolishness. The Teaching of the Lord was imbued with joy.

3. Verily, Lord Buddha could manifest Himself. The Lord appeared to many, but He wished to make His Teaching the only source, and therefore He ceased personal manifestations.

Worship had no place in the Teaching of the Lord; its essence was knowledge and personal achievement. Just this was the characteristic trait of the Teaching of the Lord. Precisely because of this, His symbol was the lion. We often call the Lord, "King of Thought."

You have understood correctly about the unreality of the surrounding world. When I told you to proceed by the upper path of life, I was repeating the words of the Lord. As you see, the Lord recognized the reality of the surrounding world for the present cycle and taught duty to His disciples.

4. Close tightly your visors. On the verge of events there is silence. On the eve of battle quietly make ready your weapons. Whereas formerly one crossed the cities amidst the shouts of the people, now we shall pass silently, at dawn. Whereas formerly salutes thundered, now is the time of achievement.

We suffocate from people's worship.

Benevolence and austerity are one and the same concept. Formerly We sent the olive branch of peace. Formerly the dove was Our symbol; now it is the chalice of achievement.

Yes, each age has its symbol.

5. The epoch of individual trading has passed. Petty plunderers shall cease to exist. It is better to think about the welfare of the people.

I do not like to talk about reward for labor, but the remuneration will not be delayed. I speak of the joy of labor. The cooperative system is the sole salvation.

6. Value an expanse of thought. I teach you to esteem giants of will. Roundabout you I will bind the Sacred Knot — an invisible one. Our Decree is that you take on your shoulders the attestation to My Advent. Raise the weighty Shield with a firm will of consciousness. Let us say: "Lord, I will help Thy Country; my spirit is arrayed in the armor of fearlessness. Brightly glows Thy star upon my shield. I will catch on the shield all the arrows of Thy adversaries. I wish to help Thee."

7. I shall tell you about two of Akbar's commanders.

One of them received most explicit indications; the other most fragmentary ones only. Finally the latter addressed Akbar, saying: "Why have I not deserved explicit commands, when I brought so many victories?" Akbar replied: "Thy understanding restrained the flow of words. Let each moment saved by thee be commemorated with a most precious pearl."

Thus, great is the joy of those who can understand the saving of a draught of the Source.

One can compare the essence of the Teaching with the exigency of certain moments of battle. I will riot conceal from you that after a success dark rumors always leak through, and one should allow time for the dark missiles to fly by, especially when the fortress has been marked upon the enemy's map. But when the shells furrow the surrounding ground, it will be only the more fitting for future foundations. Therefore, he who has patience will be able to lay the future foundations. When we sit in silence the bond becomes stronger.

The manifestation of new growth denotes a new step, and we already know refined enemies. But behind us new forces are called forth, and therefore we do not need old ways.

8. The main mistake is that the questions and demands of life have not been formulated; whereas any moment I may ask, and what has been lost is not repeated. It has been said: "You know not the day, nor the hour."

I urge you to sharpen thought like a sword. One can learn endlessly.

When I entreat you to help to build My Country, I do not address skeletons, but living, creating spirits. To each one is assigned his sacrifice. The symbol of the open eyes is so important.

9. Help to build My Country. People are loath to see the trembling of the old world. Not sternness, but solicitude about the wonderful Plan impels Me to repeat over and over. And why make a lentil stew out of Amrita?

Every hour repeat to yourself: "Nothing will hinder my race to the Teacher. I have a thousand eyes, and my strength grows only in mobility." The manifestations of mobility and resourcefulness are inseparable.

10. You already know about the conjured circle, you know about its scientific significance. The Plan has that particularity that it has been decided to smooth away the protection of the circle, because it is a cosmic obstacle.

A kind of fear has girdled humanity with various artificial circles. Now it is time to put aside conventional formulae. It is time to meet with awakened spirit the manifestation of Earth and Heaven. It is time with open eyes to tell to the brood of the elements: "I do not fear you! You cannot impede the way pointed out to me."

It is time to say to the Light: "I come as thy helper, and to the sun itself I will stretch out my hand. And as long as the silver thread is intact, the stars themselves shall be my armor." Thus simple is the way ordained to man. And finally the idolatry of symbols will be erased by the ray of Light. And We shall be permitted to be not Gods but Co-Workers. This is the covenant of simplicity.


1. Be not afraid to examine closely the armor of your brother. Only by fingering with a careful hand all the links of the coat of mail can you recognize which side of the brother is the least defended. An armor that shines from the outside may not withstand even a light arrow.

Therefore, if you detect a weak link you can say:

"Brother, in the Name of the Teacher, examine thy coat of mail and finish its tempering; otherwise it is better to fight without any armor at all!"

Therefore, examine the weapons before each battle. Cruel is the lot of him who holds a hilt only.

We rejoice especially when the magnitude of the Plan is being garbed in simplicity. Remember, simplicity possesses the power of attraction. This magnet corresponds to the new abode.

The horned thinking does not permit birds to sing, but My march is only with a song.

2. They will ask: "What kind of heaven is yours?" Answer: "The heaven of toil and struggle." Out of toil is born invincibility; out of struggle, beauty.

Yes, even today I said that I Myself come! Indeed My arrows fly into My Country, and multicolored sprouts await the gardeners.

Upon the walls are My signs, and in the whisper is My breath. Let the bushes grow wild, it is easier ]to remove than to plant. Fear nothing, for, though Our flowers are multiform, by the Voice of the Lords you shall bring them into order.

Notice how Our field is overgrown. Useful sprouts are yet green, dry ones fall off and become black. One can already draw a chart of the new conflict. You will add regions of the struggle of spirit and blot out the mountains of former pride.

As I have said, it is better with ragamuffins than with hypocrites. Become accustomed to perceiving the fire of spirit in the eyes.

The swallow-tailed coat is devoid of the star of struggle which shines on the kaftans.

Today let us remember the Heaven of toil and struggle.

3. Together with co-measurement, necessity must be understood. The final test will be that of necessity. In other words, each one being tested must say what it is that he considers most urgent. According to the quality of the immediate reply will his consciousness be measured.

4. The degree of usefulness can change. The grades of usefulness are as numerous as leaves upon a tree.

If we long for an undeterred Advent, then the ways should be cleared without delay. Day and night must one be accustomed to fulfilling the Decrees and being imbued with the Covenants.

I dislike all bigotry. Let the Ray illumine achievement. Whither shall I send the Ray, if there is wet muslin instead of a shield? Foremost are promptness and firmness of the hand in striking.

As I send you each shield, so must you make use of each moment. Not for a reward and not because of fear do you go forward, but because of a realization of the Cosmic beauty.

5. I will tell you of the origin of the controversy between Buddha and Devadatta.

Devadatta asked: "Wherefrom is each action begun?" The Blessed One answered: "From the most necessary; because each moment contains its necessity, and this is called the justice of action." Devadatta persisted: "How is the evidence of necessity ascertained?" The Blessed One answered: "The thread of necessity crosses all worlds, but whoever has failed to realize this remains within a dangerous chasm, unsheltered from the stones."

Thus, Devadatta could not distinguish the line of necessity, and tills obscurity impeded his way.

A spirited steed even with the end of his hoof feels on which stone to step next. So is felt the order of mobility, co-measurement and necessity.

Many of Our historic records are taken for inscriptions of ancient lawgivers. Often the name of Christ or Buddha even impedes the ease of acceptance, but characters on an unknown stone more readily attract serious attention.

Must one explain that the best result is when the spark of the spirit flashes out? Therefore, know when it is better to remind of the Name and when more useful to give the substance of the Covenant. Remember, when you will be upon different paths.



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